Pedophilia Taught as “Sexual Orientation” in California Schools
Government school officials in California think it is “really important” to teach children about pedophilia and pederasty because it is a “sexual orientation.” That is according to a top official for California’s Brea School District, who admitted to parents that it was being done — and that it would continue despite the outrage. Watch Assistant Superintendent of Curricula Kerrie Torres in the Brea, California, School District admit this IN PUBLIC!
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Why are people conflating teaching homosexuals in history with pedophilia?
That woman is INSANE.
Sick fucks.
Get your kids out of the public schools!
we're just teaching history! lol ouch
How are you loving your chews America? Nice people right? 😅 😂 🤣
I get why Sodom and Gomorrah got torched.
This is taken grossly out of context in a deliberate attempt at disinformation.
Do what you did to Leo Frank.
Do what you did to Leo Frank.
I saw this on Facebook, wtfh?
yet BLIND AND STUPID people still vote demonKKKrat !
HaHa FuK dA SoUtH iTs A InBrEd CuZiN fUkIn ShItHoLe
Meanwhile in California….
Wow! I wouldn't be surprised if God sunk California into the Pacific!
They will incrementally push this in every school… and then take it much much further. There is no end to this evil…
How about pervert awareness, Rape awareness, chester the molester awareness!!?? Hello, just cause it happened in history doesn't mean it's ok!!!??? Wtf is wrong with her, why did she not add that to her statement.!??!
What is this word she is useing
They need to be hung high swinging by the neck until dead dead dead!!
Maybe it's time all these fucked up libtards, pedophiles, drug dealers/lords, corrupt politicians/senators, etc, all start being pencilled in for a sudden visit by the grim reaper at the invitation from the American people.
Pedophilia isnt a sexual orientation its a crime
WTF is hapoining to the USA? You guys have completely lost your marbles. First with liberalism, then with the gender bullshit and now you argue that pedophilia is a sexual orientation and should be accepted? You are fucking nuts.
OHHHH HELL FUCKING NOOOOOOOO!!!!! “Revs up chainsaws”
Trump 2020 because I want to see these people in tears gives me joy. Teach the real history of the LGBT like how god struck them all blind then destroyed their city in the bible
I really have a hard time giving a crap what insanity goes on in California. We need to build the wall around that state
The sick agenda of the satanic cabal. It must be stopped!
These people are putrid
She needs to go away.
The only thing they need to teach about sects is "this is the boy's bathroom and this is the girl's."