Different Religions Are Mormons Christian? An Evangelical and Mormon In Conversation Sean McDowellDecember 30, 2020 Do Mormons and evangelicals share core beliefs about the faith? Do Mormons believe that men can become God? Is salvation by faith al... 3118100
Different Religions Thinking About Mormonism (and Mormon Epistemology) Stand to ReasonFebruary 16, 2015 Brett Kunkle first helps us to think about thinking, answering questions like what is truth and what is knowledge? Then he applies t... 43200
Different Religions What Are Some Good Tactics to Use When Engaging Cult Members? Stand to ReasonJuly 7, 2014 Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason shares some effective tips to employ when people from alternative religions knock on your door. #Stand... 163000
Different Religions Mormon Role Play Stand to ReasonJune 26, 2014 “Elder Kunkle” role plays a Mormon for a group of unsuspecting Christians. After the reveal, Brett Kunkle challenges the... 92300