Podcast: Trump’s Options on Immigration Reform
The situation at the border is a hot mess. This week on “Heritage Explains” we break down some of the ideas that President Trump has offered when it comes to the crisis at the Southern border. Listen to the full episode and subscribe to the podcast here: https://www.heritage.org/heritage-explains
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It's incredibly out control without exaggerating California has tons of illegal immigrants, you just see at construction jobs selling flowers at every corner settings up their very own mini swam -meet at empty parking lots this is true I'm not making this up it's a fact
I can't see any positives of allowing these masses of illegal aliens. I just don't. I am a product of legal immigrants. I agree the wall needs to be built and better screening of legitimate asylum. Also stop funding these countries ain't working
Soros puts commercials on TV to come to America! Arrest him~
Can someone with actual knowledge about the asylum process please answer my question? I thought that anyone seeking asylum must seek it at the next country after theirs first. Is this true? For example, those in Mexico and Canada (not that they would) but only our border countries are eligible to seek emergency asylum by running over here and crossing the border.
As far as all others, aren't they suppose to seek asylum from the next country they run too – so for ALL Central Americans, wouldn't they have to seek asylum in Mexico? Isn't it an automatic deportation order and ineligibility status because they can't border hop? Can someone that knows the law answer this? I do know that they can apply while waiting in other countries and wait there, I'm talking about those from OTHER countries – NOT Mexico or Canada that are running on foot or bus or whatever from country to country and then just passing through Mexico without stopping to apply for asylum there first. Doesn't this mean they are automatically disqualified & can be legally immediately deported? What is this long wait about?
The left knows it is a problem for the American taxpayers. They have and continue to block/obstruct Trump's Immigration Reform on purpose. The immigrants are being released into our state and taxpayers are having to fund them thanks to the left. The left could care less if terrorists come across our borders. They endanger the lives of Americans everywhere.
If you are expecting the left to exercise reasonable common sense you are barking up the wrong tree. Most conservative arguments today are just pointing out the obvious.
Migrant families hoping to reach the United States boarded a freight train known as "La Bestia" (The Beast) in southern Mexico, frustrated by efforts to slow their progress by the Mexican government, which is under pressure from U.S.