Pres. Trump Sending Strong Signal About China’s Meddling | James Carafano on Newsmax
James Carafano joined Newsmax, Monday, June 1, to talk about the latest from China and the W.H.O., the strong leadership by the U.S. to call attention to their malfeasance on the outbreak, and the need for America to continue leading and calling out China going forward.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V560wrbIVss
James Jay Carafano, a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges, is the vice president of Heritage’s Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy and the E. W. Richardson Fellow.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/james-carafano
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Trump 2020 👍 👍 👍 👍
The Rumors of War.
Its rumored that world leaders have been out smarted by an enemy far greater then expected. Here is How they did it. This Enemy had been experimenting for years on a plaque type disease and created one, They knew of it’s potential so they had to find a cure for itself and then they planned an attack on the unsuspecting countries of the world, the plaque was deployed successfully. Its really an ingenious plan when you think about it. This enemey played it up as blame the other guy. This enemy fought with out firing a round. Causing confusion blinding the world for advantage, And now countries are in death spirals trying to fined a cure picking up the pieces as the death toll rises. This disease has shut down countries and economies, Oh and this enemy is showing casualties to, it has to, just check there numbers, this part can’t be hidden. Its time for the leaders To wise up to this enemy for it takes no prisoners, and Now this same enemy is setting up a second wave which will involve weapons or both but much worse then the first wave. No trust can be given to this enemy EVER! This now lays in the hands of a greater power, I hope the leaders have the wisdom to see it through. This evil enemy can not be trusted and that has been proven over and over again. It has no concern for any human life. Communication is no resort, and now the eyes of the world is on them , the fork tongue is revealed. No Truth is in them. This rumor is no rumor, but a reality and a factor, God be with the leaders.
Criminal case of Crime Against Humanity & Genocide in global scale should be filed against Chinese communist party & it’s chairman/president-Xi Jinping, WHO’s director Tedros & his deputy Bruce Aylward at ICC( International Criminal Court )at the Haag in The Netherlands for not containing/controlling the Corona Virus in China which later spread to the rest of the world, when it was initially detected & discovered in early December 2019 & also for misleading & covering it up by forcefully silencing the doctor/doctors who detected it, one of the first doctor Dr.Li Wenliang who initially detected it & was treating Corona patients eventually died of the Corona Virus or was he silenced for forever by the Chinese government for embarrassment, nevertheless Dr.Li Wenliang will always be remembered as a hero by the Chinese people & the rest of world 🌎 but he will only be remembered as someone who got the Chinese communist party & its leaders the embarrassment & shame in front of the entire world 🌎…
Pray for President Trump
I am confused !!! Someone please explain if US was PAYING WHO – US $ 450 MILLION (FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS) then why the hell cant Trump kick Terrorist Tedros's ass and throw him out of WHO ?? Why other national leaders are not uttering a Word about Terrorist Tedros and his misdeeds… Its tax payers money in Tedros front pocket and dirty CCP money in his back pocket ??? And a lot of WHY'S ??
Where is the world rather where are we as humans going ?? Zero emotions, working like a slave force, almost zero moral values are taught, only a tiny fraction of the society thinks about saving precious natural resources and stopping large scale ecological pollution and devastation… Governments are least bothered about large scale forest fires wiping out the Amazon and other forest fires, Zero steps to control birth and population… We are close to Dooms day or should we say Judgment Day..
Trump is a great leader
What about Australia they were the first to ask for an investigation and we got the back lash from china
WHO can suck my dick.
CCP is EVIL. They don’t care about anything but world domination and the Han race ruling above everyone else.
The WHO is a useless organisation that should be revamped or sidelined by the UN
While it cannot be denied that
several Western countries gave at least some freedom and passable standard of
living to their citizens, the price has been paid by the plundered continents,
squashed under the Western colonialist and neo-colonialist heels.
China showed to the world a totally
opposite path. Everything in the PRC is created with hands of the Chinese
people; with their brains, their muscles and their sweat. It is ‘clean’ and
honest progress, not one that is resting on the corpses and blood of the
millions of ‘others’.
President Trump 2020🇺🇸👍