Apologetics Believe in Anything? | Stand to Reason Podcast Stand to ReasonSeptember 17, 2021 Greg describes an interaction he had with someone wearing a mask that said simply, “Believe,” then he answers your questions. 0:00 I... 27500
Apologetics Alan Shlemon: Teaching Egyptian Pastors | Stand to Reason Podcast Stand to ReasonSeptember 4, 2021 Greg talks to Alan about his recent experience teaching Egyptian pastors and the unique difficulties they face, then he answers a qu... 46200
Apologetics Discussing Abortion: How to Graciously Manage the Heat Stand to ReasonAugust 4, 2021 Guest Megan Almon gives advice on how Christians can remain objective and clear in discussions surrounding abortion and other hot cu... 08400
Critical Race Theory Jesus Did Not Come to Preach Social Justice | Stand to Reason Podcast Stand to ReasonJuly 16, 2021 0:00 Reality Student Apologetics Conference 5:42 Jesus did not come to preach social justice. 35:49 Do Christians wrongly legislate... 713000
Critical Race Theory What Do You Mean by Tolerance? Stand to ReasonOctober 5, 2020 Jon Noyes of Stand to Reason discusses how the word “tolerance” has been redefined in order to silence some viewpoints.... 09600
Train Christians Parents: Train Your Young Christians by Finding the Right Mentor administratorJune 17, 2020 For more information, read So the Next Generation Will Know: Training Young Christians in a Challenging World (https://amzn.to/2CftJ... 56600
Apologetics STR Tactics Book Club: Chapters 1-3 Stand to ReasonMay 26, 2020 Tim Barnett, Alan Shlemon, and Jonathan Noyes discuss the 10th anniversary edition of the book, Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing... 62100
Apologetics STR Tactics Book Club: Ask the Author Stand to ReasonMay 18, 2020 We finished the book, “Tactics: 10th Anniversary Edition,” and we have the author, Greg Koukl, to join us and take quest... 42200