Apologetics How to Get Over Your Fear of Engaging Critics of Christianity Stand to ReasonOctober 26, 2020 Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason shares about his own experiences with opponents of Christianity and what worked to dispel his fear of... 75700
Biblical Worldview Is the Atonement Divine Abuse? Interview with William Lane Craig Sean McDowellJuly 1, 2020 Is the atonement of Jesus moral? Is it biblical? In this interview, William Lane Craig and I discuss these questions and the heart o... 178300
Apologetics STR Tactics Book Club: Chapters 10-12 Stand to ReasonMay 29, 2020 Tim Barnett, Alan Shlemon, and Jonathan Noyes discuss the 10th anniversary edition of the book, “Tactics: A Game Plan for Disc... 13700
Apologetics STR Tactics Book Club: Chapters 7-9 Stand to ReasonMay 28, 2020 Tim Barnett, Alan Shlemon, and Jonathan Noyes discuss the 10th anniversary edition of the book, Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing... 23100
Biblical Worldview Is Adam Historical? A Conversation with Two Leading Scientists. Sean McDowellApril 26, 2020 The question of the historical Adam is one of the most widely discussed and debated issues today within theology, science, and philo... 386800
Prager 5 Minute Videos The Dark Art of Framing | 5 Minute Video PragerUNovember 25, 2019 Why do intelligent people – sometimes even our friends and family members – continue to fall for the Left’s false narrative? Jeff My... 494100
Apologetics Anti-Intellectualism in the Church | Why Apologetics? Stand to ReasonNovember 18, 2019 Unfortunately, many Christians don’t think very deeply anymore. Tim Barnett of Stand to Reason talks about the value of developing t... 61800
Different Religions The Role of Hadith Literature in Islam Stand to ReasonNovember 4, 2019 What is hadith literature? Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason explains hadith literature and its role as a source of authority in the l... 010100
Apologetics Christians Are Commanded to Be Apologists | Why Apologetics? Stand to ReasonOctober 21, 2019 As Christians, we are commanded to be apologists. Tim Barnett of Stand to Reason shows us where we can find evidence for this in the... 61800