Critical Race Theory The Truth About Critical Race Theory The Heritage FoundationMay 23, 2021 #CriticalRaceTheory Critical race theory radicals say America is “systemically racist.” But they’re wrong. America’s founding... 5015700
Immigration 3 Ways Biden Is Making America Less Safe & Secure | Carafano on The Ben Shapiro Show The Heritage FoundationApril 15, 2021 James Carafano joined The Ben Shapiro Show to react to President Biden’s announcement to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, ind... 189100
Critical Race Theory Why Critical Race Theory Would Not Solve Racial Inequality The Heritage FoundationMarch 29, 2021 Critical race theory seeks to undermine the foundations of American society and replace the constitutional system with a near-totali... 2315400
Critical Race Theory What Makes Critical Race Theory So Harmful to Our Society? The Heritage FoundationJanuary 13, 2021 #CriticalRaceTheory Chris Rufo breaks the issues that Critical Race Theory poses to our society while exposing the ideologies and be... 3812400
Critical Race Theory VIRTUAL EVENT: The New Intolerance: Critical Race Theory and Its Grip on America The Heritage FoundationJanuary 12, 2021 Critical Race Theory (CRT) and public policies based on this worldview will not alleviate racial inequality in the real world. In fa... 5012800
Abortion Forcing Taxpayers to Fund Abortions? The Heritage FoundationDecember 15, 2020 Pro-abortion Democrats, led by Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., are renewing their attempts to force taxpayers to fund elective abortions... 2013200
Cultural Issues Homelessness Christopher F. RufoDecember 15, 2020 This video essay will help you understand the homelessness crisis from the inside-out—what drives it, what perpetuates it, and why n... 2936700
Critical Race Theory Critical Race Theory, Explained The Heritage FoundationDecember 7, 2020 It’s critical for Americans to understand WHAT Critical Race Theory really is. Americans should defend civil rights, and we sh... 3916400
Election Integrity Hans von Spakovsky on The Ben Shapiro Show: CNN Cannot Declare The Winner Of The Election The Heritage FoundationNovember 12, 2020 Hans von Spakovsky joined The Ben Shapiro Show to weigh-in the various election lawsuits that have been filed and how they may play... 2616300