Different Religions Interview: Eric Johnson, Misconceptions about Mormons — Stand to Reason Podcast Stand to ReasonNovember 18, 2022 Robby talks to Eric Johnson of @MormonismResearchMinistry about the rules Mormons have to follow, the LDS view of authority and the... 71400
Different Religions Interview: Eric Johnson, “Introducing Christianity to Mormons” — Stand to Reason Podcast Stand to ReasonNovember 18, 2022 Robby interviews Eric Johnson of @MormonismResearchMinistry about his new book, “Introducing Christianity to Mormons: A Practi... 41200
Different Religions Three Criteria for Evaluating Worldviews — Stand to Reason University Stand to ReasonNovember 6, 2022 Robby Lashua provides three criteria for evaluating worldviews in this class from his latest Stand to Reason University course. Take... 132400