Abortion LIVE: March for Life Q&A with Heritage President Kevin Roberts | Heritage Explains LIVE The Heritage FoundationJanuary 21, 2022 Join us as we interview Heritage president Kevin Roberts on March for Life 2022, the pro-life movement, and what a post-Roe world co... 313000
Abortion Be Fearless — and Stand for Unborn Life with The Heritage Foundation | #Shorts The Heritage FoundationJanuary 26, 2021 #Shorts #YouTubeShorts We’re taking a stand for the voiceless, vulnerable, unborn children. YOU can stand with us by supportin... 1214800
Abortion Forcing Taxpayers to Fund Abortions? The Heritage FoundationDecember 15, 2020 Pro-abortion Democrats, led by Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., are renewing their attempts to force taxpayers to fund elective abortions... 2013500
Engaging The Culture What Does the Bible Say About Abortion? Real Life with Jack HibbsOctober 3, 2018 Pastor Jack Hibbs tackles some of the hard-hitting topics of today’s culture in his new YouTube mini-series to help believers equip... 3613500
Religious Liberty The Positive Link Between Religion and Reducing Teen Risk Be The Heritage FoundationOctober 3, 2008 Each month, familyfacts.org explores an area of academic research on a topic related to the family and religion. Octobers findings h... 24500