Should Black Lives Matter be considered a TERRORIST organization? | Glenn TV Preview
Intelligence Fusion, a threat assessment firm, recently released to the public an evaluation of Black Lives Matter that concluded the organization should be considered “a high threat to nearly all aspects of domestic life of the USA, given the widespread effects of its activities across the country.” Glenn interviews the regional intelligence analyst for the firm, Matthew Pratten, who details exactly WHY they came to this conclusion.
Watch the whole interview TONIGHT at 5/4pm CT, only on BlazeTV.com.
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No… If Hillary and Obama can sell uranium to Russia, while blaming Trump for Russia, and no charges to any, how can u go after BLM local terrorists after democrats defund the police?
Newsflash of neon darkness Winston of Christian Conservative is accelerated towards Terrorist status status blocking access, privilege, opportunity, economics, influence, freespeech, fisa frame extort silence, cruel and unusual punishment expost facto and future crime charges rights for opposing agenda 30, governance care for all and mutually assured christian conservative wisdom nondoublespeak true zion for other Igods of The NonBigBrotherOrwellian idolotry resistance to andiwisdom of docile suggestability or intellectual freethink nonsubserviance and nonnoseblemish clearance. Likes and Dislikes datastructure classes Transpose. Extremely Persecutable Rating. 20 years in MaxHeadRoom Red Pill Blue Pill Minus One Outsiders in the Barr Box Insider Cooler Justice Served for Alices Political Restaurant Wronsiders. Resistance is Useless. Indoctrinate, Comply, Glenn Fast. Think Not What Your Country Orwellian could do to you ask what you can do to Make Big Brother Kingerer Again a More Orwellian Elite Country You Bigger Baals Insider Kings Court of Country. Do you yet have your phd in indoctriation? A beautiful mind is a greatest thing to waste. To Sleep with the enemy is to not be alone. There must be fifty ways to leave your Overton lover. Check your messages Beckened Call you seem a bit ephemeral today. He's belly laugh breaking up. We can rebuild him we have the technology. Better stronger faster better googleglass background hackery "friends" "unliked" hitmanship. Whose boat is this. Dive dive errr errrrrg errrrr errrrrrg dive dive greeting probefessor glennhawk how about a nice game of hot potatoe catch rickles hockypuck political virusshare care package. Have you accepted mesus thrice as your orwellian saver. It's a cook book it's a cook book. Well done Max Headroom empty chair head insider of the box dreamers you now have the wholey ohhhh be one attitude you are now ready to go preach the orwell blm gospel marxist of the beast. You new have dumb will travel badge jet eyes baals blue frequent flyer milehigh clubber. Oh Adrian Glenn did it he did it Glenn got his Indoctrinate he did it. Perfect smile page top above commented video icon. The papparazi will seek glenn on the dangerfield. Kevin Baconater "foot loose foot loose". Would you like some fries with your overton spy The Recruit barr scene who shagged ye. Wild Thing Sam Kenison. Wow the magic bus gets around rain nor sleet nor Stormy. Keep a straight face poker you got to know when to code red hold em and know when to unfoldem "need a bigger boxer?"
Biden would also say BLM is an idea.
I’m a black man and I don’t support blm because it’s sponsored by george soros and I know nothing good comes from anything he is involved in
Whatever happened to doing things in the name of national security? There is no doubt that these are militarized organizations who intend harm to all American lives including blacks in case anyone was wondering. These are people and corporations who want to overthrow capitalism and replace it with communism. Hello! is anyone home. This is not a difficult thing to see. If Trump and our government does not wind up declaring BLM and Antifa as domestic terrorist then they must be in bed with them and just playing us all.
CNN on slavery in1995 http://edition.cnn.com/WORLD/9510/ghana_slavery/
by their fruits ye shall know them
Leader is avowed Marxist! Who on earth agrees with all this senseless DESTRUCTION??? ABSOLUTELY THEY SHOULD BE outlawed…
So Logic dictates that when you claim a exclusive group is the only "Lives" that matter; then that group is a " Supremacy " group of RACISTS. Period / Peace
Yikes sounds like this group is bad news…….
***BLM: (link to) The Thuggee secret society founded in the 1828The three founders of Thuggee and the meanings of their names.
B: Buhram (black) L: Lavith. (Lives) M: Moorti (matter)
The worship a god called Kali (the root of California) Fornia (the root of fornication). Google search Thuggee-Kali images:
Pay close attention to the knee/foot of Kali is on the neck /chest. Linked to George Floyd.
***Wearing the Kente cloth:
“worn by affluent African slave traders” is “like honoring Jews by wearing swastikas.” Ghanaian leaders likely wore the Kente cloth in the 1700s and 1800s when they were part of the slave trade, warn by the Ashanti tribe in Ghana who sold black people into slavery. Pay close attention to how the Democrats led by Pelosi decided to honor George Floyd, by kneeling while wearing the Kente cloth, note the number of people participating, the number has significance. It is part of a satanic ritual involving a specific number of people.
***George Soros aka George **Schwartz. Created and funded BLM 2013.
BLM founders: Alicia Garza aka Alicia **Schwartz
3 women: All members The Black Boule Skulls and Bones, Omega Phi Beta Sorority… and Alpha Kappa Alpha society:
They practice Odu Ifa , a witchcraft religion.
1) Alicia Garza**
2) Patrisse Cullors
3) Opal Tometi
Ifa is a West Nigerian Witchcraft religion that concentrates on the 16
point of demonic possession. And demonic possession of 16 organs.
This is related to Kaine and Able aka canabilism.
BLM is the propaganda wing and ANTIFA founded in the 40’s in NAZI Germany is Marxist military wing.
was started by “Khazrian Jews”. Of the synagogue of satan (or the
mind/conscientiousness of satan). The Khazrian Jews are like the Jesuits
to the Catholic Church.
Dumb question. HELL YES
Since BLM has killed more people in the last 2 months than the police has, yes they are a terrorist group.
No. The ones that hired them should be.
Maybe Mr. Beck will understand. Bolshevik, Lennon, Marx.
Oh yeah, I 100% agree that ANY Marxist/Communist organization is an existential threat to the United States. Or ANY freedom loving eestern civilization for that matter that practices any level of free market capitalism. They need to GO!!!
wait a second .. BLM is not? .. daaamn..
.. why not?
In the real world. If they plan condone, enable, fund, or supply the criminal actors, it's called conspiracy. Just as illegal as performing the act itself. Conspiracy is not a liberal buzzword, it's a real thing. Also, contrary to what Jimmy Comey says, intent IS provable. Lock them up! Lock HER up!
Did anyone think…Rob Halford of Judas Priest?..way back in the day
Considered?? A terrorist group? Uh, yeah
So we can legitimately consider BLM to be a violent terror group?
Yeah defund black people for fighting against injustice that is the result of conservative and neoliberal policies. It is really embarrassing you even listen to ranting crying lunatic Glenn Beck haha are u all credulous Glenn keeps making money off your dumbass
It's the antifa infiltrators , not the peaceful protestors.
Yes, BLM is aligned with ANTIFA a known anarchist group and should be considered a domestic terrorist organization
Any group that Russia would consider as TERRORISTS has to be considered a terrorist organization. I say that with understanding of just how awful the behavior of Russia has been in the past.
Absolutely they ARE a terrorist organization! They ADMITTED they are Marxists!!
Bacon Lettuce and Mayo
Yes they should based on their goal to overthrow the government and their actions
blm is a terrorist group and should be treated as such.
Short answer, HELL YES their a terrorist group Marxists training and Soros financed! What do you think? "If we don't get what we want we'll burn it down" What's to decide people???
Businesses should ask if you have been part of BLM when hiring too, cancel black lives matter
ABSOLUTELY! When you burn buildings and cop cars it's not a reach! All funded by the DNC and SOROS!
I would imagine there aren't many people who would go along with BLM if they carefully read its manifesto. What I get from it is we are going to take down the government then make ourselves kings and queens over you and all the wealth and belonging will be sprinkled down to the masses as we see fit. And as a side note woe to you if your a white Christian man.
So I dont care what color you are you can see when you take any race of people and decide they aren't going to be part in a country's decision making process right there just that decision alone means your not going to succeed. And the white Male is a huge part of the USA. These blm people at the top are being paid very well to brainwash the masses. The very top of BLM are aiming to get this country to be taken over by China or Russia or perhaps some European elite group of pedophile psychopaths who delight in controlling people and afflicting misery and demanding to be worshipped. They are of the antichrist make no mistake about it. Look at antifa and BLM and honestly ask yourself do you trust the top leaders of these groups? Do you actually know who they are? A hint they are powerful enough that as of now BLM has a net worth of 1.3billion dollars.
Im sick of all this…as every American SHOULD be. You want the solid truth ? Probably 3/4 of these "protesters" are doing this…simply to raise hell. BLM…a push for socialism…call it what you will…its unchecked vandalism……THATS IT. The small factions that HAD an agenda have now been swallowed up in what they initiated. Mayors in cities like these are nothing more than afraid. They dont know wether to shit or go blind…wanted to be liberal left eh? You just didnt want to be THAT far left…and now you too are stuck (ref to these city leaders)in what you at first allowed. Why is this taking so long ? Call it what it is…and send in people with the balls to stop it. Will we lose Portland…Chicago…like some third world country? Christ man…THIS is America !!
Intelligence Fusion, a threat assessment firm, recently released to the public an evaluation of Black Lives Matter that concluded the organization should be considered "a high threat to nearly all aspects of domestic life of the USA, given the widespread effects of its activities across the country." Glenn interviews the regional intelligence analyst for the firm, Matthew Pratten, who details exactly WHY they came to this conclusion.
you would think that these mayors and governors are allowing their cities to be burned to the ground, would be worried about not getting reelected. None of them are worried about that because the whole voting system is rigged down. Seriously think about that, is there really that many people in their cities that wants more of what they're getting and will vote for that mayor again. If there's that many Left us in their city and state in America is done. Big corporations have given in to the globalist and the only ones now stand up for freedom are us the voters
I am sick of the same politicians getting voted in for the last 40 years. To me the most important election should be the primary election where we vote for the person that's going to run against the Democrats. Nobody pays any attention to that which allows the same rhinos to be the one elected to run against A democrat candidate. If you have a rhino in the house or senate and that is not doing their job that you voted them to do then pick another candidate to run. People have to change that. Why would any Republican continuously keep voting for John kerry
Mow them down
Is not the American government a terrorist itself.
BLM It's not a group, it's a social movement
Ok, They say they want to overthrow the government. That makes them traitors and terrorist. They have occupied cities and federal buildings with the goal of destroying them to bring about the overthrow of local government and that makes them an occupying aggressor. Start fighting, arresting prosecuting these idiots already!
Yes. And deal with terrorists accordingly. WWG1WGA PATRIOTS. TRUMP 2Q2Q. Q