The End Of Slavery Explained – Full Compilation
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Thomas Sowell is an American economist and political commentator. He taught economics at Cornell University, the University of California, Los Angeles, and since 1980 at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he is currently a Senior Fellow.
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lefties say that the right is “erasing the history of slavery” when in actuality, they’re actually trying to educate children on the ENTIRE history of slavery, not just the CRT propaganda version that only teaches slavery as far back as the 16th century and exclusively in western countries.
Arabs still practice slavery. They would legally institute again in a heartbeat if they could
Nothing trumps the Transatlantic slave trade and the Arab slave trade was later exaggerated by European colleges to mask the transatlantic slavery ,heres a flaw in your view .
If you say that all the men were castrated then explain how Arab countries have a high number of Africans there who have been there for before modern day immigration?
There shouldn't be no Africans then because castration makes it do that you can't have kids .
So stop your covering up the serious of the transatlantic slave trade
This is the real inconvenient truth 😅
There is historical evidence that the U.S. Civil war was not fought over slavery, but tariffs. Slavery was added by Lincoln as a moral reason for the war several years after it began. Read Lincoln's first inaugural address and you will see that he was unconcerned with slavery, and he even supported the fugitive slave law. This is an excerpt:
"It is found in nearly all the published speeches of him who now addresses you. I do but quote from one of those speeches when I declare that "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so." Those who nominated and elected me did so with full knowledge that I had made this, and many similar declarations, and had never recanted them. And more than this, they placed in the platform, for my acceptance, and as a law to themselves, and to me, the clear and emphatic resolution which I now read:"
"Resolved, That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depend; and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any State or Territory, no matter what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes."
[Abraham Lincoln, "First Inaugural Address." Abraham Lincoln Online, March 4, 1861]
But Lincoln was willing to go to war if the Southern states did not collect tariffs for the government:
"[T]here needs to be no bloodshed or violence; and there shall be none, unless it be forced upon the national authority. The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the government, and to collect the duties and imposts; but beyond what may be necessary for these objects, there will be no invasion — no using of force against or among the people anywhere. [Ibid.]
Tariff disputes between the North and South had been commonplace for decades, primarily because they heavily favored the manufacturing North at the expense of the agrarian South. This Northern editorial that confirms the imbalance of tariffs was written shortly before the war:
"The South has furnished near three-fourths of the entire exports of the country. Last year she furnished seventy-two percent of the whole… we have a tariff that protects our manufacturers from thirty to fifty percent, and enables us to consume large quantities of Southern cotton, and to compete in our whole home market with the skilled labor of Europe. This operates to compel the South to pay an indirect bounty to our skilled labor, of millions annually." ["Value Of The Union." Daily Chicago Times, December 10, 1860, in Perkins, Howard Cecil, "Northern Editorials on Secession Vol II." D. Appleton-Century Company, 1942, p.571]
This is by a Southern newspaper:
"By mere supineness, the people of the South have permitted the Yankees to monopolize the carrying trade, with its immense profits. We have yielded to them the manufacturing business, in all its departments, without an effort, until recently, to become manufacturers ourselves. We have acquiesced in the claims of the North to do all the importing, and most of the exporting business, for the whole Union. Thus, the North has been aggrandised, in a most astonishing degree, at the expense of the South. It is no wonder that their villages have grown into magnificent cities. It is not strange that they have 'merchant princes, ' dwelling in gorgeous palaces and reveling in luxuries transcending the luxurious appliances of the East! How could it be otherwise? New York city, like a mighty queen of commerce, sits proudly upon her island throne, sparkling in jewels and waving an undisputed commercial scepter over the South. By means of her railways and navigable streams, she sends out her long arms to the extreme South; and, with an avidity rarely equaled, grasps our gains and transfers them to herself—taxing us at every step—and depleting us as extensively as possible without actually destroying us. Meantime, the South remains passive—in a state of torpidity—making cotton bales for the North to manufacture, and constantly exerting ourselves to increase the production as much as possible. We have no ships in the foreign carrying trade, or very few indeed… Lastly, let us at once begin the business of direct importation and direct exportation, and thus keep at home the millions of dollars which we annually pay to the North. The business of direct importation and direct exportation would, of course, build up, as if by the wand of a magician, splendid Southern cities of commercial grandeur and opulence; and thus we might become the most happy, prosperous, wealthy and intelligent people upon whom the sun has ever smiled. All this we should do—not in spitefulness— not in a spirit of envy—not with a view of breaking the ties of national Union—not with a design of engendering sectional animosity, but in obedience merely to the dictates of enlightened sectional policy, and in obedience to that universal principle, so well understood and acted upon by our Yankee friends, of consulting our own pecuniary interests, and adding to our general and individual pecuniary emoluments." [Vicksburg Daily Whig, January 18, 1860, in Dwight Lowell Dummond, "Southern Editorials on Secession." The Century Co., 1931, pp. 13-14, 15]
Stop listening to old coons
In comments about slavery, I always hear – or read – about the slavery of the Europeans, or the slavery of the Muslims, or the slavery of everybody else, except the slavery of Africans. Why is it so difficult for people to accept the fact that slavery occurred in Africa, by Africans? And that the Africans sold slaves to the Europeans, and the Europeans did not actually steal Black people from Africa? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
There is more slaves now on earth then ever slavery is far from over
The muslims were the first to buy those crimminals sold by Shaka Zulu..the big witch.And what about the white slavery that the africans did.Huh Huh.Youall are trouble makers.Ignorance abounds
The Volunteer Slipped
He heaved into his hammock
That watch was long and dull
Monotony’s so long and strong
Goes on without a lull
His dreams were strange and fitful
Long years had took their toll
The work they did was good, not wrong
And yet it sapped the soul
Most slave ships could outrun them
Yet still they strove to win
Disease had took so many a man
Yet there they fought dark sin
For decades on this station
The navy would endure
They strove to stop an evil trade
In that there was allure
His fitful sleep soon over
He was soon back aloft
As lookout high up on the mast
The morning breeze blew soft
Eleven long years he’d done here
This would be his last ship
The yardarm damp with morning dew
Was said to cause the slip
Death came when he hit the deck
And silenced his last yell
The ships log would record a death
It said: “… the Lookout fell…”
Long years that watch had been kept
The dark trade would demise
But thankless tasks are soon forgot
For this world is not wise
That long watch would at last end
The slave trade would be gone
This long blockade would be forgot
Yet widows would be wan
Efforts of this long blockade
Have fallen now from sight
Our people need no dark tirade
Our people stopped the blight
Yes, Our work stopped this foul trade
We died ‘neath tropic skies
Our efforts though have been betrayed
Where dupes apologise!
© November 24, 2008
And you have these black guys turning Islam muslim
I would like to see textbooks in ALL of the schools based off of factual American and World History by Mr. Sowell. It is a MUST for our country!!
0:35: That's because the casualties on both sides were Americans.
If not for men like Sowell, a lot of us would never even know that what is taught to us these days under the guise of history is, for the most part an outright, LIE. It's beyond disgraceful. Thank god for Thomas Sowell.
You'd think the amount sub-literate people tend to bitch about slavery these days, they'd be at least a little interested in finding out the truth about it.
Basically all empires had slaves & slavery. The British & the Americans were the only ones to abolish it, first within themselves, and then almost everywhere else, at great cost to themselves. Men like Charles Gordon sacrificed their lives for the cause of human freedom.
It's no coincidence that all the places in the world are the freest and most prosperous are the ones most influenced by Britain and America. And yet, those are the only two the postmodernist 'intellectuals' ever find the breath to criticize. Frauds, nothing more.
11:29 – A Great Eradicator of Slavery has arrived on the scene, and the days of the Slavers are now surely numbered!
This is why I find people who try to cancel Churchill for wAyCiSm, hilarious. He fought against slavery & against evil in general his entire career, beginning with Izlamik fundamentalists in Sudan and ending with none other than Psycho Adolf.
You see a reflection of this range within the spectrum of his critics. None of them can boast a career with a millionth of the positive impact on human liberty. And the vast majority of them exist as pure deficits upon the species.
Churchill had his flaws (who the hell doesn't?), but he still is morally far superior to the entire family trees of most of his critics, whether they be religious fundamentalists, genocidal dictators, sub-literate pWoTeStOrs or pointless-postcolonial-pontificators like Tariq Ali. No comparison.
Why aren’t our black brothers and sisters mad and filled with hate for our brown Arib brother and Sisters. Seems like there where and are Good White people.
If it were not for the white western world slavery would be the biggest business in the Arib world today.
Lies, lies, lies! I've been taught so many lies! I'm so grateful that I found this channel.
From which of his books are these excerpts taken?
@thomas sowelltv just to clarify, Zoroastrian Persia and China also banned slavery, China specifically out of moral reasons, just like the West
Yes the British ended slavery in its borders but not overseas, paying off the small number slaves in its borders. British never gave a shit about other races, if they destroyed Brazilian ships it was for economics not for social justice… this idiotic content.
The Japanese ended the caste system slavery in Korea when they occupied the nation. Although I suppose one could consider their efforts part of their Westernization process.
Didn't ending slavery help proletarianize urban whites. The British and northern states seem to have developed industry and finance capitalism that could could not coexist with a slave economic system which would undermine it's wage labor system. Or am I reading it wrong. Also, the ending of the slave trade made the domestic trade of slaves more profitable in the US too if I'm not mistaken
Well By 1860, Britain was way ahead into Industrial Revolution and they needed consumers. Slavery was and old economic model that was slowing down the new revolution. Besides all the historic drama told here, this doc forgot to mention this small detail.
why did british insisted so hard on ending slavery? Even tho as you said there were no profit behind the act.
Plot twist: it’s still happening in Africa today.
Slavery has many forms such as sub-contracting.
And this is exactly why so many kids are switching to homeschooling. I'ma stay at home reading Thomas Sowell's books instead of attending 4 years of useless college, especially if one is considered to major in humanities courses( History, Political Science, sociology, gender/cultural studies,etc) ,which can easily be politically manipulated.
It’s a shame they don’t just teach this honestly in schools why let people go round believing what they want to believe when you could just tell them the simple truth
But slavery did not end. today, there are about 419,000 slaves, most of the children and women. this is down from 500,000 thanks to Trump. Note that when Trump said he would fight slavery, all hell broke out on the nazi left and they still try to destroy him, and us. The Wall was a major help in stopping importation of slaves. Join an antislavery group and help fight the dnc nazis.
Americans are number 1… in propaganda
I listened to this book on audible. It was quite interesting.
…are 'Intellectuals' Academics…?
Slavery existed throughout the world for hundreds of centuries. It began to end only three centuries ago when the emerging democracies of the late 18th century began to phase it out. The Ottomans never outlawed slavery and it continued in China until 1949. Even today it continues in Mauritania and the Sudan and China is reported to have 3.8M forced laborers.
It's easy to end slavery when you rule the world and it's resources. There's a reason why past colonial powers are still the current economic powerhouse of today. Capitalist still run the world with old money and both hard and soft power.
They call this global order/free world.
The capitalist are on top even when they champion the ending of slavery. Nice tradeoff.
We must stop calling them slaves. They were captives.
These truths are why history is no longer taught in our schools.
The video better mention William Wilberforce, what a legend, a devoutly Christian man that helped end slavery in the British Empire without a shot being fired! All the while slavery still goes on in some parts of Africa, the Middle East, China and other places…but our nations here in the west that didn't even start the slave trades and ended them so long ago (in the US at great cost of course) are the ones being shamed constantly, what gives?!
Edit: Excellent video, I learnt some things about my British ancestors that's not taught in any school!
We, the technocrats of California, must sharply protest of this spreading of truths. We warn you Mr Sowell that we will virtuously oppose statements like these in the future.