Texas Election Lawsuit Isn’t Raising a Frivolous Issue | John Malcolm on Newsmax
John Malcolm joined Newsmax on December 9, 2020, to look at the latest litigation news.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/commentary/why-safeguarding-our-elections-matters
John G. Malcolm oversees The Heritage Foundation’s work to increase understanding of the Constitution and the rule of law as director of the think tank’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/john-malcolm
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John Malcolm proved as dumb as this channel and the Heritage. Hey Newsmax why not show both sides and put me on to explain why this case had no chance from the outset?
If they've laid about the election let God's Justice prevail for He has said "ALL liars have their place in the lake of fire" if they stoled the election let God's Justice prevail for He has said "ALL thieves have their place in the lake of fire" Let God Arise and Let His enemies Be Scattered. Remember He has said "I rose up pharaoh just to tear him down" rejoice, rejoice NOW God can get involved! Rejoice there will be NO corruption or corrupted in Heaven!!
Bible packing bunker boy blazing into hell…good luck with 2000k defamation suits
STOP THE STUPID! trumps own security chief told him, and all of us, that this was the most secure election in U.S. history, and like so many others who wouldn't stick their noses up trumps ass, he was fired for it. If you believe the idiot, the liar trump instead of those who know better then you are a fool. trump was so boastful about his supreme court appointees and all the trumptards saw it as a great accomplishment. In the end they held up the constitution and put the democratic process and the country first by laughing him out of court. If you believe the idiot, the liar trump instead of the supreme court then you are a fool. Don't be a fool. It's been said that when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. Well, here it is. trumpism is destroying America as you drones cheer him on. Shameful and frightening.
Drumph and 20 boot lickers that's about all that's left
You losers are clowns… Even McConnell and Putin have turned against you losers!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Patriots United under President Trump
It’s all Bull Shit there was fraud an anyone that has any common sense can see it . And ? How Kamala Harris never resign from her Senate seat yet . 🤔
Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to use Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to avoid seating any Republican House members who have publicly supported President Donald Trump’s attempt to steal the election from Democratic President-Elect Joe Biden.
That’s because Section 3 of the 14th Amendment literally says that anyone who has tried to rebel against the Constitution after having pledged to protect it can’t hold political office. This would include any GOP House members who signed onto an amicus brief supporting the Texas AG seeking to toss hundreds of thousands of votes in four swing states, so that Trump can steal a democratically decided election.
Well the supreme court determined that it was frivolous dismissed it utterly.
(f) Not later than 30 days following the date of this order, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Director of National Intelligence shall develop a framework for the process that will be used to carry out their respective responsibilities pursuant to this order. The framework, which may be classified in whole or in part, shall focus on ensuring that agencies fulfill their responsibilities pursuant to this order in a manner that maintains methodological consistency; protects law enforcement or other sensitive information and intelligence sources and methods; maintains an appropriate separation between intelligence functions and policy and legal judgments; ensures that efforts to protect electoral processes and institutions are insulated from political bias; and respects the principles of free speech and open debate.
"State of Texas" is a member of the Civil War "Confederate States of America". It is not a State of the United States ( "Texas" is) and it has no standing at the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS).
It is the United States represented by the Solicitor General of the United States that has standing as a Plaintiff in the original jurisdiction of SCOTUS and it is his duty to file a complaint that the Constitution of the United States was violated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYlnHOtvvEs
(Executive Orders (13694)(13757) [13848] IS KEY! )Watch the video or look up 13848 on google. Trump has this.
They use covid as a ploy and we all know it
Supreme court are cowards all except two. Disappointed
O you poor little trumpys are trumptards your God lost again poor little trumpys are going to have to worship someone else
What is wrong with Republicans? This is not how to handle losing an election. Time to put on your big boy pants.
Republicans write and call your state's senators and representatives tell them to stand with Mo Brooks. 1000s of Americans affidavits are being ignored.
Conference: The World after the U.S. Election Creating A World Based on Reason
Republican state legislatures in MI, PA, WI, and GA want the SCOTUS to do their job for them. These politicians need to grow a pair.
Trump raised over $200 million from his cult to support these vanity projects. He's been doing the same shit his entire career. I hope that the donors take the con man to court to get their money back and the Justice Department opens a fraud investigation.
You were wrong!! Scotus laughed at your idiocy! Dumb ass
we need 100 million americans to challenge supreme court
all the way up till jan 20th
The delusionals of the trumpers who think Texas has a chance to overturn other states election results is comical. The desperation to overturn an election that trump lost big is also comical and treasonous.
Every single Republican Judge has tossed every single case that the trump administration has brought forward. So does this means the republicans are also in on this fraud?😂😂😂
You would think if there was any proof of election fraud at least one judge would move forward with a case by now🤔🤔🤔
Thank god trump is out. Thank god. ✌️✌️✌️
He was trying to turn us into Russia or Korea
We don’t need a dictator.
Come on people if there were any legitimate fraud surely one of these judges would have moved forward with one of these cases. That should tell you that just maybe your mind set is off. Come down to reality. You lived before with. democrats in power and you made it through it just fine.
This was a big waste of time. Trump lost why can't he and you folks on the conservative side of things understand. No one can win all the time not even your "great beloved leader" . The Supreme Court just rejected Texas motion as they should.
The Supreme Court went against the constitution. Hello, communism. Now China can move in. Totally a corrupt country. Good by America.
Fu..k all you politicians.
Politicians hopefully will stop screwing the American people. The swamp wants to destroy us. Uphold the constitution. Thousands have died to protect it. If the Supreme Court can't do there job for what is right to stand up for the constitution.
The blood will flow down the streets to protect our country from socialism. Don't underestimate the people for who voted for Trump to lay down and let them destroy the country we love. Pelosi should be charged with treason for letting the American people suffer. Politicians are the evil of our country. Period.
Trump puppets
I can see the Texas lawsuit going in one of 3 directions.
1) the supreme court will refuse to review the case and write a short rejection note similar to the one in the Pennsylvania case
2) the supreme court will dismiss the case and write a slightly more detailed rejection note chastising the Texas AG for trying to subvert the will of the people.
3) the supreme court will hear the case and write a scathing review that will singe the hair off of the Plaintiffs' @$$es
80 million people voted against Trump. Democrats have won the last 8 election by popular vote. We need to get rid of the electoral college and this is the reason why…
23 States are against Texas law sue mine is one.
🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲Trump is the best President in American history..He is for the people and for this country🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
26 states are in opposition…They are neither PLAINTIFF party, nor DEFENDANT PARTY. Those 26 are well settled with their votes declaration and to quote their own words "did not suffer any harm" ..PERIOD. No further business in The Texas' Case ! Those AG in the said 26 States do not follow legal procedures, exactly.
Liberal media sucks. Idiots.
Jan 20 is the date!!!
This is when the Devil IS gonna change the country and the world. And Harris is gonna be the one to have the baby that is gonna be the future ruler . Oh lord I watch too many horror movies🙄
Trump 2020
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