The Truth About Critical Race Theory
Critical race theory radicals say America is “systemically racist.”
But they’re wrong. America’s founding principles have led our united nation to overcome challenges and to right wrongs—principles that serve as our guide for progress toward being a more perfect union.
In truth, this is a nation where all people are equal before the law and have boundless opportunities to live, thrive, and succeed.
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It's all about making a mark -good or bad they made a mark when it wasn't needed and said deal with it. Hope they like it hot.
Ahh warring in antithesis via Hegelian Dialectics. This was the very issue Jesus Christ warned about when his Apostles asked, "What shall be the signs of the end"
His second warning was "and Ethnos shall rise against Ethnos" The Greek word Ethnos is where the English work Ethnic comes from. Jesus was referring to Ethnic Wars in Antithesis… which he knew to be the result of dialectic hatred… he had seen it all before.
The Hegelian's attempt to sell us that there are only two groups of people in this world, "The Black" and "The White", Yet two simple pieces of paper prove those assumptions to be completely false. Line up 20k random Americans in the street and you would never be able to indicate where one group ended and the other began.
Fill a tent with 1m dollars, and force people to pass by a white or black calibrated colorimeter test, and no one will ever enter the tent and claim the prize. There are no white or black people in America. That is a lie the Hegelian's dreamed up. CRT is based upon that lie.
CRT isn't taught in K-12 schools!
Unfortunately, folks love to use MLKs 'content of their character' quote to then spew or justify hateful and false rhetoric. Always be suspicious of someone who uses that soundbite… especially more than once in a video.
We all know conservatives would crucify MLK and label him a radical leftist if he were alive today.
You do not understand CRT. None of what you say is true. But you know what? Theory is theory. The reality is, we see you. We will call out racism every time we see it. From voting laws that limit people of color’s ability to vote, to train operation hours that restrict people of color from working. Don’t miss an opportunity to call out the injustice of the Heritage Foundation each and every time you see it. Always remember that the trustees and donors of the Heritage Foundation aren’t going to have any problems getting their abortions for their daughters and mistresses. Just you!
the fearmongering lol
communist-controlled youtube just downranks this and it wont appear in the video-suggestions of people 🤔
Yall should do one on the current genocide in South Africa 🇿🇦 against Whites.
Great video. One critique, I hate the terms “blacks” and “whites” black people and white people are not inanimate objects.other than that no complaints
Oh please – there is no connection between 1930s Critical Theory and 1970s Critical Race Theory, and BTW CRT is not taught in K-12, and does not deal with individual behaviors and actions. It is only concerned with the behavior of institutions.
Manipulation of facts, no surprise. Pump up the base!
Lol where did y'all find this misleading/pseudo information? Critical theory did not magically morph into critical race theory. In simpler terms, critical theory and frameworks are used to analyze and understand the underlying issues of social and cultural structures, challenging the status quo to solve problems. It's an umbrella term that has many branches that adopt the framework, like CRT. The THEORY (keyword), is used as a framework to analyze and deconstruct systems, laws, and institutions that routinely disadvantage marginalized communities. It's not about making one individual person "feel guilty", it's about challenging and disrupting a system.
👁️✝️🛐👁️🍞🕯️💧🌋👀👂🙏🏻⏳, youtube
Black Consciousness vs Christ Righteousness
Ur Chaldees via EvenAtTheDoors
Beamable Substainable Prince's/Rekindling the Reformation series via Walter Veith at Amazing Discoveries
This is filled with erroneous and misleading information.
Amazing. Not a single fact to prove it’s(HF) point.
HF said , it would make “working Americans “ feel guilt.
Um, don’t they realize that avoiding the mention of race, makes it sound more like propaganda ?
How about this Fact. The Heritage Foundation was founded by, Paul Weyrich. Mr. Weyrich quote, “ They want Everybody to Vote. I Don’t want Everybody to Vote. As a matter of Fact our leverage in the Elections quite candidly goes Up, as the Voting populace goes Down.”. He also, helped the “Moral” “Majority “ with it’s First battle, when they fought for the Right to Segregate “Christian” School Bob Jones University, AND keep their Tax Exempt status. Paul was Not very good at keeping Right Wing secrets. You can also look up, another RWer that said the Quiet part, Out Loud. His name is Lee Atwater.
Such FINE, CHRISTIAN MEN. (Just kidding)
Has there ever been an American regardless of race that's made an upload without consistent annoying background music?
What bullcrap. Mighty white of the Heritage Foundation and I am white. Sad for distorting an exploration of racism.
None of this actually defines critical race theory at all. Kwame Ture for example exemplifies critical race theory and intersectionality as a means of understanding that all minorities face or may be subject to facing institutional racism with different aspects accordingly and that simply partaking in the power dynamics of our systems is not the end all be all of over coming racism. This video is quite the pathetic propaganda piece. Critical race theory was literally part of the civil rights movement. And to mention MLK in such a light is an insult to the movement when the system still assassinated and imprisoned civil rights leaders. Civil rights leaders and organizers are still in prison right now.
Someone below reported having trouble commenting on this video. When I tried to find it, YT did everything it could to dissuade me from seeing this video.
I had to type the ENTIRE title of this video in the search bar before YT brought it up, and when I got to the word beginning "crit…" it brought up "self criticism". All the way thru typing the title it kept bringing up different, disrelated topics. Tried from another account as well and every time I tried to "Like" it, I was bounced out completely to a page showing lots of videos.
What i see in the critical race theory is a breakdown of similar things that keep occurring in every part of a system not only does it observe the system but also the outcome from what's occurring because of these systems that's right it's structural !
It's not a theory, it's a speculation that uses opinions as evidences…..
It's an insult to theorists and their amazing theories!
Just testing bc I'm having trouble placing comments.
This video is so utterly detached from reality I'm shocked it hasn't already drifted off of my monitor and floated away into outer space.
Blacks earn 40% less
half as likely to go to college
90% less family wealth
72% black High point highschools 31% white
How do you think this should be addressed?
Or do you think it shouldn't be?
Everyyhing in this video is wrong or misleading at best.
CRT is study of how RACE impacted LAWS in the US.
Declaration of Independence: Had little impact on slaves who were disproportionately black people.
Slave Laws/Codes: disproportionately affected black people.
Black Laws/Codes: applied vagrancy laws that disproportionately affected black people. Pig Laws: laws that made it illegal to be unemployed. These disproportionately applied to black people.
Jim Crow: made racial segregation in all public facilities disproportionately affected black people. Drug laws/War on Drugs: disproportionately affects black people. Stop and Frisk: policing policy disproportionately affects innocent black people.
• CRT does not imply that one race is superior or inferior to another.
• CRT does not posit that all White individuals are racist and all racially minoritized individuals are
• CRT is not a way to enact racism and discrimination against white individuals.
• Though related, CRT is not synonymous with cultural responsiveness, culturally relevant teaching,
or equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) initiatives.
• CRT is not the same as social-emotional learning (SEL).
• CRT is not an attempt to make people feel bad about their race.
• CRT is not a tool to divide students or school staff and teach them to hate others.
• CRT does not promote or condone a specific political ideology (e.g., socialism, Marxism,
• CRT is not a means of judging another person based on race or making assumptions based on race.
• CRT is not the same as teaching the good and bad parts of U.S. history.
• CRT is not The 1619 Project, which is a Pulitzer Prize-winning long-form journalism projec
Here are my thoughts on critical race theory: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9yv4bZbcRU&t=14s
As a socialist I 100% advocate systemic change, but reducing everything to race is reductionist and significantly distracts from the issue of class struggle and antagonisms.
MLK was a socialist btw and was killed for speaking about redistribution.
Teaching Critical Race Theory to children is premeditated Child Abuse and needs to be prosecuted as such. There names should be in the child abuser database and they should be forbidden to be around small children.
This entire video is literally propaganda. If you believe any of this I guarantee you know nothing that isn’t propaganda about anything discussed.
this CRT Marxist movement will lead to a Anti-Marxist revolution and lead to what causes the downfall of communism in Russia
Look through the comments and you’ll find the Marxist supporters of CRT…
Are we gonna call this next step backwards, the black scare? Be careful, by being afraid of the CRT monster, you may lend it credence. Darwinian meritocracy may have its uses but might isn’t always right. Those families that have been discriminated against for hundreds of years already know their legacy. The only people discomforted to learn of that history are those that have benefited from it.
"The step backwards has a new name today, it is called the white backlash, but the white backlash is nothing new. It is the surfacing of old prejudices, hostilities and ambivalences that have always been there. It was caused neither by the cry of black power nor by the unfortunate recent wave of riots in our cities. The white backlash of today is rooted in the same problem that has characterized America ever since the black man landed in chains on the shores of this nation. This does not imply that all White Americans are racist, far from it. Many white people have, through a deep moral compulsion fought long and hard for racial justice nor does it mean that America has made no progress in her attempt to cure the body politic of the disease of racism or that the dogma of racism has been considerably modified in recent years. However for the good of America, it is necessary to refute the idea that the dominant ideology in our country, even today, is freedom and equality while racism is just an occasional departure from the norm on the part of a few bigoted extremists. Racism can well be, that corrosive evil that will bring down the curtain on western civilization. Arnold Toynbee has said that some twenty-six civilizations have risen upon the face of the Earth, almost all of them have descended into the junk heap of destruction. The decline and fall of these civilizations, according to Toynbee, was not caused by external invasion but by internal decay. They failed to respond creatively to the challenges impingement upon them. If America does not respond creatively to the challenge to banish racism, some future historian will have to say, that a great civilization died because it lacked the soul and commitment to make justice a reality for all men." – Martin Luther King Jr.
Tell me you’re an incel without telling me you’re an incel
Why would you be so blatantly uninformed. If the likes of you accepted racism existed that would be half the problem but no you want to attack those that highlight it.
What the fail to tell you, is that 1930's theory they are basing this whole video upon is literally an invention of the Nazis to convince the German people that Jewish Marxists were coming to take their freedoms and only the fascist Nazis could save them. Sound familiar? So this video is the resurrection of a debunked Nazi conspiracy theory, but now applied to race instead of policy.
Wow…so much fragility on display.
Of course, this is the view of white heritage…..
Please consider the Between Two Worlds series by Alan Hidalgo. This is English Language Arts curriculum based on classical multiculturalism, which recognizes that culture is an ideology and not a skin color, and where the goal is to understand and unite via cultural competence and not divide and vilify any race or nationality as CRT does with its foundation being Cultural Marxism. The series is made of Between Two Worlds: A Multicultural and Multilingual Anthology and Student Workbooks for Middle School, High School, and College/University. The novels are high interest, high relevance, and character building via universal virtues and real life lessons that transcend nationality or race or culture. The workbooks teach reading analysis, higher order thinking, Socratic discourse, and essay composition with an emphasis on argumentation and rhetoric. For more information write us at education@alanhidalgo.com or see our YouTube channel Alan Hidalgo Educational Consulting or visit our website
Belief in a purely materialistic Darwinian Evolution leads one to believe, albeit falsely, that there is no Free Will. And if there is no Free Will, then there is no Right and Wrong and no Moral Law, which is completely contrary to everything that is practiced and observed in nature, humanity, and the cosmos regarding cause and effect. This line of reasoning is what led to the atrocities of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc and is the hidden underlying ideology justifying and directing many countries' domestic and foreign policies to the present.
✫The Common Thread in World Wars and Perpetual Wars is Social Darwinism, 'Survival of the Fittest' Among Nations (i.e. the Godless pursuit of wealth and world rule without regard to moral / ethical standards or U.S. / International Law)✫
This is a bunch of propaganda by white supremacists.
Being honest means you will admit that the American Indians are now being called blacks and African Americans. STOP TELLING LIES!
You have to wonder – how did our kids get brainwashed to the point of supporting hate groups like BLM, LGBT ,CRT etc. I support blacks, gay rights etc but not the hate filled, cancel culture and political entities they are a part of.
MLK was a proponent of CRT he believed all whites were more or less racist.
CRT = jim crow
So I am confused…the video keeps referencing how skin color is irrelevant, but keeps referencing skin color.
In this episode of our new series, PolicyLAB, test subjects were tasked with assembling a mysterious device called a Stirling engine, an early alternative to the steam engine, and a machine that offers a perfect segway into a lesson about asylum reform — an issue critical to all Americans: https://youtu.be/Dy7A0cGV7JA