The Book of Genesis – Session 9 of 24 – A Remastered Commentary by Chuck Missler
Copyright © 2023
Remastered: Re-edited and remastered video, 2023.
Originally Recorded: 2003/4
There are four basic questions that confront each of us: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? And where am I going when I die? Your eternal destiny will be determined by your “worldview” in addressing these issues. And there are really only two world views: either everything – including you- is the result of some kind of cosmic accident, or this is all the result of a deliberate design by a Designer. This issue could not be more fundamental.
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Notice how when Jesus became sin for us at the cross, He didn't "pass the buck" onto someone else for the sin He became for us at the cross, unlike Adam, who attempted to pass the blame onto Eve for his decision to actively sin; to "duck out" in a tight situation, and even to blame God. Contrary to popular opinion and belief, Adam doesn't seem to be a "type" of Christ, no matter how convenient the attempt is made to fit this as such. Adams – the first Adam – sin; Christ – the second and last Adam salvation. The first Adam, a "type" of Christ???… Too much contriving with scripture, I'm noticing, to fit one's opinions and interpretations.
Eve was deceived, Adam knew the wrong and did it anyway. So how is it Mr Missler insists so vehemently that the man is the head? Interesting how he turns things around to fit his opinion, saying Adam did what he did, sinned deliberately, bc he loved Eve so much and comparing that with Christ. Jesus never actively committed sin but he became sin for us at the cross. As far as Paul, James, Peter, say the husband is the head, is bc that was a cultural practice in the Eastern world and still very much is. I don't believe that is inspired bc it's based on cultural practices and traditions, just like, women are to wear head coverings, etc. In marriage, they are to be equally YOKED, meaning they walk together as partners, contrary to what Mr Missler says in the previous video: "Not partners, she's an executive, he's the skipper". Woman was taken from Adam's side; if that was not an important inclusion, than God would not have included that in the passage. Christian marriage behavior should be patterned before the fall bc we are redeemed. To use the comparison of the relationship of Christ-God to the church-humans, as Paul does, the marriage relationship of husband and wife, is between human and human, NOT Diety and human – huge difference, NO COMPARISON. Lots of respect for Paul, etc., he went thru more than most would have probably been willing to undergo for the Gospel. Thankful that my long marriage was a partnership, thru and thru.
Excellent teaching GOD IS GOOD
It is not so amazing to hear this when we realise that so many of the 'mediums' and those who claim to be 'psychic' are women. Those who say they have additional 'knowledge'.
Asking "Did God really say….?" Isn't necessarily doubting God. It may be doubting the person who told you that's what God said. It is always right and proper to verify God actually did say something. It only becomes doubt when we look to something other than Him for the answer. In this case, the woman (she wasn't called Eve until after the expulsion) did something the Bible warns us against time and time again: she relied on her own understanding.
Can you imagine if Satan had shown up asked her, "Did God really say…?" and her response was to inquire of God for the correct answer? That would have been a very awkward conversation for Satan!
Thanks again for these videos, it is very rare today to listen to a man of God and the truth of what the bible says. Sure miss Mr Chuck.
I believe that Adam was with Eve when she took the fruit, the verse does not imply that he was not there, just my thoughts.
Hermaphrodite. Adam l9ved hos homisexual experience with lu ifer. Quit lying
"If you're relying on personal efforts of any kind to correct your relationship with God; you are blaspheming." – C.M. Amen, Amen! Unfortunately the prevailing thought within the Church is that we have to mix a little Law with Grace or we have to earn our salvation. Chuck get's it…salvation is by faith alone.
WOW! 🙏 Thank you.
I would like to believe that Adam ate of the fruit because he didn't want Eve to suffer the punishment alone but I believe Adam' s answer to God negates that
He ' threw Eve under the bus so to speak' when he blamed God and Eve " that woman that Thou didst gave me…"
This is such a blessing. Thank you, Koinonia Institute for publishing this. We are blessed to have the recorded teachings of Chuck Missler that help to bring a broader (albeit, more panoramic) view of the Word of God. Even if we do not accept or understand all his teachings or considerations, these help to encourage us to dig deeper for ourselves – seek so that we can find, as our Lord told us.
I really love really learning something about our God and Savior through khouse, thanking God for y'all everyday, may he bless and keep you in all you do 🙏
Is the church and Israel separate or different? Stephen identified the church being in the wilderness with Moses, isn’t that Israel? As Paul said we are grafted in and as Jesus said one shepherd and one flock?
“This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:”
Acts 7:38
“And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”
John 10:16
I disagree with Chuck about Eve's death not being recorded. Genesis 5:1-5, is a record of their death, for God called them Adam.
Thanku Lord for providing Chuck Missiler teaching us scripture on many books with Ron matsen Hal Lynsey and others , what a blessing,God bless everyone watching and the Lords choosen people Israel Amen
Love some Missler 😁😁😁
Lucifer,a cherub(the cherub of cherubim),was the greatest created being God the Lord made.
Satan Lucifer offered an evolution based life to Eve and Adam,based upon his 5th I will(cf Isaiah 14:14).evolution is the ancient lie of satan Lucifer and is the philosophical foundation of his stupid and illiterate rebellion against Yahweh Adonai.
Genesis is foundational.
Wow, a correlation made to me is when eve did not believe God the truth and instead believed a lie she rejected God in her mind like killing his existence in her, one of eve's curses is that her desire would be for her husband who was now fallen. Jesus says that when the comforter is come he will convict of sin because they believe not on me as in sin is not believing God. Jesus told the pharisees " I come in my Father's name and you receive me not but one will come in his own name and him you will receive." I believe that was him prophesying of the son of perdition. The recompense for being deceived is complete deception. And they killed God in the flesh thus fulfilling the initial sin, so yes how nigh eve can they be. But he has power to save is to the uttermost. Because he alone is God and there is NONE like him. HalleluYah!
Thank you for the fabulous lesson!
1 Corinthians 15:1-4! Salvation is as easy as Believing!!! Jesus came, died, was buried and rose again on the 3rd day for you!!!! He loved you so much that He died for you!!!!
"This I command you, that you love one another.
Thank you
Dishonesty will always brutality defend dishonesty. Yet, with truth you never walk alone. 🥰😇
God bless khouse and the believers.
God Bless!
When I saw the notification, I said, "Yay!" out loud!😁🩷💫 I look forward to the new releases! Thank you so much. 💕🌟