New World Order Glenn & Panel DEBATE Trump’s 10 Most Controversial Cabinet Picks | Ep 397 Glenn BeckDecember 4, 2024 The last five years, including the pandemic, have destroyed trust in the federal government. The election handed Trump a mandate to... 332500
Different Religions “Jesus says believe without evidence” Apologist REACTS to Atheist #shorts #alexoconnor #christianity Sean McDowellSeptember 19, 2024 *Get a MASTERS IN APOLOGETICS or SCIENCE AND RELIGION at BIOLA ( *USE Discount Code [SMDCERTDISC] for 25% off... 238200
Abortion Kamala Lied, Babies Died | Ep 1065 Allie Beth StuckeySeptember 11, 2024 Today we’re recapping last night’s debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, which really became a 3-on-1 debate wh... 307400
New World Order Is the TikTok Bill a Trap? Rep. Thomas Massie and Rep. Chip Roy DEBATE | Glenn TV | Ep 341 Glenn BeckMarch 20, 2024 One of the hottest questions happening online and at the dinner table right now is: What do we do about TikTok? The app has 150 mill... 399200
Biblical Worldview Is God the Best Explanation for Moral Values? A Debate. Sean McDowellJuly 12, 2022 This debate took place in 2010 at Saddleback Valley College between Sean McDowell and Dr. Jim Corbett. At the time of this debate, J... 211300
Apologetics Here’s How to Respond to and Learn from Criticism Stand to ReasonMarch 16, 2022 Greg talks about the value of listening and responding to criticism and gives tips on how to do this well. Listen to the full podcas... 47900
Biblical Worldview A Quest for the Historical Adam: A Conversation with William Lane Craig Sean McDowellSeptember 22, 2021 Were Adam and Eve historical? Is belief in an original couple compatible with science? In this interview, I talk with philosopher Wi... 422500
Different Religions A Christian Role-Plays an Atheist to a Group of Christians (Then Reveals Who He Is!) Sean McDowellMay 3, 2021 Recently I was invited to do my “atheist encounter” at a Christian school in Florida. Normally audiences know that I am... 3415900
Biblical Worldview Behind the Scenes with J.P. Moreland Sean McDowellJanuary 7, 2021 Everybody loves a good story! Professor J.P. Moreland is one of the leading philosophers in the world, but in this interview, he sha... 48300