The Book of Genesis – Session 16 of 24 – A Remastered Commentary by Chuck Missler
Copyright © 2023
Remastered: Re-edited and remastered video, 2023.
Originally Recorded: 2003/4
There are four basic questions that confront each of us: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? And where am I going when I die? Your eternal destiny will be determined by your “worldview” in addressing these issues. And there are really only two world views: either everything – including you- is the result of some kind of cosmic accident, or this is all the result of a deliberate design by a Designer. This issue could not be more fundamental.
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The singularity of humanoids Robots are at hand
Lo and behold we the BA are back to the garden of Eden or Goshen
Where Mankind get to enjoy the fellowship with God 24/7
In the cool of evening God shall come down from 3rd Heaven to walk with us in the Garden of Eden or Goshen
Also in our temple the Quantum Garden of Eden
Taking dominion over the Garden of Eden or Goshen again while the billions of humanoids robots toil with " sweat" in the garden
Beauties and Handsome with brains work for us 24/7/365 without Salary, EPF nor Sabbath holidays to meet and exceed Factory 5.0
This is cardinal to support the implementation of 14 Divine Game Changer Astro Genomic Quantum Technologies for exponential increased in GDP and to vaporize hyper inflation
Smart Humanoids Robots shall reproduce themselves by the billions
Complete with self production of AnimalBots or Anibots and Insects Robots called Nanobots but the righteous human beings have full control over them
Akin the Almighty Triune God, the Creators have dominion over His all His creatures and creations
How to explain Trinity ?
When the negative pressure of 0.006112 bar shall unleash the triple point
The triple point of H2O, where the three phases of ice, water and steam are in equilibrium
It occurs at a temperature of 273.16 K and an absolute pressure of 0.006 112 bar. This pressure is very close to a perfect vacuum.
Our super implosion reactor is able to produce absolute negative super vacuum flux
God shall help us to meltdown the evil humanoids robots if needed be
Cheers the tree of the fruit of knowledge of 100% good witty inventions are at hand This is to checkmate the Triune Evils
Buffet of game changer witty inventions, innovations developed by God's divine humble top notched scientists
Blessed are the meek scientists for they shall inherit the entire earth
This is pertinent to meltdown all evil inventions and evil innovations for despicable evil depopulation from 8 billion to 500 millions
Cheers the best is yet to come
Triple point of water occurred at super Vacuum Flux .
Can be created by our Implosion Reactor .
In this regard, H2O exists in Trinity : Vapour , Water and ICE .
Triune God created the Triune man because mankind are created in the Image of God
While the angels , animals , birds fishes etc are not created in God's Image .
When Prophetess went to heaven a thousand times , God the Father personally explained the Triune God and Triune man or Trinity
The Flag of Israel are the Symbol of God with 2 inverted triangles.
Basically there are 3 types of Garden of Edens
God created them via
1) Astro Physics It is a world of largeness a multiverse
God the Father who seats on the throne in 3 rd Heaven is extremely huge
A multiverse by Himself
Get to see when you are taken to 3rd Heaven
How to qualify to see God the Father face to face ?
As promised in the scriptures
Blessed are the pure in heart for we shall see God face to face in 3rd Heaven
Like John whom Jesus loves was taken up to 3rd Heaven Book of Revelation which describes clearly what 3 rd Heaven looks like
When you are in 3 rd Heaven you get to see Human Spirits or the offsprings of the Father God
We have the qualified privilege to enter the Blossom of God the Father
Jesus , Holy Spirit become small like human Spirits to enter the door of God the Father
Insider the God the Father is Astro Body of Father who seats on Astro Huge Pyramid divine Throne of God the Father
Inside God the Father's Body ,is a multiverse by itself where we the billions of offsprings or human Spirits reside
We walked on 🔥 fire as God the Father is a consuming Fire also a Astro Garden of Eden
When the sperm meets the egg , God the Father breathed Adam human spirit and Adam became a living soul complete with Spirit, Body and Soul
2 nd Garden of Eden Newtonian Physics
The Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve had sinned
They ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and bad prematurely as deceived by Satan the old snake 🐍
Now the Newtonian Garden of Eden had being shutdown
Complete with Angels to guard the trees of life
For this cardinal reason 3 types of Goshens were created
1) Goshen Pyramid for the raminent of 144,000 who chose not to sin with the help of Holy Spirit or be pure in heart and love God dearly 24/7/365 like John did
2) Goshen for Pre Christian like Cornelius
3) Goshen for the poor and needy prior born again to protect them from despicable evil depopulation agenda
The rest of wicked lawless criminals, blatant lies refused to repent shall be outside of Goshen
They are outside the 3 Goshens for Summary Judgements from Heavenly Courtroom
Complete with billions of warring Angels to vaporize evil mankind together with the Triune Evils
Lucifer had the qualified privilege to enter the Blossom of God the Father as he was in charge of worship
When Lucifer rebelled against God he was cast out of God the Father Blossom
Lucifer became Satan and he got his worship Angels under him also convinced that fallen watcher angels with flesh to join him
He was cast to pink planet earth with dianasuars but he destroyed the pink earth
God void the pink earth who punished Satan Baal and evil spirit by seating on the White earth for billion of years .
The Triune Evils
1) Satan the father of lies
2) Baal and demons from watcher angels
Angel with flesh to have sex with women
To birth forth Giants
3) Evil Spirit
3 Quantum Physics Garden of Eden in our body or temple
It reside inside our body or we are the living temple
Remember Jesus said destroy his temple and 3 days it shall be rebuilt again Jesus was referring to His physical body and glorified body
Back to our Quantum Garden of Eden
God the Father ,Son and Holy Spirit because so small that they are able to reside in our body or temple
When God open prophet's eyes he saw the quantum garden of Eden inside his body
This is pertinent to note that we can also go inside our body to have fellowship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit inside our body
No wonder Jesus is knocking at the door of our hearts
When we are born again we need to purge all the demons in our temple or body
This is cardinal to invite the Triune God to reside in our Temple
If the Triune Gods are not invited ,the host of demons shall invite more evil demons in our temple and the backslided BA is more wicked than before
I commented to someone the other day that Chuck is my "crutch" preacher. I have been able to listen to him when I couldn't listen to anyone else. Jesus for real; thank you for all you have, are, or will do through his preaching and those that have continued to make it available for free to the rest of us.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Didn't anybody stop to think that Yeh Ho VaH told people His Commandments either by Himself or through His angels , that perhaps He finally decided to have it written in stone ???? Paul twisted everything , stop listening to him , does this sound like Abraham just walked by faith ??? :
Genesis 26:5
“Because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws.”
Chuck is one of the best teachers of scripture, he is so dearly missed.
I gotta say….
It’s astonishing to hear Bible study from a man which such a big brain.
Yet he is humble unto The Lord and teaches with great reverence.
man mr missler u r a blessing no doubt 🙏
👑Genesis 12:3 ❤ Matthew 25 31-46👑
✝️ Christians speak of scriptures as being this or that as a salvation 🛐 issue, here 👑 Jesus made this a salvation 🛐 issue Himself in Matthew 25 31-46 🇮🇱
😊No teasing out scriptures or extrapolations needed, it's as plain as the Sun shine 😊
👑 Jesus made this a salvation 🛐 issue in Matthew 25 31-46 🇮🇱 and before He returns I'd recommend ministering the same love ❤God bless you on your journey ❤
This man brought me back to God and for that I'm eternally grateful.
God Bless you as you've taken your place in Heaven 🙏
I don't know why the Jews think it is not kosher to serve milk or butter with me because in scripture the health Law's says you are not to boil a kid in its mother's milk. It didn't say you couldn't drink milk with the meat is said you can't cook the calf in the
Blessed is he who reads and understands the Word of God. I know you are with Jesus right now Chuck. Thank you for setting me straight. I am comforted.
Love you guys, gals, and I'm so glad God gave us you, what an abundance, our cup truly runneth over, God bless khouse 😁
We miss you brother Chuck. God Bless KHOUSE. We hope everything is ok Mr. Matsen
I have the dvd set of this. I love this guy and his ministry! Im so glad it is on you tube for all to see. I have over $1000 worth of dvds by Koinonia and not even close to even half of what they offer. Blessings all!👋
TY KH, for posting these videos!!