PART 2: MEDIA LIES ON UKRAINE…Proof Joe Biden DID fire Shokin for Hunter, Burisma Investigation
The mainstream media is not just twisting facts anymore. When it comes to the Ukraine scandal and what Democrats are doing there, the media is outright lying to you to hide the truth. And we’re showing you exactly how. Not only does the left try to dispute DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa and her involvement with Ukraine officials, but they try to argue that General Prosecutor Shokin wasn’t actively investigating Hunter Biden and Burisma when Joe Biden wanted him fired. But, again, we did our own homework, and have the proof to show you that the media’s narrative is completely wrong.
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2023 & still no justice concerning the Bideninko family's Ukraine connections..
The very best investigative reporting, as always Glenn is amazing!
Remember when Obama said leave it to Joe Biden to mess everything up. RIGHT AFTER putin went to war with Ukraine and when Biden was making all those gaffes about Putin not remaining in power,etc.
Most fascinating chart since CShumers chart 🙏💯🇺🇸🤙❤️
Anything by CNN IS GARAGE BECAUSE BECAUSE BILLY GATES ONWS CNN AND MSNBC PURE LIES SELF PURPOSE ARREST HIM. WHAT DO WE EXCEPT!!!!!HONESTy???? Thank you for your very thorough reporting. Please get Cheney. Disfunctional WEIRDO off that hearing. Drag her down and Kiplinger's other Supposed Republicans they definitely not. Republicans. Make this happen immdiately.!!!!!!!!!
Great job!!!!!!! Seems like cia,fbi,doj,big media, are in the dnc pockets, and Hillary is like the godfather of political mafia with pay to play as Obama took office and they all continued the good crime.
Glen, the lame stream media is trying to lead the investigations to bring out their conclusions. They want to pretty much write their own filling to the stories and not the real truth. I have not seen America so corrupt.
nothing will change until the people rise up.
Unfortunately, the majority of American's attention span is reduced to a 30 second TicTok video and their brains reduced to the size of a Tic Tac. Lord help us!
One of the things I find interesting about this… besides the obvious..is my mind does this… was Obama only the face of the presidency because of skin color.. and Biden Was the Man behind the curtain..one of Obama’s puppeteers as it were..??…lol kind of changes the Obama landscape …
She the ambassador to the Ukraine said she "barely" knew anything about burisma. But after that testimony before the house Judiciary Committee there were 82 emails yovanovitch to or from burisma when she was in the Ukraine. Huh I wonder how she forgot about those during her television debut. Something doesn't smell quite right. Sounds like lying to congress to me but I don't work for the department of justice. I'm sure it was a selected memory failure right? Probably not!! What is it
U.S.C 1001.1 lying to a government official. But what happened to her that right she got a cushy job teaching at Georgetown. Strange how that works.
I maybe strange by I've always loved those chalkboards. He lays it out
so even liberals can understand it.😱😱😳😳😳
And Joe Biden is president makes you wonder
It's now 2022 and there's war and Ukraine with Russia
Who else came here in 2022?
Now there dividing Ukraine by War
Half the country has no care for making sense. Really, I haven't even heard this crowd, use the word, common sense but, I do believe they like, to see themselves as common.
Glenn this is the reason we subbed to blaze channel we pay like 5 bucks a month but the info is invaluable.
2 years ago now look
Who is here in 2022 ? Anyone
The funny part is stuff like this has always gone on. We just didn’t know about cause we didn’t have the internet to learn for ourselves. How does this not make the news. How does the news get paid off. All sources
The fired prosecutor was corrupt. He wasn’t doing his job…. And it wasn’t just Biden that wanted him gone but all the stake holders including the Ukrainian govt, the IMF the EU
I just got 4 years of education in a couple hours. Excellent!! Can't wait for part 3! We need you!! Please don't stop! This is EXCELLENT information!
So sleazy
The main problem with this moronic theory is that everyone in the western world was trying to push out Shokin. The EU started putting pressure on Ukraine in Nov 2014. The head of the IMF threatened to withhold $40,000,000,000 in loan guarantees if Shokin was not sacked. Seven US Senators including Republicans all sent a letter to Poroshenko in Jan 2016 where they reiterated the need for personnel reforms in the Prosecutor Generals office. The Ukrainian Parliment voted overwhelmingly to push Shokin out. So were all these people also in on protecting Hunter Biden. Funny how no one ever explains that….
This aged well. The standard of reporting here is the bar that many “reporters” fail to reach. Nice work @theblaze
It is amazing how all of this came full circle
The main Stream media the enemy of the world. Their evil propaganda is poisoning our environment indoctrination in stealth
This is the proof anyone ought to need that FactCheck.org is a BULL CRAP OUTFIT, just another damned propaganda tool of the left which works to support their lies.
Glen is that the Hot line to the President? haha
This is all, what the definition of is, is.
This, is now the best, clearest most accurate Glenn Beck I've seen!
Why is the media doing this? If they make our country like the corrupt third world countries where will they live? Glenn has all the facts but no one every goes to jail. Why?