The Battle of Armageddon? Voddie Baucham
There is perhaps no other word in the Bible that will perk more ears than the word “Armageddon.” Everybody knows about that climactic battle between Israel and the kings of the east that will occur in the near future. Unfortunately, as Pastor Voddie argues, our knowledge of this event comes more from the dispensational zionist teaching prevalent in our day than from the Word of God. This calls us to scrutinize our preconceived notions of this text, and examine it through a biblical lens.
Revelation 16:12-16
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This is by far the best eschatological exposition I have heard on Revelation. I'm so used to it being a go-to guide to those "left behind" and am glad that someone finally explains it in a way that actually makes sense and is applicable today (not just the future when we'll all be "raptured" anyway). Praise be to Almighty God and Lord Jesus Christ!
Thank you Lord! Finally some wisdom in so long time!!
We follow Yeshua the Messiah, the Lion from the tribe of Judea. The promise from the Lord God our Father is eternal.
I think Voddie goes a little too far… while I agree with everything he said here that comes from scripture, I think he is missing Romans 9 and he needs to address that side of it.
Thank you Dr Baucham ,for the revelation. May God increase your understanding.
Thank you Voddie for shaking up all that literal nonsense in these verses – a literal battle of Armageddon on the ground, etc. – and getting us back focused on the most important matters of all – the spiritual ones! But when dealing with the nation of Israel you should beware of throwing the baby out with the bath water: there is a clear thread running through scripture that says the Jewish nation is special to God, by God’s sovereign will they are his chosen people, and whatever Godless state they are in right now, he has plans for them in the future to reconcile them to his Son, our Lord Jesus (they shall look upon the one they have pierced). So I agree that does not mean blind indulgence with everything they do, and that political alliance is no guarantee of spiritual safety, but remember that historically any nation that persecuted the Jews never ended up doing so well…
What does Voodie say about what is happening in Israel now, since the terror attack on Oct 7 23..?
I just wasted my time (an hour) listening to a long drawn out Red Herring against that which Our Savior revealed to his servant John. But Voddie thinks he knows more than Jesus and John because they don't make sense to him. He commits the fallacy of Uniformity from reverse. He assumes that the Earth of Revelation 6 -19 is untouched by God and will look the same in the Future. Plus, no one teaches that The Kings from the East will come against Israel. This is bad exegesis. They are coming to fight the Anti-Christ (someone whose future existence is denied by Voddie). Please stick to the text Voddie. This sermon is based on human pride and a faulty Tradition called A Millennialism.
Thank you Voddie!!
I was caught up in this madness in the 70s and early 80s. Believed it for awhile.
Not now.
But… here we go again.
The book of Revelation is obscured as is its order of events. Dispensationalism as with Rapture doctrines is about the worst texts created by western world to date. Those who have an ear let them hear is a command not an option for Yeshua's flock.
This was an awesome sermon and I believe the pastor is absolutely right as far as geometric Allegiance. But I believe that the pastor also takes a few liberties. One of which is the explanation of the mark of the beast being placed on the hand or the forehead. That's very specific and we can see that actually happening today. Further what about the 144,000 worldwide of the Jews that will be spared that will be evangelizing the world. I agree that this is a spiritual war but I also recognize, too, the literal. If we read the minor prophets it's very specific about the judgment of the Israel people, it speaks of judgment against Israel then & now. First how they turned their back on God then but also TODAY and that judgement will be upon them. Yet He then proclaims the forgiveness of His people and the judgement & end of of the "Nineveh peoples & the ALLIES Nahmun 1:11 – 15 : vs 12 – "This is what the Lord says: Although they have allies and are numerous, they will be cut off & pass away. Although I have afflicted you, I Judah, I will aflict you no more" . vs 14: the Lord has given a command concerning you, Nineveh (referring to the Assyrians), You will have no descendants to bury your name. I will destroy the carved images and cast out all Idols that are in the temples of your gods and I will prepare your grave for you are vile". Further in vs 15, God promises He will fulfill His vows. "No more will the wicked INVADE you; they will be completely destroyed". Obviously this is referring to a completely physical & spiritual end which hasn't occurred yet! But pastor is correct that we, as Christians, fight a spiritual battle constantly and need to constantly reviewing OUR walk in righteousness! So I believe both concepts are valid.
Also in reference to Armegedan: in Hebrew Armegedan is derived from two words: Har & Magdon which speaks of the "Hill of Megiddo" which is in the "Valley of Jezreel or later called Megiddo" is a 200 mile long Valley infamous for many military battle and is the most militarily strategic point in the Middle East. Is Revelations referring to this as the spot for a physical battle called Armageddon? That may be in question yet that's scripture reference here. One thing for sure is that a great battle WILL take place with the physical description of being so extreme that the "blood of Christ's enemies (the Assyrians & it's allies) will be up to the main of a horse" which is ruffly 6' deep. That's quite unimportant physical image.
Why don't ya'll ever talk about Satan's thousand year reign? I think that's what's coming up next on the schedule
This is why I don't look too much in to biblical prophecies. I sense the church is overthinking it at this point. We must not lose focus in the Lord Jesus Christ, whatever happens in the middle east let it happen. God is the Righteous Judge and He will exert His Judgment on anyone. If anything, what we should be watching out more is the rise of the anti-christ. That's what's concerning to me when I see people demanding for world peace. Do not forget what our Lord Jesus Christ said:
"Take heed that no man deceive you."
The devil will use good to deceive many. A man that many Christians will believe that he is sent by God but is sent by the devil himself. Be skeptical in all things from now on.
It never ceases to amaze me how often ministers ignore all the promises and prophecies about Israel so they can be seen as special in revealing Gods word to the people
How ironic that yhe people of Israel has been auch a nuisance to the moat powerful God that he cannot seem to get rid of them no matter how hard he tries, he got rid of the Jebusites, Moabites, Ammonites, Cannanites, Babylonians and more just as how he said but somehow, hes weak when it comes to Israel who just refused to die, how ironic isn't it !!!!
❤👍🙏 Amen
So what do you think guys about the idealist approach to Revelation? Revelation 1 uses the word "esemanen" which means to signify but do you agree that everything should be taken allegorically? How about the parts the sound really literal? Because those plagues that the angels poured sound very….literal.
Praise God for Dr Baucham, who's obedience to God has him sounding the trumpet of TRUTH. Thank you and bless you and your family from Scotland 🙏
Nah .. definitely a different view… can't agree with it…
I have listened to this preacher for almost the last year, but his last couple videos have turned me away. Spiritualizing of the text in many areas. And preaching against the Word of Truth
9/11 was an inside job