Prager 5 Minute Videos Is Your Child Getting Enough Vitamin N? | 5 Minute Video PragerUNovember 14, 2016 If you’re a parent, is your child getting enough Vitamin N? It may be the most important thing you can give them. But what exa... 445700
Gender Identity Medical Risks of Hormonal and Surgical Interventions for Gender Dysphoric Children The Heritage FoundationApril 4, 2019 Michael K. Laidlaw, MD, is an Endocrinologist practicing in Rocklin, CA. Dr. Laidlaw graduated from University of Southern Californi... 4219200
Gender Identity The Medical Harms of Hormonal and Surgical Interventions for Gender Dysphoric Children The Heritage FoundationMarch 28, 2019 When it comes to treating young people who believe they are the opposite sex, who either suffer from gender dysphoria or self-identi... 3510900
Gender Identity What Doctors Aren’t Telling The Parents of Gender Dysphoric Children The Heritage FoundationApril 4, 2019 Marian Rutigliano, DO, is an emergency medicine specialist in Washington, DC and has been practicing for 31 years. She graduated fro... 2910500
Gender Identity The Inequality of the Equality Act: Concerns from the Left The Heritage FoundationJanuary 28, 2019 Who could be against a law that promises equality and bans discrimination? Parents who’ve already experienced grief, despair, and wi... 299400
Train Christians Three Ways to Ignite Your Teenager’s Passion for God (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S6E08) administratorJuly 22, 2020 For more information, read So the Next Generation Will Know: Training Young Christians in a Challenging World ( 129400