The Dark Art of Framing|5 Minute Video
Why do smart individuals– often even our loved ones members– continue to succumb to the Left’s false story? Jeff Myers, President of Summit Ministries, offers some compelling insight into the methods which the Left manipulates emotions and words, and what you can do to secure yourself. This video was made possible through our collaboration with Summit Ministries. Find out more:
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If you’re a movie buff, you’ve most likely seen an image of a director, thumbs joined together, index fingers forming a square, revealing the cam operator how to frame the shot.
The electronic camera can’t see everything? The art of directing is framing every shot so the audience sees precisely what the director desires them to see.
We all do something like this in making arguments, whether individual or political. It’s not always a bad thing. We just have a lot time to make our points.
There is a drawback. Frequently arguments end up unfairly skewed by the information they leave or consist of out. You’ll have a better possibility of seeing through weak arguments and appreciating great ones if you understand how framing works.
Let’s take a look at some examples.
Take socialism. Socialism is delighting in restored appeal, especially among youths. Why is this, provided the failure of the socialist model in places like the former Soviet Union, Cuba, and Venezuela?
The answer is that socialism has actually been really skillfully framed by its supporters.
Those who have more than their fair share have to offer it back. What could potentially be incorrect with leveling the playing field?
When framed that way, socialism is made to appear the only ethical choice. If you’re opposed to it, you’re framed as regressive, selfish, and quite much a jerk.
Another example of framing is the problem of religious liberty. The American Civil Liberties Union website says that “The Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment gives you the right to praise or not as you select. The government can’t penalize you due to the fact that of your religious beliefs.”
It sounds great– but only because of the framing. The Constitution does not discuss the right to praise and to hold beliefs. Those are an offered. The Constitution particularly defends the totally free workout of religious beliefs. Which implies liberty to act on your religions and not to be required to violate them. Which likewise consists of the right to affect others– just as secular individuals can.
Yet people who want to exercise their religion in these ways are framed as bigots. Martin Castro, former chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights for the Obama Administration, composed that religious freedom is a “code word” for “discrimination, intolerance, bigotry, sexism, homophobia, and Islamophobia.” Even if courts promote your spiritual liberty, you’re still a “hater.”.
Speaking of hate, “dislike speech” is another example of framing. Whatever people who state “hate speech is not complimentary speech” discover despiteful.
There are numerous other examples. People who question climate modification policies are framed as “science deniers”; people who oppose abortion– even late-term abortion in a healthy pregnancy– are framed as “waging a war on females.”.
So how does someone who wants to present the opposite of these arguments handle this framing method?
Turn down prejudiced framing. Now that you know what framing is, you’ll be able to find it.
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Why do smart people– sometimes even our buddies and family members– continue to fall for the Left’s false narrative? If you understand how framing works, you’ll have a much better opportunity of seeing through weak arguments and appreciating excellent ones.
Socialism is enjoying restored appeal, especially amongst young individuals. Individuals who want to exercise their religion in these methods are framed as bigots. Whatever people who state “hate speech is not complimentary speech” discover despiteful.