Education Biden Response to Rising Energy Prices & Empty Shelves Too Little, Too Late | Joel Griffith on EWTN The Heritage FoundationNovember 30, 2021 Heritage Fellow Joel Griffith joined EWTN to discuss the Biden administration’s response to skyrocketing energy prices and the... 06500
Education Government Policies Cost Americans as Inflation Continues to Rise | Joel Griffith on EWTN The Heritage FoundationNovember 12, 2021 Heritage Fellow Joel Griffith joined EWTN to discuss rising inflation, a hidden tax that could be here to stay given the prolific go... 56900
Education Supply Chain Issues Exacerbated By Democrat Spending and Radical Policies | Joel Griffith on Newsmax The Heritage FoundationOctober 18, 2021 Heritage Fellow Joel Griffith joined Newsmax to discuss supply chain issues and the Biden administration’s false insistence th... 229700
Prager 5 Minute Videos The Bankrupting of America PragerUOctober 11, 2021 What happens when you spend money you don’t have? Everyone knows the answer to that question. But what happens when the government d... 308300
Education Tax Hikes Won’t Solve Excessive Government Spending | Joel Griffith on EWTN News Nightly The Heritage FoundationMarch 16, 2021 Heritage Fellow Joel Griffith joins EWTN News Nightly Tuesday, March 16th, to talk about Joe Biden’s plan to raise taxes. Lear... 106600
Plots To Change America Economic Freedom Is in Danger in America, Hong Kong | James Roberts on SiriusXM Radio The Heritage FoundationMarch 12, 2021 Heritage’s James Roberts joined “Breitbart News Sunday,” Sunday, March 7, to talk about the latest on economic fre... 116000
Education Biden’s Swampy Stimulus Package Fails Working Americans | Joel Griffith on Fox News The Heritage FoundationJanuary 15, 2021 Joel Griffith joined Fox News on January 15, 2021 to break down Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus plan. Learn more about this iss... 3610900
Education Canceling Student Loan Debt Isn’t Smart or Fair Response to COVID-19 The Heritage FoundationMarch 24, 2020 The Senate is considering a coronavirus fiscal stimulus package aimed at minimizing the adverse economic impact resulting from the p... 3410400
Education Is the U.S. Fiscal Situation Dangerous and Unsustainable? The Heritage FoundationFebruary 6, 2020 This year’s deficit pours more gasoline on an already raging fiscal fire. The good news is there is still time to change course and... 88500