Gender Identity Transgender Activists Indoctrinated His Son The Heritage FoundationJanuary 3, 2022 Brenton Netz, a father, recounts the efforts transgender activists have made to indoctrinate his son. Still haven’t subscribed to Th... 2114800
Gender Identity This Bill Would Penalize Women, Children, Families, and Others. Here’s Why The Heritage FoundationFebruary 22, 2021 This week, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on a bill with dangerous implications: the Equality Act. The bill’s titl... 2313100
Gender Identity The Sexualization of Our Children The Heritage FoundationFebruary 22, 2021 We are under attack from the Left’s education agenda promoting information about sex, abortion, and politicized ideas about se... 3811800
Gender Identity How the Biden Administration is Advancing the LGBT Agenda | Ryan Anderson on CBN The Heritage FoundationJanuary 22, 2021 Ryan Anderson joined CBN News on Thursday, January 21, to discuss the Biden administration’s plans for advancing the LGBT agen... 3818200
Religious Liberty Summit on Protecting Children from Sexualization The Heritage FoundationJune 29, 2020 Join us for the Summit on Protecting Children from Sexualization on Wednesday, October 9 co-hosted by the Family Policy Alliance and... 1718300
Gender Identity Former Transgender Activist: Transitioning Is Dangerous—Especially For Youth The Heritage FoundationApril 4, 2019 Hacsi Horvath is an expert in systematic review methods, assessing bias in research studies and evaluating the certainty of evidence... 4515600
Gender Identity Lesbian Feminist Explains How The Equality Act Promotes Inequality The Heritage FoundationApril 4, 2019 Julia Beck is a writer and organizer from Baltimore, Maryland. She helps produce a monthly radio broadcast for Women’s Liberat... 4320600
Gender Identity He Used To Be Trans—Here’s What He Wants Everyone To Know The Heritage FoundationApril 4, 2019 Walt Heyer is an author and public speaker who formerly identified as transgender. He is the author of several books and through his... 3914800
Gender Identity Doctors Gave Her Daughter Hormone Treatments (And She Couldn’t Stop Them) The Heritage FoundationApril 4, 2019 “Elaine” (pseudonym) is the mother of a daughter suffering from gender dysphoria. She shared the pain and heartbreak of watching her... 2513900