Small Business Is America
Small business is the epitome of the American Dream. It’s the reason why America became the richest nation in the world. After all, every successful big business started out as a small one. So in a post-Covid world, how do we encourage and protect this most valuable asset? Carol Roth has the answer.
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“One day I want to own my own business; be my own boss.”
Probably nothing embodies the essence of the American Dream more than that thought.
And what American hasn’t had it?
Henry Ford had it. Oprah Winfrey had it. Steve Jobs had it.
So did the owner of your favorite food truck.
So have countless others.
Many of those people came to the US because they believed their best chance to achieve it was here, in America.
Many have been rewarded for their boldness.
Many have not.
Starting a business, as everyone knows, is fraught with obstacles.
But still countless Americans risk it—risking everything to make it happen.
Of course, we already know the answer.
Because owning your own business represents freedom.
You may miss some your kids’ soccer games, need to take out a second mortgage and work hundred-hour weeks, but ultimately you are in charge of your own destiny.
You are independent.
You are free.
And that’s exactly the reason Big Government despises small business.
Big Government is all about control.
And small business is very hard to control.
Big Business is much easier to manage. Why? Because there aren’t that many of them.
But there are a lot of small businesses.
Nail salons. Car repair shops. Local gyms. Restaurants.
In fact, there are more than 30 million small businesses in America. These businesses employ approximately half the workforce, and account for around half of the entire US GDP.
Their endless variety from pest control to dry cleaners to family farms is the very fabric of American commerce. Any product or service you can think is covered by a small business somewhere.
Small businesses are why America became the richest nation in the world. Let’s not forget that every successful big business started out as a small business.
There’s no magic to it, really. Give individuals the chance to be free and creative and they will be.
Then came March 2020.
And this engine of economic growth came to a sudden and shocking halt.
It was the single greatest disaster in the history of American small business.
For the first time ever, the government shut down the economy. Well, they shut down a part of it—primarily the small business part
The big business part—Amazon, the chain groceries, the big box stores and drug stores—were allowed to remain open.
Money that would normally have gone to small business went instead to big business.
Had this been limited to a couple of weeks as first promised, it might have been okay. But it went on for months and months.
Yes, government loans helped some small businesses to stay open, but it was the government that closed them down to begin with! And those small relief funds weren’t nearly enough for many. To cite one dismal statistic, one in six restaurants nationwide closed forever—that’s more than one hundred thousand across the country!
For the complete script, visit: https://www.prageru.com/video/small-business-is-america

It’s such a blessing that my wife and I aren’t just married, but we’re also each other’s best strategic partner in the gospel and in business. I’m great at what she lacks, she’s great at what I lack and we have an Adviser to work with. Praise God!! And thank you for the awesome content!!.
This is so eye opening! Thank you PragerU
If you realy belive in small bizz then stop taking money from richies
Well small business isn’t just an American phenomena ya know. Small businesses exist all over the world. I was in Thailand about a month ago and most restaurants there are small-size, individual locations, not the fast food chains that have monopolized the US economy!
not only that they unleashed they BLM on the Small Business
"Big things have small beginnings"~ T.E. Lawrence
For real 🔥🔥 That’s what im talking about. 💯 We should connect, there may be some ways for us to work together.
Last sentence -Did you make up this false premise for your book just to make money? It was certainly not to help contribute to society by working and owning/running a small business.
What a bunch or right wing propaganda. Your anti govenment premis that the U.S. governments hates small business it pure lunacy. . The government has always helped the small business man. When I first started my small business it was the federal government that helped me with a loan to start it. Small business has been struggeling against large business for the last 30 years. Just look at Wallmart and Amazon that killed so many mom and pop retailers. And it was the Republican congress in the 90's that passed Nafta which started the decimation of small business and jobs in the U.S. That was a repbublican bill designed to kill orginized labor and the voting block of the labor unions.
You assumption that the government shut down business in 2020 to kill small business because they hate small business is not rooted in any historical accuracy. They probably did over react to some degree but if you had you eyes open the reason business were shut down was we had a real pandemic that in the first year killed almost 1,000,000 Americans. There was no imunazation at the start of the pandemic and had the Govt. not done what they did it is estimated that as many as 3 million would have died. The govt. was trying to protect people. I guess you would have reathe had three million people die. It shows your true lack of caring about humanity.
Some business did go out of business due to the shut down. Most of the ones that did took out on average $180,000 in loans which they never paid back. Part of being a business owner is overcoming obsticles. The pandemic was and obsticle that some did not survive. That is the way business works. I have had a few business fail due to tecnology advances. A real busnissman gets up and dusts himself off and starts over. You will nerver understand that as you are no business person. Who brain washed you? Or did you make up this premis for your book just to make money …ot to help contribute to society by working and owning/running a small business.
It's not unique to America though.
Small businesses are societal fabrics within every country.
"🧚♀️🧚♀️💅👁👄👁💅💫BE YOU OWN BOSS💫💅👁👄👁💅🧚♀️🧚♀️" Kids, I you hear that, RUN AWAY IMMEDIATELY!!
This is a rather understandable statement from a party which actively fights against small corporations. Actual conservative policy shows that the right is not interested in anything other than government intervention on behalf of the largest corporations in the world. Saying that government involvement in the economy is bad does not actually reflect what the right wants.
Funny seeing how free market capitalism gives most of it’s subsidies and tax breaks to big businesses, not small businesses or agricultural producers
Small businesses are just better. If I’m faced with a choice between Chili’s and a hole in the wall Mexican place, I’m going with the hole in the wall Mexican place.
Says the people who want to make roads BIGGER witch has shown to make small buisnesses DO WORSE!!!!!
I think that there was such a huge opportunity for the Libertarians and, to a lesser extent the GOP, to speak to the people because during lockdowns the average person was completely forgotten about. And we saw how the poor (in particular children) had it the absolute worst. We all sat and watched our businesses shut down, we were expected to home school our kids for several years (even though property taxes never went down), and watched as politicians dined out and partied while closing schools and churches. We watched the national debt skyrocket while they government was handing out trillions in fiat money with many not understanding the implications of these decisions from the Fed. Being from Minneapolis I also watched as the city was burnt to the ground and riots were a normal and regular occurrence. Now we are dealing with record high inflation because of all of the fiat printing. There was such poor leadership on a national and state level and the average American is still trying to weather the storm.
When trump came into office I'd never seen such huge gains in my business. (Probably psychologically driven in part)
But once biden came into power its been a steady decline as we enter a recession and hyper inflation
Really good!
Small business is the life blood of the American dream
America is gigachad wanna come to work there in Texas. 0 income tax💯☝️
Hey I’m Steve-O and this is “ have gay sex after drink ipecac and say the N word “
Bam: Say it Steve-O! Just say it,myan!