The Books of Solomon
The wisest king of Israel, King Solomon, is associated with three books of the Bible: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs. Each book offers a unique perspective on how humans can rule with wisdom and the fear of the Lord. In this video, we briefly explore how the message of each book fits into the overall story of the Bible.
#Solomon #Proverbs #Wisdom
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Ecc is despresing but the twist in it is life is meningless without god
You forgot the Wisdom of Solomon.
What a beautiful video. 💞
Jesus Loves everybody
BS … BS … and more BS ! The very beginning of this video lets one know that this is nothing but some lunatics imagination . This so called god told Adam and Eve to go rule the world ? Are you for real ? What was Adam and Eve supposed to do , build a ship and sail to North America , South America or Antartica and so forth ? 😡😡😡
They "gained" knowledge of what it is to be guilty before God but really just lost their innocence. Trying to discover the actual fruit they ate is a fruitless endevour.
Love your videos.
However, at around 2:38 you state "their intimacy was violated by their failed search for wisdom"
I understand the point you are trying to make, but their intimacy was violated because of their sin and disobedience. Referring to it as "a failed search for wisdom" paints it some sort of deranged noble light, which is misleading IMO.
I'm an atheist studying the bible because it's so culturally relevant. I find religious dogma to be deeply toxic but there are kernels of spiritual truth in stories written in spiritual texts. These videos help me understand the stories. Thanks!
Learning Gods wisdom is better than my Own 💯💎
Then where does the idea of King Solomon being the controller of demons?
Lady wisdom definitely wouldn’t have been black or fat and ugly
Tf Bible project
Really dumb that they used a black girl in the thumbnail tf is this shit
According to the biblical account, Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.
Beautiful! Glory to God!
Good morning Bible Project 🌞 Thank you so much for your videos they are very useful in order for us to understand the word of God. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you all and your families as well 🙏🏽❤️🔥
I love how the illustration brings the Bible to life and puts everything into perspective. Awesome job 🙏
This was so beautifully explained, it's almost as though a veil has been lifted, thank you so much Bible Project. What you do matters❤
aside from Jesus (obviously) one of the first people i wanna see in heaven is solomon
This was beautiful.
I love you bible project may God continue to lift you world wide thank you God for you guys.
10 +
The book of Solomon is so beautiful the story of Gods wisdom
Hi. There are books in the bible such as Ketuvim, book of songs that only people who met Yeshua and hears from Him day by day can understand. Because it is a hidden parable, and it is not meant for everyone
The song of songs is a prophetic parable of the present scenario of a person who accepts the GROOM, or in other words Yeshua
It is the love story of Yeshua and his bride
In any case you have a different understanding, it is a sign that maybe you NEVER still encountered Yeshua on a DAILY basis
So im suggesting that you must seek Him with all your heart. Forget theology. You must seek Yeshua
Thank you @bibleproject for enriching my study and reading of the Word.
Will always be grateful❤
i am muslim
I know another book named The Book of Wisdom or the Book of Wisdom of Solomon. However, it didn't make it to most versions of the Bible because it wasn't inspired by God and was just written by men, even the Jews reject it as holy. However, to some churches like the Catholic and the Orthodox, even Luther himself (in his 1534 CE bible), added the book from the Bible because even if it isn't divinely inspired, it is worth-reading.
I've read the book from my Catholic version of the Bible and I could say that it is a good book. Maybe you can find it to some Bible with the apocryphal books. I tried looking for it to other versions since I forgot that I was reading CPDV 😅
I don’t usually say I have favourites, but this particular episode has brought a lot of reflection in my life. 😢 I need the Lord everyday, (not that I didn’t know that..) I really needed this episode at this point in my life . Thank you Bible Project. Thank you 😢
Solomon didn't create Eden on Earth, but cool story and project,
Solomon is so cool…
Adam and Eve did not rely on their own wisdom. They took the fruit to gain God's wisdom to know good from evil. Otherwise they would have wondered aimlessly through the garden and had no children. It was God's plan that they had to do it of their own free will to create the human race. God could not send them out of the garden, unless they chose for themselves. Thank you mother Eve,
Beautiful and powerful. I’m praising God that He has graced me to learn such wisdom, insight, and great things through this channel. Thank you ! 🙏🏾😇Wow
Hey I was wondering about that but is wisdom describe in the bible is it the holy Spirit?
Thank you very much for explaining the Fear of the Lord. This concept has been so misunderstood. 😇
I wish we could have the music to this video. It’s beautiful!
Does it make sense that the human blessed by god to be the wisest human of all time could be ignorant enough to sin as deeply as Solomon sinned? Does it make sense that the wisest human ever would be dumb enough to dishonor god so deeply by having 700 wives, 300 concubines, worship idols, and worship gods other than his own? It doesn’t make sense to me that the wisest person ever could be this unwise. 🤔🤔🤔
Is this Solomon's story or a heavily edited movie script ? Stop interpreting scriptures to validate your agenda.
Song of Solomon, aka: Song of Songs, has a chase going on between the lovers. One time, the woman is searching for her lover, but it is after he comes to her first and then left. It is a great parallel story of Christ and the Church.
what is that language that the animated characters are speaking?? 😅
That was amazing and I thank God for you and The Bible Project. Your illustrations and knowledge demonstrate that learning about God can be exciting, rewarding and enjoyable. Keep this up!!!
This is by far the most intimate and touching video you guys have created. Thank you! 🎉
Twisp Wa❤
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