THE BERNIE SANDERS RADICALS: Socialist 2020 Campaign Leaders Helped Lead Antifa, Occupy Wall Street
Bernie Sanders proudly calls himself a Democratic Socialist, and has been doing so throughout his time on the 2020 campaign trail. But, what about those who are surrounding him? Glenn breaks down just how RADICAL the people helping Bernie win the Democratic nomination are — and everyone from his senior policy advisors to national field directors have a history with two of America’s most radical movements and revolution attempts of the 21st century: Antifa and Occupy Wall Street. And if Bernie actually wins the White House, THESE are the kinds of people who will be surrounding him in D.C., too. It’s time we learn the truth behind Bernie’s radicals, because if not, America might never be the same.
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Cant wait to boog the commies
Dropped out
Mr president! Protect America! We pray for you! Keep draining the swamp! People, We stand strong , no room for socialism here . Learn history and socialist ideology . Bernie is anti American.
Lmao Bernie is done for. Biden is clinching the nomination, all socialists are on suicide watch and will be jumping out of their parents basement window when Biden clinches the nom.
Communism destroys the family, community and the individual. It’s evil and requires low information voters to get in.
Satan never rest.
When did the United States become a communist country and who did it…
Even the corrupt leftist Democrat's won't let Bernie get to be the candidate. They will have to wait until 2024, we have 4 years to get rid as many Democrat's in office as we can.
Americans still do not understand that the United States has more radical socialists than there are in all other Western countries combined.Western communists have only one goal. To destroy the only powerful country from the inside that has stood against them for the past 75 years.
All these idiots voting for Bernie talk about how the Government is failing but they all talk about making government bigger. Their goal is to destroy America!!!! Bernie AOC and the rest all want one thing. To reshape America as we know it. No Constitution and no Bill of Rights!!!
Civil war part 2 is on the horizon.
Kill him….
Communism is rife in America.
The Image: Trump Saved the US Economy
The Truth: The United States is in a Great Recession with 1.9% GDP Growth. Nearly 4 Trillion Dollars in equity has been wiped out from Stocks in the United States.
The Image: Trump is tough on Terrorism
The Truth: Trump Administration negotiated with and Praised sick Terrorists like Taliban
The Image: Trump is fighting Terrorism
The Truth: Trump gave Saudi Arabia 150 Billion Dollars in advanced weaponry which was given to Terrorists like ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Al Nusra Front, etc
The Image: Trump is America First
The Truth: Trump is owned by the Israelis and Saudi Arabians who dictate the Foreign Policy of the United States to him.
The Image: Trump is Making America Great Again
The Truth: The international prestige of the United States has dramatically fallen under Trump and America's allies openly mock it.
The Image: Trump is a Nationalist
The Truth: Trump is a Globalist that has maintained the Global Status Quo by pushing everything the Military Industrial Complex has asked for in regards to overseas adventurism.
The Image: Trump represents Freedom
The Truth: Trump has Trampled on the US Constitution by increasing the NDAA powers which means Drones on American Soil, Increased Spying on American citizens, and Extra-Judicial Assassinations.
I feel a war coming
Socialism is the inevitable result of GOVERNMENT…. period
Will Americans vote to have their private property confiscated? And surrender their rights under the Bill of Rights?
Bernie Sanders is a draft dodging deadbeat dad that communists of other countries want nothing to do with.
They think he's a Bum and a Idiot.
No leftist should be working at Fordham University, but unfortunately Fordham and most other American Catholic post-secondary institutions have been drinking the leftist Kool-Aid for at least a couple of decades. Pray for their correction. ✝️🙏🏻📿🇺🇸
What is with the kooky magnetic health stipe ads before this show Mr.Beck? Selling pseudoscience? Or YouTube?
Bernie Bros are going to get corona. They are gathering together into crowds.
I'll keep my passion towards Loving Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and Upholding the Ideals of Our United States Constitution! The American Dream.
If I fail so be it…. I won't be here to see the Revolution.
Yes I totally agree with you Glenn, please America do not vote for Bernie Sander if he win you will live under communist’s rule which is very scary, just like China and Cuba. You have no freedom of anything, they control your life. People run away from communist and love to have freedom like in America. We are an American are so blessed to have freedom & great system. Please wake up don’t be too naive . May god bless America 🙏🏻
"This time we can control COMMUNISM". WTF… Idiots.
Any boot that tries to get inside my door will draw back a stump!
Wait for the DNC shit in Milwaukee, Imagine Antifa X 10, wait for it.
I just pray the Police are prepared for it.
The sanders socialist movement in this Country just proves our educational system has failed
What are the bloody Second Amendment arms for ? It's the right time to show the true nature of its existence !!