Omnibus Spending Bill: More of the Same
http://blog.heritage.org/2010/12/16/new-video-pork-filled-spending-bill-just-more-of-the-same Despite promises from President Obama last year and again last month that he opposed reckless omnibus spending bills and earmarks, the White House and members of Congress are now supporting a reckless $1.1 trillion spending bill reportedly stuffed with roughly 6,500 earmarks.
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Obama was a traitor, is a traitor and is going to Gitmo! Can’t wait! 12/27/2Q19 #AmericaFirst #WWG1WGA
@mcap52 Both parties have corrupt people. What else is new? But the Heritage Foundation actually suggests going a step further and returning to our roots that we had with the Founding Fathers.
@mcap52 Obviously, the government won't change, because it's up to "we the people." Change is gradual, but can be good if it goes in the right direction.
@southport97 Not necessarily. If enough people demand a change and do something about it, Obamacare won't have to stay.
GIve it a rest already. Obamacare is here to stay. Live with it.
@M14Mann Even if we eliminated all that, we would still almost be running at a deficit because of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
@mcap52 – 'in their(sic) too'? Silly little boy…
Earmarks are 0.5% of Federal Spending. Let's abolish DHS,NSA,CIA,DEA,ATF,Dept. of Education,Dept. of Energy,Dept. of Agriculture,end the 1 Trillion Dollar a year Military Occupational Empire, end ALL Foreign aid, and more importantly End The Fed. I would rather Know about The Bridge to Nowhere than have that money go to the Executive Branch and be doled out (To his Central Bankster Crony Capitalists) however The President sees fit.
Come on now,did you guys really expect our government to change the way they have been doing business for decades??? We have allowed this to go on forever,and now we expect them to just stop cold turkey???
@bullonay It's not just progressives,there are alot of conservatives with pork in their too.
Thank you McCain, for fighting these bills. If only you had these kinds of balls during the campaign.
@aaronreale You cannot shut down the government during war.
Shut down this government! If your spouse was spending like this, you'd take away their credit cards. Let's do the same to these crooks. This has to end. Now!
1,924 pages, and growing…thanks for the change, progressives…