Prager 5 Minute Videos The Constitution: The Limited Powers of Congress PragerUSeptember 19, 2022 The Framers of the United States Constitution wanted to give more power to the people and less power to the government. This was a r... 5012600
Abortion LIVE: March for Life Q&A with Heritage President Kevin Roberts | Heritage Explains LIVE The Heritage FoundationJanuary 21, 2022 Join us as we interview Heritage president Kevin Roberts on March for Life 2022, the pro-life movement, and what a post-Roe world co... 313000
Election Integrity Legal Expert EXPOSES the Left’s Lies About Voter Suppression The Heritage FoundationSeptember 22, 2021 Hans von Spakovsky takes down the radical left’s claims about voter suppression during his opening statement on election integ... 2916500
Election Integrity The Truth About Voter Suppression The Heritage FoundationMay 19, 2021 The Census Bureau’s recent 2020 election survey of voters clearly demonstrates that those claiming that we have been experiencing a... 89600
Election Integrity Safeguarding our Elections: A Conversation with Sen. Rand Paul The Heritage FoundationApril 13, 2021 Free, fair, and secure elections are the bedrock of a democracy. In the wake of the 2020 election, it has never been more apparent t... 2012300
Abortion Be Fearless — and Stand for Unborn Life with The Heritage Foundation | #Shorts The Heritage FoundationJanuary 26, 2021 #Shorts #YouTubeShorts We’re taking a stand for the voiceless, vulnerable, unborn children. YOU can stand with us by supportin... 1214700