Pres. Trump Has the Right to Challenge Election Results | John Malcolm
John Malcolm joined Newsmax on November 14, 2020, to discuss the latest litigation news in the election.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.heritage.org/crime-and-justice/commentary/what-know-about-litigation-being-waged-across-us-preserve-trump
John G. Malcolm oversees The Heritage Foundation’s work to increase understanding of the Constitution and the rule of law as director of the think tank’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/john-malcolm
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If you respect law and order please respect whatever the final outcome of these lawsuits is. We must respect the legal rulings, whether they are for or against trump. Our courts are far from perfect but they're what we have .
The Oregon Elections Director was fired after coming clean about all of the problems he found with tho 2020 ELECTION. Transparency isn't something Democrats want or need. There was a huge Elections Fraud Protest in Corvallis this last Saturday and none of our Marxist Socialist News Media Mob breathed a word about it. All you saw on TV was puppies & Covie!
REALITY CHECK ON USA Elections : Why would anyone not wish to check for reliability of USA Elections? —- Most Major News Media is denying any voting irregularities took place, and saying there is NO EVIDENCE, despite there IS EVIDENCE. —— Seems like the USA has die hard corrupt liars in its midst, and many types who support deception, socialism, communists, corruption and illogical superficial appearances. These dangerous persons show lack of concern for others in the USA, and it is very real like a war with a dedicated enemy. They seem to act like they are righteous, and go around making false accusations, implied to direct threats, and constantly seeking control. They seem like abusers and/or criminals who wish to run others' lives. What do you think? —
Any reasonable person would conclude that there was huge fraud in this election, fraud which started with the deliberate mail out of unsolicited ballots using electoral rolls that were known to be very inaccurate.
Its funny how in court the Trump Lawyers can't say there is fraud as they are under oath… but they can say whatever they want in public… and to you Trumpian fools… the only one's buying are you dipshits that keep donating to help him pay off all of hid debt… you are being grifted… sad
I would compare Donald Trump to Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. He has so many of his fascist characteristics. He is falsely claiming widespread voter fraud. He will do whatever he needs to do to try and stay in power.
i really think it should be treason what has happened here all the money they have been paid while supposed to be working for the people should demand it back .they are traitors ….. and i pray to my god that they all end in jail the mainstream media need to be barred or fired or whatever they are so far up Hillarys a– and Bidens that they can not smell anything but corruption i refuse to watch the mainstream media they lie and i hope they loose all their viewers
I have a flying turtle. Actually, I have a million flying turtles.
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TRUMP has all the rights to question and fight for this election because there are frauds.
The Democrats, the medias (CNN, MSNBC, FOX, C-SPAN, ABC, CBS, NBC and other medias around the world) and that includes publishing companies (USAToday, New York Times, Washington Post and others) along with High Tech Companies and the Elites and that includes other nation, they want to usher in a world where they can control the masses. A world with COMPLETE CONTROL, COMPLETE DOMINANCE, ONE PARTY, ONE RULE in which they call it a NEW WORLD ORDER. But first they have to take America (U.S.) down and in complete control other nation will soon follow. The Democrats knew of the pandemic that's going to be release by China and those who knew are only a few in which they hold a very high position and that includes the elites who use their wealth to their advantage. Think about it, its the year 2020, the year for the presidential election and the House of Representatives and the Senate seats, a BLUE WAVE that will sweep across america and take complete control of the government. Their plan was set in motion, they set the date, the time, the place in this case Wuhun, China (Why? Your question is as good as mine.) It's the Democrats and the elites way to change the out come of the entire election from the president seat, House of Representatives and the Senate seats. Everything was set in place, millions of mail-in ballots will be sent out in which it can be altered if that doesn't work than voting counting machine will be rigged. The medias job is to keep informing the masses with delusional narratives of the COVID VIRUS while Democrats work on sending out mail-in ballots and others are being thought how to rig the voting counting machines, its all in their scheme of plans.
Don't you find it kind of odd that they would call their voting machine, DOMINION? Do you know what DOMINION word means?
DOMINION: The Power or FULL RIGHT OF GOVERNING AND CONTROLLING OVER THE PEOPLE OR THE MASSES, FULL AUTHORITY, RULE, COMPLETE CONTROL, COMPLETE DOMINATION OVER ALL TERRITORY, of considerable size (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and than other countries will soon fall) in which a SINGLE PARTY RULERSHIP and in this case holds sway (if the Democrats takes complete control of the US government.)
Democrats plan is to change the law. the Constitution will be rewritten or eliminate the Constitution, your rights will be stripped (FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM OF PRESS, FREEDOM TO BEAR ARMS, FREEDOM OF RELIGION) Supreme Court Of The United States will be packed in their favor, election will be rigged no other party will ever be elected or ever to exist (no one can not and will not contest the election results or there might not even be an election ever again). Police will be defunded or be completely dismantle and the only policing will be done by is by the Democrats who will have complete control over the government and the people is to setup a system in which they will have full control over the people (a military system). Once america is taken down and in complete control other nation will fall and a NEW WORLD ORDER is begun. ONE PARTY, ONE RULE.
We must defend OUR FREEDOM, OUR LIBERTY, OUR DEMOCRACY, OUR GOD GIVEN HUMAN RIGHTS. WE MUST NOT LET THIS HAPPEN. Not just America but every country, every people of color, religion, race we must stand up and fight and stop them for filling their agenda. This NEW WORLD ORDER, we must not, can not and will not let it happen!
Banana Joe Biden and the crooked, criminal, radical lefty Democrats will be the downfall of the entire free world as they steal from the tax payers and fatten their pockets, the pockets of their family, the pockets of huge corrupt institutions and nothing will change for middle class Americans, except for serious financial ruin and total lack of civil liberty and freedom. They are sick individuals and anybody who voted for them are just as fucking sick. #Trump2020 #DeepStateCorruption #CancelCareerPoliticians
.This kind of election fraud should have declared a state of emergency in order to arrest a group of criminals headed by Biden!
Democrats are more Nazi then the Republicans!…open your eyes! Terrible fraud planned for 4 years!
In 2000 the shoe was on the other foot.
There was 30 percent of the ballots were put through the voting machine…should have been hand counted
Part of the farce is " close election numbers" The true numbers would show Trump millions of voters ahead. The projected "closeness" of this election is only part of the fraud on the American people
Really wake up, Trump hasn’t done anything wrong. It wasn’t close they cheated. God will win keep praying everyone
Newsmax rocks! Thank you for your honesty! TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 He won by a landslide!
The devil will be the common enemy of human survival. Justice and fairness are open for the people. Pray that God will give us life and strength. Amen!
Voter fraud is a treason!!
The whole World is watching us!!!
Damn it ,Americans! Our Republic is at stake here!🖕🇨🇳🤺❗We ALL know damn well that this election is FRAUDULENT. If you deny this/or comply with this, YOU are giving the keys of our nation, our freedom, and all that America 🇺🇸 stands for, straight over to COMMUNISM 🇨🇳❗
Release the KRAKEN 🐙🐲❗
🇺🇸 📜 1st. 💯 %❗
Trump lost all lawsuits. Biden has won, get over it.
Venezuela voting fraud comes to America. Synthetic Buydems Camel Obummer Con traption didn't even try because they were going to CHEAT
Dominion stole 83 million Trump votes away from Trump and gave them to Biden. President Donald J Trump will be REELECTED president of the United States of America this upcoming December 14th when the Electoral College finishes voting for president. Dominion voting systems biggest partner alongside Joe Biden is Diane Feinstein. Trump paved the way for the new safe Moderna and Pfizer CoVid vaccines to be effective.
You can not win, when you cheat. Usually people get disqualified for it. The law needs to apply to everyone. I love my President Trump ❤
With all the obvious fraud that has been committed…Robust Safeguards do not exist…
It's only close , because of FRAUD