Train Christians Ray Comfort on being brave as Christians administratorMarch 22, 2023 How can we be courageous in a world that is increasingly hostile to the Christian worldview? J. Warner interviews Ray Comfort about... 148100
Apologetics Two Approaches to Apologetics Every Christian Should Know Stand to ReasonJanuary 19, 2022 Is it a better apologetics tactic to begin with Jesus or to argue for God’s existence? #STRask #StandtoReason #Apologetics #Christia... 33800
Apologetics Believe in Anything? | Stand to Reason Podcast Stand to ReasonSeptember 17, 2021 Greg describes an interaction he had with someone wearing a mask that said simply, “Believe,” then he answers your questions. 0:00 I... 27200
Apologetics Alan Shlemon: Teaching Egyptian Pastors | Stand to Reason Podcast Stand to ReasonSeptember 4, 2021 Greg talks to Alan about his recent experience teaching Egyptian pastors and the unique difficulties they face, then he answers a qu... 46200
Apologetics How to Get Over Your Fear of Engaging Critics of Christianity Stand to ReasonOctober 26, 2020 Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason shares about his own experiences with opponents of Christianity and what worked to dispel his fear of... 75700
Biblical Worldview Is It Reasonable to Still Believe in God? An Interview with Craig Blomberg Sean McDowellOctober 7, 2020 Can Christianity answer tough questions about hell, unanswered prayers, slavery, suffering, and contradictions in the Bible? In this... 169300
Apologetics Rejoicing Together as Sowers and Reapers Stand to ReasonJune 15, 2020 Is it possible to be a successful evangelist without ever leading someone in “the prayer” to receive Christ? Can you be an effective... 64700
Apologetics STR Tactics Book Club: Chapters 16-19 Stand to ReasonMay 31, 2020 Tim Barnett, Alan Shlemon, and Jonathan Noyes discuss the 10th anniversary edition of the book, “Tactics: A Game Plan for Disc... 03600
Apologetics STR Tactics Book Club: Chapters 13-15 Stand to ReasonMay 30, 2020 Tim Barnett, Alan Shlemon, and Jonathan Noyes discuss the 10th anniversary edition of the book, “Tactics: A Game Plan for Disc... 03300