Religious Liberty Jindal Calls on Liberals to Be Tolerant of All Americans’ Religious Views The Heritage FoundationMarch 28, 2014 Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) sits down with an exclusive interview with The Foundry’s Genevieve Wood source 35100
Education What This Is: The Spending Bill Omnibus The Heritage FoundationJanuary 10, 2014 It takes 12 spending bills to fund the entire government. But in an omnibus, Congress throws all of those together and just votes on... 42600
Education Austerity, Spending, and Growth: A Symposium The Heritage FoundationOctober 28, 2013 Are brutal spending cuts crushing Europe? Or is it tax increases and major spending that led to the recent fiscal crisis? Get the fa... 02900
Education Competitive Federalism in Action: A Review of “Rich States, Poor States” The Heritage FoundationJuly 19, 2013 One of the great virtues of federalism is the considerable latitude it grants the states to craft their own economic policies. Given... 43000
Immigration House Conservatives Sound Off on Immigration Reform The Heritage FoundationJune 27, 2013 How will the U.S. House handle immigration reform? Members of Congress share their thoughts at Conversations with Conservatives on J... 64000
Immigration Scoring the Immigration Reform Bill: An Analysis of the CBO’s Numbers The Heritage FoundationJune 20, 2013 On June 18, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) plans to release its score of S. 744, the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, a... 23800
Education What Congress ISN’T Telling You About the Farm Bill The Heritage FoundationJune 19, 2013 The nearly trillion-dollar food stamp and farm bill is ripe for reform. Heritage’s Daren Bakst explains why. source 102100
Education Knowledge and Power: The Information Theory of Capitalism and How It Is Revolutionizing Our World The Heritage FoundationJune 11, 2013 We’ve tried a government spending spree and learned it doesn’t work. Now is the time to rededicate our country to the pu... 73400
Education Internet Sales Tax Will Kill My Small Business The Heritage FoundationJune 4, 2013 I’m Catesby Jones, and I own a small business in rural Virginia called Peace Frogs. Here’s my story about the Marketplac... 435800