Oh SH*T, the WEF's next phase starts today | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
As war in the middle east expands the WEF is kicking off it’s conference in Davos. Get ready for the next phase of their plan.
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On Today’s Show:
0:00 Countdown
31:30 Welcome
36:09 Israel’s War is our War
1:04:59 New Zombie Brain Infection
1:19:12 Will Diversity Kill us All?
1:38:14 CBDC’s with Whitney Webb
Monday – Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST
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About Clayton and Natali Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former Fox News anchor. In Redacted, Clayton and his wife Natali take an in-depth look at the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
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Islamic fundamentalists wear those collarless white shirts.
As people are waking up to this New World Order run by the elites via the World Economic Forum in Davos, these same elites are working out ways to control the world population in the event there's an uprising. THIS is why there is a big push for AI – they WILL use AI against us, control us from fighting back. It's coming….
in the meantime china is sneaking in their army of migrants into America for a takeover from with in. Without a war united states have no ecomomy…..dam shame
This guy is bought and sold by the Biden administration
We don't care. We wont comply. Let them waste their time. Do not fear.
You dont have to act that way to be gay .. This is just crazy
Talking to Miss Albright – did the Govt change ? NO. Never will.
You guys are amazing thank you for your true honest reporting on the world news
How is Whitney Webb still above ground?! She knows a little too much to be left alive, it seems. Shocked she hasn't had some type of "accident" yet.
We don't have to Listen to the, WEF THER ARE UNELECTED PEOPLE
Most American can care less if Israel ceases to exist
Some say our involvement only prolongs wars, benefiting none? America is hated requardless of our policies, so follow our own counsel?
Why in the Whitney Webb segment is Michael Phelps dresses like a Saudi Prince?
Scott is repeating for several months that USA has no capacity to fight in the middle east. However, the actions and facts show the opposite
Sometimes I think that Israel organised October 7 themselves, because they planned to level down Gaza as the oil licenses were already sold out and they had to start digging on palestinian land
What’s truly appalling is that anyone acting as a journalist who breaks on these stories can sit there and laugh about it … I mean the implications are enormous and yet you sit here laughing
Stay home and you guys can play with your selfs
Do you think the reason little Israel could control the big U S is that they know where all those corruptions are and would expose it?
Look at what Israel gave gentiles- the Messiah.
Gaza carried out the genocide