Prager 5 Minute Videos Watergate PragerUMay 24, 2021 If you ask most people to explain what Watergate was all about, they might say that it was about a bungled break-in that brought dow... 286000
Prager 5 Minute Videos What Is Identity Socialism? PragerUMarch 1, 2021 There’s a new socialism in town. Its foundations are more cultural than economic. Dinesh D’Souza explains this major development in... 497600
Prager 5 Minute Videos What Was the Cold War? | 5 Minute Video PragerUAugust 13, 2018 The decades-long “Cold War” (1947-1989) between the United States and the Soviet Union was so named because the two global powers ne... 354100
Prager 5 Minute Videos Why Did America Fight the Vietnam War? | 5 Minute Video PragerUMay 29, 2017 Why did America fight the Vietnam War? The military suffered over 58,000 casualties, and America withdrew in defeat. What for? Histo... 343600