Train Christians Are People Leaving the Church? administratorSeptember 20, 2023 September 28, 2023 Christ Revealed Channel: For more information about J. Warner’s books: Cold-Case Christianit... 2134900
Biblical Worldview The Latest Evidence for Modern Miracles Sean McDowellOctober 13, 2021 What’s the evidence miracles really happen TODAY? How reliable are the accounts? In this video, I talk with NT scholar Craig S... 461600
Biblical Worldview A Guide to Experiencing Miracles: Conversing with J.P. Moreland Sean McDowellSeptember 15, 2021 Do miracles really happen today? Can people genuinely experience the supernatural in our daily lives? Philosopher JP Moreland says Y... 202600
Biblical Worldview Breaking Down Walls: A Christian and an Atheist in Conversation Sean McDowellJune 18, 2021 Can Christians and atheists find common ground on the importance of having civil discussions today? That’s what Drew (YouTuber... 2013800
Different Religions Atheist YouTubers Critique My Atheist Role Play, I Respond Sean McDowellJune 14, 2021 Two popular atheist YouTubers recently did a response video to my “atheist encounter,” in which I role-played an atheist... 3918900
Different Religions Finding Jesus on a Mormon Mission: The Story of Micah Wilder Sean McDowellMay 20, 2021 How could a zealous Mormon missionary discover Jesus? Don’t Mormons preach the same Jesus as the historic Christian faith? In... 3818900
Different Religions A Christian Role-Plays an Atheist to a Group of Christians (Then Reveals Who He Is!) Sean McDowellMay 3, 2021 Recently I was invited to do my “atheist encounter” at a Christian school in Florida. Normally audiences know that I am... 3415800
Biblical Worldview Avoiding Big Mistakes in Defending the Bible: Interview with Dr. Peter Gurry Sean McDowellMay 6, 2020 Well-meaning apologist have made some big mistakes when defending the reliability of the New Testament. I interview Dr. Peter Gurry,... 346900
Biblical Worldview The Death of the Apostles: Sean Responds to a Skeptic Sean McDowellApril 20, 2020 In this video, I offer a point by point response to YouTuber Paulogia who critiqued my claim that the willingness of the apostles to... 273300