Education Fox News Cites Heritage Report about Impact of Minimum Wage on Childcare Costs The Heritage FoundationFebruary 12, 2021 Fox News featured a Heritage Foundation report about the impact of a $15 minimum wage on childcare costs. Learn more about this issu... 247300
Election Integrity Be Sure Your Vote Counts: Vote in Person | The Heritage Foundation The Heritage FoundationOctober 1, 2020 This year more than half a million absentee ballots have been rejected and not counted in elections across the country. Voting in pe... 2015100
New World Order Why I’m Happy I Lived Through the Coronavirus Pandemic Glenn BeckMay 3, 2020 The coronavirus pandemic has been tragic — in several ways — for people around the world. But, perhaps, years in the future, we̵... 235000
New World Order TED CRUZ LAUNCHES VIRAL COVID 19 CHALLENGE: Neighbors Helping Neighbors During Coronavirus Pandemic Glenn BeckMay 1, 2020 Senator Ted Cruz tells Glenn about his #CombatCOVID19Challenge, which has now gone viral with participants ACROSS political aisles.... 234900
New World Order THE PLAN FOR GLOBAL CONTROL: How Socialists Will Use Coronavirus Pandemic to RESHAPE OUR WORLD Glenn BeckApril 24, 2020 In the 1990s, the United Nations drafted “Agenda 21” — their plan for defeating climate change. In 2015, it was re... 347200
New World Order MOST DANGEROUS VIRUS IN AMERICA: Mainstream Media or COVID-19? Glenn BeckApril 3, 2020 Coronavirus is deadly. And the pandemic sweeping throughout the world is tragic. But, which has the most long-lasting negative effec... 5010700
New World Order BIG GOVERNMENT Using Coronavirus Pandemic to Secure More CONTROL Glenn BeckMarch 27, 2020 Glenn explains how BIG GOVERNMENT is using the coronavirus pandemic to secure more control over your life and your rights. We cannot... 4210300
New World Order THE BERNIE SANDERS RADICALS: Socialist 2020 Campaign Leaders Helped Lead Antifa, Occupy Wall Street Glenn BeckFebruary 27, 2020 Bernie Sanders proudly calls himself a Democratic Socialist, and has been doing so throughout his time on the 2020 campaign trail. B... 304600
New World Order Biden and Traitors to the Truth: The Sham Impeachment Trial Glenn BeckJanuary 23, 2020 The Senate hasn’t even wrapped up the trial’s opening statements, and the Democrats’ hypocrisy is already overwhelming. Glenn unpack... 3910200