Special Happening Now with Jack Hibbs & Amir Tsarfati
Join Jack Hibbs and Amir Tsarfati for a special Happening Now as they discuss the Russia-Ukraine Crisis.
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Fast forward to today, you can at least say that the U.S. (with President Biden as leader) is showing strength by arming Ukraine to the point where they have been unexpectedly very effective in the war against Russia. Of course Tucker Carlson of Fox News would disagree and argue we should not be helping Ukraine at all—which of course is the ultimate show of weakness. Goes to show you that the Right (e.g., Fox News' Tucker Carlson Show) doesn't always have it correct either, we should give credit where it is due and not just criticize it for the sake of differentiating it from the majority of the other networks analysis. I will exercise my freedom in this country to NOT view Tucker Carlson's Show, he is way off base on this one.
Tribulation and wrath are not interchangeable
Tribulation is what the world does to Christians. Ye shall have tribulation
Wrath is what God pours out on the world.
Luke 21:27 comes in the clouds after signs of sun & stars (going dark)
Matt: 24:29 sun & moon go dark
24:30 Jesus comes in the clouds.
Mark: 13:24 sun moon go dark 13:26 Jesus comes back. (Rapture)
Rev: 6:12 6th. Seal sun & moon go dark. were here for the first 6 seals. Not here for the vials or bowls of wrath.
I’m trusting God my father. Thank you for this information.
How can one repent first? Think he means acknowledge we are a sinner first and need Jesus, hence, give our life over.
America is very weak now Amir! Every institutions in our nation is broken, every other one is gay, trans & lord know what! Trump told them not to rely on Russia as the only source energy, did they listen?!!!! When USA is weak, the world is in trouble…look around you everywhere and corner crimes and tyrants rampant!
Amen! God is in control, and everything will and is happening on God's time. His time is perfect!
Nobody in the history of the church before about 200 years ago held these views you now hold. I’m sure you are good men, but do spend time e looking at the Churches interpretations of Ezekiel 38 and the other passages and books, you’ll see your view is very modern (popularized by Hal Lindsey (sp?) and Tim Lehaye “Left Behind” series). Either way though, we are brothers and all pray for Gods kindness and will! Maranatha!!!
To push back China. We the US leaders do not protect our border we invite and protect illegal invasion to kill us financially. Should Russia not protect their border from western advancement their NATO? Ukraine is the last buffer between west ad and Russia. Maybe we should mind our own business and defend our sovereignty.
Everyone has accuse Putin of trying to reunite the USSR. Okay. How about the agreement that Ukraine would give up their nuclear weapons AND the Baltic states would not be accepted into NATO. Russia or Putin's border is in jeopardy of western control thur NATO. And now with Russia invasion the Ukraine they are requesting NATO membership. When China gathered troops on Siberian border Russia sent troops to the borderbso China wouldn't
You all are called to fish. All of you. Save them quickly and plentifully
@Jack Hibbs your are absolutely correct. America is weak, not by chance but by choice. IMO:
Joe Biden wants Ukraine destroyed to destroy all the evidence of his crime families involvement in the Ukraine for years.
Putin is a thug for sure but has been goaded by the left for years just to get Trump out….during that time Putin wouldn’t have reacted with trump in control because of strength but the goading didn’t stop after Biden got in, nordstream 2 was given as an offering to continue to take the goading it was no deterrent. …. Now there is no stopping Putin until he burns out his own flame.
Love you brothers in Christ..you are 1000000% right, I Agree what your seeing this!!!
Praise God, God said Heaven and Earth will pass away, BUT* MY WORD WILL NEVER PASS AWAY!!!@
Our Pastor at Redding First Baptist Church in California is on top of this…
We are so blessed.
Truly you too Jack Hibbs in Safari you are truly to be raised to be the pastors in the end days. You are to be blessed and I love you
Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets
{Luke 6:26}
Its crazy to live in these days, prophecy after prophecy is coming true.
Thank you for being vessels thru which Messiah gives the world His hope in an evil, pagan world that has no hope. I'm expecting great things from our God. I've been a follower of Messiah for 49 years & He's never ever let me down, even when I've gone thru hard times. He's always sustained me & brought me thru, He's always here with me. He's faithful & true.
God bless you both & your families. You are both a blessing in my life & those I share your videos with.
This was an awesome Wake Up message. Im.praying constantly for my unsaved loved ones in Jesus name
Thanks for this message that everyone should hear
God bless you in Jesus name
Pastor Jack talking about all of us being rank horrible sinners. Well what do u expect is going to happen when we all have inherited the fallen sinful nature, the world & Satan (& his minions) to contend with? Why is everyone born behind the curve @ the start? Why couldn't we inherit the Christ Nature & be like Jesus from the beginning?
With all due respect, we are not entering into a Third World War! The “Man of sin” has not yet been revealed and Russia is not a threat to the U.S. What we are seeing are birth pains, the nations are sharpening their plow shears for certain, but the real threat are the ones that we never talk about; Turkey, Japan and Germany!
Take a look at the nations that support homosexuality, LGBT, Abortion to include the US but Russia is remaining faithful to God for turning away from these acts and refusing to allow the US to push its agenda on them
You call Putin a maniac, but what you fail to see is that the leaders of the nations I have mentioned are the “maniacs” that no one wants to talk about. What group of ppl are the worst persecutors of Gods ppl? Islam!!
Don’t be blind sided by what the media supports. Jeff
Sadly you guys are way off . Thankfully God is always in control.
“Following Jesus “ may cause confusion. Doing something for him is not the gospel for an unsaved. Repent and faith is
Concerning Baptism, didn’t Jesus tell HIS disciples to preach HIS TEACHINGS to all, baptizing them in the NAME OF THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT?
Sad the USA under Biden is running scared. And the media are on his heels. For truth go to these guys, LifeSite news and Church Militant. May The PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST COVER US, SAVE US.
Its funny you brought up the Russian middle thing that currently its The best in the world. I think God likes to show his strength by first demonstrating how superior man thinks he is. This way we can see it really was God. That's if this is Ezekiels war. But I feel like it's coming up very soon
Yes this was all suppose to happen…that's why God.out Biden in office to lead the demise of America
Hi I went to Church Christian Church so when I asked the Paster if he was in a Religion he dident answer me then I seen that he was wanting Attention to himself I had to leave I couldn't take it anymore so I watched him online he pointed to me and said I had fallen away from God. I can tell you I have not. I have a Relationship with Jesus Christ..there's a reason why I found you on here and I'm listening, learning. God Bless you and yours.
Thank you for this timely news update from the perspective of God’s Word. So appreciate both of you and your dedication to teaching the followers of Christ and sharing the gospel with the world.
God Bless💕
Thank you both for this. Be blessed. I will share, as you say maybe 1 person opens and listens, my experience with people around me lately, is this: the TikTok generation just dont open things longer than a minute, they actually say to me: how long is it? No… it's 2 long, so I do think in prayer we must pray for people to somehow get back into watching things that actually contain real substance…. please. May Jesus come soon.
Wow, got you both sir Amir and sir Jack…. Coming from the deepest heart of trying to convince people of what has to come… So much touched here, philippines
Come Lord Jesus, come
Personally I think we should focus more on God’s word and truth rather than politics. Nobody knows, except God, what is in the future. We have enough fear based media. But I see the point how they are preparing God’s children.
Why do people give credence to MSM? And today, they are saying Russia blew up their own pipeline in Ukraine. I don't buy it!
We are only weak because of the straw man in the White House
America has lost wars because they were held back. They wouldn’t turn the men lose to do their job. I saw that. God Bless America.❤️🙏🙏🙏🇱🇷🇱🇷
So blessed and encouraged! LOOK UP!
Sharing to encourage others!
May God abundantly bless you and keep you both!
Brothers and sisters, pray for Pastor Jack and brother Amir. They are teaching the truth of God's word and need our prayers for strength and safety. Especially pray for brother Amirs back. He is having severe back pain. He continues to be God's man around the world. Let's all pray that God will heal his back so he can continue to serve our
Lord. Pray Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals.
I am very thankful that my Pastor is teaching the full counsel of God. Also, my Sunday school teacher who is a former Colonel in the Green Berets is teaching on the end times. If you want to hear my Pastors teachings go to our website. Bogue Banks Baptist Church, Atlantic Beach, North Carolina. His name is Stephen Bath.