Playing the Black Card | 5 Minute Video
In America, there’s a card more valuable than any card from Visa or American Express. What is it? How can you get one? Candace Owens, Communications Director for Turning Point USA, answers these questions.
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You’ve heard about the black card, right?
No—not the one from Visa or American Express. This one is much more valuable. There are entire organizations that have been built upon it. And individuals that have used it to acquire both wealth and influence.
If this sounds like something you might wish to own, you should know that there is only one way you can get your hands on it: you have to be born with black skin.
That’s the only requirement. Really.
You can be poor, middle class, or rich—it doesn’t matter. The black card will still confer upon you an entire history of oppression, even if you’ve never been oppressed.
Flash the black card, and most white people will cower.
Play the black card expertly, and you can win awards, make millions—all the while claiming that the people who got you there somehow hate you.
With a black card, you can sell books full of indecipherable prose. Because with a card that powerful, who cares if your words make any sense?
You can call yourself a “civil rights leader” and shake down multinational corporations, or you can torch your own neighborhood because you didn’t like the outcome of a grand jury verdict.
Ironically, the people you might think have the most legitimate claim to the black card refuse to use it.
Take my grandfather, for instance:
He raised me from the time I was 9 years old. Born in 1941 in rural North Carolina, he started working at age five, laying out tobacco to dry on a sharecropping farm. Jim Crow, separate drinking fountains, and the KKK were ever-present realities.
He was 17 when he married my grandmother. He made a living cleaning homes and office buildings until he saved up enough money to open his own cleaning business.
The thing is, he never played any card. Nor did my grandmother. If they had problems, they didn’t blame anybody. They just fixed them.
And they raised me to do the same.
Chores were a requirement in their household. So was reading the Bible every morning before school.
I didn’t like the Bible readings, and I hated the chores. But I realize now that these small acts of discipline, although sometimes stifling, had a strong, positive impact on my character.
I was a first-generation college student. This was supposed to be the ticket to prosperity. But it wasn’t. I left college with a mountain of debt and no practical skills. I had just $80 dollars in my bank account and very few prospects. I could have given up. I could have dug deep into my history and declared myself a natural product of ancestral oppression. I could have played the black card and absolved myself of all responsibility for my own stupid decisions.
Except, I didn’t. Because it would have destroyed my grandfather’s legacy.
I am proud that he had the fortitude to turn nothing into something; and I have no intention of reversing that something back into a nothing.
My attitude comes with a price, however. Because if you are born black and you don’t accept your natural status as a victim, then the validity of your blackness is immediately called into question.
Well, so be it.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/playing-black-card

Candace benefits from this she’s only with prager u so she can say horrible things about minorities and black people
Ask her if she feels this way 5 years later after Repooplicans kicked her behind to the curb!!!
Why would prager u even release this
And having Candace Owens playing allways the Black Women Role is not playing The Black Card?
Candice is so inspiring along with Dr Swain and Dr Thomas Sowell and many others who did not play the black card
Candace Owens speaks a lot of truth.
Say you hate yourself without directly saying that. Can't stand people like you.
Wow and look who they have used to speak this horrible nonsense self hate is real and Candice is a prime example of this no chores or just reading your bible will fix systemic racism or just plan racism this is the most disgusting and dangerous propaganda I have ever witnessed and God has absolutely nothing to do with this
She can only go off her experience she can't talk about other people's experience. Not everyone uses a black card they really do experience racism. She is half way correct but only for people who make excuses and don't experience racism. She's close but not fully correct.
Wow, old video!! Still so relevant!!!
Playing the black card
"Shtrong", "hishtory", "deshtroy"?!?!😃😂
Really Ms Owens..ur not the only Black person who don't act crazy… we are all not the same
We deserve it…white folks will never make up for slavery
If you handle problems by yourself then why did you contact NAACP. You played the black card yourself. Shut the hell up you liar.
😂😂😂😂😂 @candaceowens out here at this very moment is playing this so called “black card”!
it's about time Kanye heads to Austin to go on Infowars.
I hope she is safe.
Nothing is more both amusing and insulting than seeing a buck dancin bootlick spewing this crap. Well I guess whatever makes white folks comfortable 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I love Candace Owens!
Your grandfather was a wise man.
He sure raised you well, no doubt!!
Candace lost her black card years ago. Enjoy her dance.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone knew a Man as Great as Candaces Grandfather
she is playing the black card by being in this video they only hired her because she is black
this is such bull shit
I don't understand why people could hate Candace Owens? Probably because she's too frank for the faint-of-heart – well somebody has to. There's only so much bollocks you can put up with until it makes you want to break the record deliberately so the point has a better chance of getting through to everyone
Beautiful story, teared up a bit at the end. 😢♥️
I think she's been using more black cards than cardi B who fought her. I'm close to not liking cardi B, but I feel that way. Cardi B succeeded in making her own music popular, even to me, who had no interest in american pop at all, but owens always said, "I'm black, so what does it matter to you when black opposes the black human rights movement?"
And if she had been a white rather than a "black" who opposes the black rights movement, would she have been able to get this much attention? Isn't this a kind of black card?
I'm foreigner,and Neither black nor white but I don't understand her. She says racism doesn't exist in economic problem and she doesn't need to use a "black card", but when she argues, if white opposes her, she says, " you are racist," doesn't it using a "black card"?
You are a brilliant, unique role model.
Awesome video
You know what the irony is? She has even used the “Black Card” many times as a conservative.
Holy shit the cringe
My family and I enjoy Candace Owens.