Rejoicing Together as Sowers and Reapers
Is it possible to be an efficient evangelist without ever leading someone in “the prayer” to get Christ? Can you be a trustworthy ambassador for Christ without “sealing the deal?” Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason encourages Christians not to ignore the significance of sowing seeds of reality in an individual’s life.
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Stand to Reason University: Call Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason live Tuesdays 4-6pm Pacific Time -( 855) 243-9975. Assistance the work of Stand to Reason:
Is it possible to be an effective evangelist without ever leading somebody in “the prayer” to get Christ? Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason motivates Christians not to overlook the value of sowing seeds of truth in an individual’s life.
Call Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason live Tuesdays 4-6pm Pacific Time -( 855) 243-9975.