Election Integrity Democrats Want The Feds to Take Over The Electoral Process: Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationJanuary 21, 2021 Hans von Spakovsky joined The Tipping Point on One America News to discuss the Democrats’ plan to introduce the so-called R... 3314000
Election Integrity Abnormally Low Ballot Rejection Rates In Georgia Should Be Investigated: Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationDecember 7, 2020 Hans von Spakovsky joined NTD TV to discuss the abnormally low ballot rejection rates in Georgia and if that is something that shoul... 1915000
Election Integrity Almost Nothing Is Being Done To Stop Non-Citizens From Voting: Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationDecember 4, 2020 Hans von Spakovsky joined The Chris Salcedo Show on Newsmax TV to weigh-in on the issue of non-citizens voting in our elections. Lea... 1714500
Election Integrity We Do Not Have Enough Election Safeguards In Place In Georgia: Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationDecember 2, 2020 Hans von Spakovsky joined Hold the Line with Buck Sexton to discuss election security issues that could compromise the Georgia Senat... 2114400
Election Integrity Mail-In Voting Should Be Limited To Those Who Are Unable To Vote In Person: Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationDecember 1, 2020 Hans von Spakovsky joined Congressman Dan Crenshaw’s podcast to discuss why Americans should avoid using the mail-in voting sy... 1518000
Election Integrity Wayne County Election Was Very Problematic: Zack Smith The Heritage FoundationNovember 24, 2020 Zack Smith joined The Lars Larson to discuss the irregularities in the Wayne County election and why it should be investigated. Lear... 2617300
Election Integrity Why Michigan Election Must Be Investigated: Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationNovember 23, 2020 Hans von Spakovsky joined Mornings on the Mall on WMAL to weigh-in the various counties that are determining whether they should cer... 2816000
Election Integrity You Can Only Find Voter Fraud If You Check The Right Way: Hans von Spakovsky & Dennis Prager The Heritage FoundationNovember 17, 2020 Hans von Spakovsky joined The Dennis Prager Show to discuss how to investigate voter fraud and how some courts are preventing fraud... 3218600
Election Integrity Only State Legislators Can Change Local Election Laws: Zack Smith The Heritage FoundationNovember 16, 2020 Zack Smith joined The Lars Larson Show to discuss election litigation and who has the power to change election laws. Learn more abou... 1215800