Cultural Issues America Lost (PBS, 2019) Christopher F. RufoFebruary 22, 2023 America Lost is a documentary triptych that explores life in three of America’s “forgotten cities”—Youngstown, Ohio, Memphis, Tennes... 292800
Critical Race Theory Parents SLAM Critical Race Theory in Schools The Heritage FoundationAugust 10, 2021 Critical race theory has been creeping into schools for too long. Parents have had enough and are standing up against the radical in... 4219300
Education Busting the Big City Blues | Road Trip on a Budget | Episode 4 The Heritage FoundationJuly 26, 2021 Washington spends with absolutely no return on American taxpayer dollars—it’s not sustainable and it’s dangerous. Senator Rick Scott... 87700
Education Panic at the Mechanic | Road Trip on a Budget | Episode 3 The Heritage FoundationJuly 22, 2021 We’re cruising along on our “road trip on a budget.” But unfortunately, something is wrong with our van. Senator Rick Scott lo... 137000
Critical Race Theory Critical Race Theory Will Destroy Our Military The Heritage FoundationJuly 2, 2021 Success in combat depends on the cohesion and competence of the forces involved. Critical race theory and identity politics seeks to... 2820800
Critical Race Theory Policy Pulse: Critical Race Theory in the Military The Heritage FoundationJuly 1, 2021 Imposing anti-American critical race theory on our troops directly threatens our national security by spreading ideas that undermine... 1414400
Critical Race Theory Critical Race Theory in the Military The Heritage FoundationJune 28, 2021 What would our military be like if Marines were taught to assess their fellow marines’ trustworthiness or capability based on... 1916200
Critical Race Theory How Critical Race Theory is Dividing the U.S. | Mike Gonzalez at Western Conservative Summit The Heritage FoundationJune 22, 2021 Heritage Foundation Scholar Mike Gonzalez addressed the Western Conservative Summit on the dangers of critical race theory, a powerf... 614900
Prager 5 Minute Videos Taking on Woke Inc. PragerUMay 31, 2021 Congratulations, graduates! Your days of leftist indoctrination are behind you. Just kidding! The glass tower of the corporate world... 276100