Biblical Worldview If You Dissent, They Will Come For You Tucker CarlsonDecember 6, 2023 Douglass Mackey is about to go to prison for mocking Hillary Clinton on the internet. He sits down with Tucker Carlson to explain ho... 2112700
Biblical Worldview He’s Going to Jail for a Hillary Clinton Meme Tucker CarlsonNovember 9, 2023 The First Amendment is done. Douglass Mackey is about to go to prison for mocking Hillary Clinton on the internet. Tucker Carlson ta... 299100
Biblical Worldview How A Joke About Hillary Clinton Landed Martin Shkreli In Prison Tucker CarlsonNovember 7, 2023 Tucker Carlson is joined by American businessman and convicted felon Martin Shkreli to discuss his controversial sentencing and time... 2711500
New World Order Climate Myths DEBUNKED: Real Reason Elites Want You Terrified of Global Warming | Glenn TV | Ep 291 Glenn BeckJuly 26, 2023 Wealthy climate crusaders like John Kerry and Joe Biden love to hop from one climate change doomsday conference to another on privat... 3510000
Election Integrity Leftist Media Won’t Report on Durham Filing Because They’re Embarrassed | Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationFebruary 18, 2022 Hans von Spakovsky joined Fox Business on February 17, 2022, to discuss the Durham filing that leftist media is calling fake news. H... 2719000
New World Order HILLARY OR THE FBI: Who Needs a Barr Investigation First? Glenn BeckAugust 27, 2019 Who takes priority for an investigation from Attorney General Bill Barr: Hillary Clinton, or the Justice Department and FBI? Glenn a... 259100
Biblical Worldview DNC Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Mega-Scandal Exposed on Crosstalk Liberty SentinelAugust 15, 2017 In this episode of Crosstalk, former DNC chief and radical Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is exposed at the center of what s... 381800
Prager 5 Minute Videos How the Iraq War Was Won and Lost | 5 Minute Video PragerUAugust 14, 2017 What if people have the war in Iraq backwards? What if George W. Bush and the U.S. military won it, and Barack Obama and the Democra... 346400
Biblical Worldview Exposing Jill Stein’s Election Recount on RT w/ Alex Newman and Mike Flanagan Liberty SentinelNovember 30, 2016 In this episode of RT’s flagship show Crosstalk, international journalist Alex Newman and former congressman Michael Patrick F... 0900