RFK Jr.’s Thoughts on His Uncle’s Assassination
RFK Jr. sits downs with Tucker Carlson to share his thoughts on John F. Kennedy’s death.
Full interview here: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson
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Operation 40
CIA Dir. Herbert Walker Bush, was present minutes after the shooting outside the Book Depository.
How'd he know where to be? Right on time.
Just amazing.
I think it was something that the Vice President knew. The way the first lady looked at him on the day of the plane that took them from Dallas…
Mortal Error a book by Bonar Menninger provided an interesting theory on President Kennedy’s assassination. Not a conspiracy to commit but one to cover up the actual events of that day.
Tucker for president thank you
F.E.D …
It's one BIG club and you ain't in it! ~ Ice Cube.
"Why would they just not declassify….. XYZ?"…. because the foundational roots of many of our problems and those programs are still going on today. It proves there are rogue elements in our intelligence agencies, that are operating outside the law and without oversight, and they never stopped doing it. Those things didn't end with the JFK assassination…
The people in the government of the USA are just as corrupt, probably even more so, than any third world country that’s ever existed on the planet. That’s evident every day, day in and day out.
The ONLY reason not to release ALL information concerning Kennedy’s assassination is to cover up the involvement of our own government and people in our own government. Even someone with less intelligence than God blessed a rock with can understand this.
The CIA has been destroying Americans way of life, its political autonomy, its International reputation, it is the most discredited Intelligence agency in the world, drug trafficking, organised crime, assassinations, murders, coup de Etats, cover ups, terrorism, sex trafficking, extortion, the list and history of there crimes is totally out of control. Who is running America the CIA, Israeli Lobbyist or the President of the USA.
No doubt the cia is responsible for the killing of JFK. Which includes JFK's vice president. Bush Senor also.
Tucker looks like a thumb
Can we get this full interview, please?
Always believed Kennedy’s assassination was an inside job / hit.
RFK Jr. Speaking truth to power 😮!
Cant listen to hard.
BS it was Israel over their nuclear weapons
I remember the funeral like it was yesterday, and my Pop bought me the book Four Days. My entire life I've wanted the truth to be shared with America. The CIA did it, they're horrible people, and I hope Trump or Kennedy disband it.
I still like Trump a little better
George HW Bush and LBJ ordered the hit. Backed by the entire MIC and the FED.
Pompeo tried to put a hit out on Julian Assange.
Military Industrial Complex / Federal Reserve
Trump is weak.
The establishment DEMOCRATS HATED JFK as much as they do Trump
Interesting that they cannot send the name of the institution out of pure fear
JFK had botched the Cuba Situation.
So the Military Industrial Complex of the time had it out for him .
LBJ had issues with JFk, so he had become a target from multiple angles.
I’d rather listed to Biden talk looney toons than listen to RFK gurgle on acid coated gravel.
Three questions must be answered:
Who planned it?
Who executed it?
Who covered it up?
What I don't understand is , why did JFK get us involved with the Vietnam war but did nothing when Communists were taking over Cuba. We need to stop Communists from taking Vietnam because if we don't they will eventually come over here. But stand by and allow Communists to take over Cuba which is right at our back door? That never made any sense to me.
Read Bugliosi's book please.
On another note , RFK JR is a brave man .He has a very chequered past , a disturbed and disturbing childhood, his own father’s assassination and the well documented “inadequacies” of his mother . A rebellious teenager , an unhappy marriage , many family problems and tragedies but the has developed character , courage and fundamental decency . Imo
Tucker for VP – Vice President , Trump must make this happen and then let him , Tucker , take over ?
He sounds shaken up by this.
Kinda Ironic. He loves Israel. And they offed his uncle.
Cia is big business by narcissists. You figure out how many demons had a piece of the pie.
when I was growing up in Powder Springs GA I had a neighbor that people said if wasn't involved with JFK he at least knew what went down… guys name was Mitch Werbell… you can google him… interesting dude.
I remember the day of JFK
Just my view. And I like Trump as well. Like everyone knows, but I like this guy very much as well
I like Rk. He’s going to be the actual challenge not Biden. And remember he any Trump are friends. I’ll say it again. Before Trump ran. He was always a democrat supporter that’s all fact. Just saying. And have said this lots before. And Kennedy is a Democrat, but doesn’t agree with the democrats. Together they will fix America. If they both can stay alive
I’m 63 and have known that for 60 years. My mom said the same thing.
The cia did kill jFK
Tucker is so underrated
The CIA is reading these comments.
Try harder.
All those rich man who invited JFK to Dallas Texas that day where members of local BritBnai Jewish organization.
What are the chances Jack Ruby(Jacob Rubenstein real name) was Jewish as well.
JFK was after Israel for stealing US nuclear secrets and having developed secret nuclear Facility in Dimona.
Ben Gurion resigns and never allows JFK to talk to the than JFK is killed.
Mossad operation through and Through.
"By deception thou shall wage warfare"
And lest never first USS Liberty US ship attacked by Israel for 2 hours killing 34 service members and wounding more than 140 to try and blame Egypt.
Sad this man is compromised as well won't even tell the truth about his relatives Death!
3:38 woah glitched out 😮