Senator Jim DeMint on the Debt Ceiling
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) is no stranger to fights with party leadership. And he’s not holding back in his criticism of the so-called “Plan B” that’s being developed by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV).
“It seems to be a cover-up,” DeMint said this afternoon in an exclusive interview with Heritage. “It’s like leaving the door to the federal vault open and looking the other way and saying we had nothing to do with the robbery.”
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I agree with Jim, It is time to recall Obama like We did Grey Davis here in California.
@johnxavierie this is what happens when you put fred phelps into a position of power
fuck you jim demint
@DennyB65 Stifling regulation? Taxing the rich that look for every excuse to ship jobs overseas doesn't bother me a bit! If the super rich corporations are going to screw the American people by exporting jobs we might as well get more taxes for their indiscretion.
@PattonsBoots I can't argue with the centrist comment, but if the Republicans had their way we would have taken the lead in Libya. Look it up! It's laughable how party politics comes back to bite you in the … Or was it just another example of taking the opposite position because anything not Obama is the most popular option, even if letting Europe take the lead makes the most sense.
@willflo11 Noone can say republicans have a better track record for economic policy than democrats. Yet the tea baggers decide to pinpoint the largest problem we face in the last few decades and exploit it in a difficult economy just to advance their political standing. Dispicable!
@CMK227CR You're right! But you don't cut off your left leg to save your right one.
@oberonave If the democrats weren't fiscally sound, do you think Clinton would have been able to hand over a surplus to Bush? Focus the blame where it belongs, on 2 wars.
@DennyB65 Ridiculous comment! Everything Obama has done since in office has a good chance to improve the United States into the next decade. You definitely can't say that about the last Republican President. Get on board or go down in flames with the tea baggers!
@olderandfunner Saying no doesn't make their policies right, but it will make them accountable. Good luck tea baggers!
Heritage Foundation? Anyone who claims to promote limited government along with a strong national defense can take their traditional American values and shove them up their separate but equal ass checks..
We need a balance budget to make America stronger. Period.
@foofkanon If that were true then how come the the national debt was only 1.6 Trillion at the time Obama entered office?? Read the facts!!
~~~^~^~^~^^^Republican$ voted 7 times to raise the DEBT CEILING under Bush JUNIOR. Their goal is not so much to to balance the budget as it is to keep Obama from getting re-elected. What is DISTURBING is the extent they are willing to go. If the USA defaults the economy will essentailly come to a halt. It's predicted that over HALF A MILLION ADDITIONAL JOBS WILL THEN BE LOST. ~~~^~^^^~^~^WHAT THE REPUBLICANS ARE DOING IS NOT ONLY CRIMINAL BUT ALSO TREASONOUS.~^
@Ps2Viper87 Your country has spent 4 trillion on wars in the last 10 years and look at the result, bancruptcy and oil price,s through the roof not forgetting half a million dead.Good job you did,t spend that money on your own people because that would be socialism. Eicke warned you of the power of the military industrial complex and you call me a fool.
@foofkanon Fool!
try taxing the rich at reagan levels at least, and cutting the ridiculous defence budget more than the rest of the world combined. America needs to return to the government of the people, not of the uber rich who control both parties. These people have no loyalty to the nation state, their off shoreing and tricle down economics have impoverished the country. Neo liberalism at home and abroad doesnt work. These bastards are going after SS,medicare and medicaid and they think their christians,sick
I suggest we hold Mr. Obama to a promise he broke (one of many) when he was running for President – have this debate broadcast on C-SPAN, so that the American people can see what is involved and can see what facts/truth are being presented and where those facts/truth are coming from.
Let's stop with the easy verbal attacks being made by our all-knowing representatives in Washington, DC – claims that they don't have to back up.
Everyone: Don't LISTEN to what politicians say !!!
Obama is a puppet, an incompetent, and fraud.
Cut, Cap and Balance is just political posturing, since it is obvious that, among other things, it is essentially impossible for the Senate to muster the needed 2/3 majority to pass a Budget Balance amendment. And as our President has said, "we don’t have any more time to engage in symbolic gestures; we don’t have any more time to posture. It’s time to get down to the business of actually solving this problem." Threatening to shoot the hostage/vote down the debt limit extension is irresponsible.
Please!, Sen. DeMint, Please don't let the Speaker of the House and the Senate Minority Leader forget what the American people communicated to our elected officials last November. Enough is enough….the more money the Dems want the more money they spend and it never ends. Please be our voice. Thank You!