The Government Isn’t Supposed to Fix Your Life | 5 Minute Video
Adam Carolla isn’t going to tell you who to vote for. But he is going to tell you who NOT to vote for. And in a time when candidates running for office promise the moon, one of America’s funniest comedians shares a few tips about how to spot the candidate that you should run from.
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Well I’m not here to tell you who to vote for. But I am here to tell you who not to vote for. Don’t vote for anyone who says, “I’ll fight for you.” Because that person is full of crap and has no intention of not only fighting for you, he doesn’t know who you are. He or she is just moving on to the next town where they can point at the next sap and say, “I’ll fight for you.”
I’m so tired of these politicians and their town hall meetings when somebody stands up and says, “I’m pregnant with quadruplets. I’ve been put on academic probation at the junior college. And my milkman hates my guts. What are you going to do for me?”
And my answer is, “Nothing. But here’s the good news. We live in the United States. You can do something for you. Feel free to get a job and fight to keep it.”
Let me give you a really good example of people doing too much for others and us coming apart at the seams as a society. You guys remember when you were kids and you’d fake an illness and you’d stay home from school, and you’d sit there on your sofa and you’d watch daytime TV?
“Hey! I’m Wally Thorpe. School of Trucking! You can get into trucking too! Be a long haul trucker! Get your license! Hit the open road! Make a good living!”
“Learn typewriter repair.”
“Learn toaster repair.”
Remember all those commercials? Every single commercial was geared to somebody who was out of work but who wanted to work. Why? Well it’s Tuesday. It’s noon. Who’s going to be home watching this TV show? People who are out of work. What do people who are out of work want to do? They want to get to work, thus they learn to drive an 18-wheeler.
Now look at every commercial that’s on during daytime TV.
“Wrongfully let go by an employer?”
“Slip and fall in a supermarket?”
“You can sue. Hi, I’m attorney Lance Bassman, and I’ll fight for you.”
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/who-not-vote

Thank you for this video.
Yes to some degree, no to some degree. To some degree, gov is supposed to fix your/people life. Gov is to govern the everlasting conflict among countries, among corporations, individuals, and SJWs. If gov don't act, that means gov don't protect your life in this sense; then gov will be over.
David Cross in “Why America Sucks At Everything” is the antithesis of this
"Learn toaster repair" okay where is the apprenticeship? Oh there are no apprenticeships unless i have friends or family connections. Okay is there a technical college? Ok but it cost 100,000 dollars.
They're not supposed to ruin it, either.
I used to be a truck driver but now I don't work because the government requires a physical that I failed because I don't want a stupid cpap machine or to take blood pressure pills for blood pressure that's only like 145/96
“End a plague” man that aged like milk.
Yes, but they make sure to make your life worst…
Damn clown. Most rich people have old money. Old money comes from crime syndicates and slavery. All people of color know this, the bad ones use this excuse for crime. So it would be very nice if good people with no felonies get a jump start. Growing up improvised, I seen a lot of people wanting access to go camping or take simple trips to the beach, but live pay check to pay check. Young boys who want to be athletes whose parents can’t afford cleats. This is clown speech.
Thank you for this video.
How dare you tell me I need to get off my fat ass and go get a job! I have a disability, I am allergic to work. And furthermore, I come from a disadvantaged family, we all lack ambition, so the goernment owes me money to level the playing field. And why should rich landlords get richer off me? Make paying rent illegal!
Meanwhile this guy grew up on welfare and food stamps…
2:31 the irony of hearing a conservative say 'i want the government to end a plague' in 2022
But that's all the government does hand out money. They hire defense contractor and then wind up paying the CEO $20 million a year of your tax money. When Walmart workers have to apply for food stamps and other benefits even though working full-time who is the real welfare Queen? The government had to put 50 million into building microchips while Jeff Bezos is offering thrill rides on his rocket and Elon Musk is trying to buy Twitter. When lead pipes are poisoning poor children what do you want the poor to do by Perrier? When sewage treatment plants flood poor neighborhoods what's your suggestion telling the people to buy boots? Oil companies get billions in subsidies and you're worried about some people getting food stamps shame on you.
How about the butt wipes who say they’ll “reach across the aisle?” That just tells me they are going to Washington to join with the corrupt on both sides who are running the sh** show.
Pretty rich that they want the government to end a plague and try to hinder it at every point. Also, born with a brillo head? Jesus Christ, why not just use the N word and let there be no doubt about it.
6 years ago…
Anyone who was involved in creating this content in any way and on every level is the absolute worst our species has to offer. Dumb f*CKING idiots over at PragerU
Well Bernie Sanders sure knows who you are. He’s actually met and spoken with most of the people he’s encountered on the campaign trail.
So "Hard work = being a talentless buffoon that'd still be nobody if not for Jimmy Kimmel"
But at least he makes a good contribution by whining about censorship while sending lawyers after small YouTubers for hurting his baby feelings.
if the people wants free stuff from government and allow the government to do what have they want with the business, the government would have more power. power is a breeding grow for corruption. Know that what the government gives you comes from the business. If you look at california, the rise on minimum wage, increased the prize of everything, it also crushed business to the point that the business have to move out. californian also have to pay higher tax so that the poor get what they needed
Pretty safe bet, his old partner Jimmy Kimmel didn't give this a like.
Baltimore, New York, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, etc. are Democrat strongholds. And these cities are the most suffered, but the Democrats in office doesn't give a crap. All they care about is their position of power. Mid-term Elections of 2022 will be a bloodbath for the Democrats. The only thing the Democrats want is bloodshed and carnage.
How can the government end a plague? 😂 End the plague yourself!
Great video
This is the Canadian government . And the only plague is the government
This video reminds me of what JFK once said in his most famous speech…"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
This is a masterpiece.
Sorry Adam. They can’t end a plague, but they do their best to keep it going!
Community issues is something that needs to be regulated by the govt/state. No individual person/s can handle that . Like ur stupid show "the man show" —- take that to hbo , showtime . Cable tv doesn't need that
I love this guy
How about the government does not try to suppress my vote? would that be possible?
"I want government to do things I can't like end a plague"
Government: here's the covid vaccine
"You can't make me take it!"
be careful what you wish for about that plague thing. i want the govs the hell out of this plague.
no sound
He is right on.
Best video on YouTube!!! ❣️
0:02-Alright!Time to end the video.
America didn't fo that much about plague.
In that case I won’t vote Trump lol. You’re so inconsistent.
I don't want the government to fix my life. If they tried they would not be able to do anything but botch it up big time.
Did he just say what I think he said did he just say some people are born with a Brillo head if that's not a dog whistle then I don't know what is