The history of European settlers in North America | Thomas Sowell
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Thomas Sowell is an American economist and political commentator. He taught economics at Cornell University, the University of California, Los Angeles, and since 1980 at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he is currently a Senior Fellow.
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Thats bullshit
ok. Scot-irish settlers in Irish DID fight native americans in Appalachia, but we also made peace and learned the language of some tribes like the cherokee and choctaw and acted as liasons between the colonies and tribal peoples.
So only the Spanish lived off the backs of the Indians in South America….. British and co didn’t do that off africans as well?? 😭😂
Thomas Sowell, the greatest white apologist ever 😂
First the Spanish were used as spearheads then the British and Dutch, Germans for thier work ethics
I thoroughly enjoyed this video and learned a thing or two. But then again, I always do from Mr. Sowell. However, I think the difference between the staunch Catholicism of the Portuguese and Spanish as opposed to the slightly more tolerant Protestant outlook of the settlers of the North might have played a significant role in the attitudes toward and treatment of the natives encountered.
One small detail, the war of independence was really to get rid of the British-Native entente stopping colonial expansion at the Mississipi. As soon as the Brits had had it good, the colonists rolling thunder began staling territory again, until the Pacific ocean was finally reached… Bullcrap! you think a few gallons of pearl water could stop the empire? It was just the beginning and now they have over 800 military bases all over the world, the biggest budgets and over 7000 nukes, the rest is classified. In fact, since 1776, the US has been at war for 93% of its existence.
I read somewhere that as much as the Europeans could own land, as much for the Native populations, it was the land that owned them and that they saw themselves as only one part of an ecosystem where each constituent had a vital role to play but where humans owning land made no more sense than fish owning a river or trees owning the forest. Obviously, they didn't have God to tell them they were at the pinacle of creation, Darwin to tell them they were at the top of the food chain, governments to tell them Saddam had to be killed or the internet to tell them AI was about to take control of their lives and make them slaves to technocracy… they had a point there. : )
Does someone know which war he is referring to in about 17.30? A war where indians used firearms, but what was the war called?
Even the magnificent Thomas Sowell overlooks the impact of demographic collapse caused by (ignorantly) introduced infectious diseases. Most of America west of the Appalachian Mountains was post disease apocalypse by the time English American settlers showed up.
Another side to the indigenous people story. One other than how evil and brutal White Europeans were.
a commentary on why it’s best to catch cancer in its early stages.
Thomas Sowell should have been our first black president! He is one of our greatest minds in America!
In short British did not do what the French did because the Indians in their land did not have gold.
Dr.Thomas Sowell is an American treasure.
Huzzah for Dr.Thomas Sowell.
The more I know!! Thank you big brother!
You're talking like they get there by his_majesty Navaho chief invitation!!
It'd been wonderful if our first Black President had been a wise and senseable man as Thomas Sowell rather than what we unfortunately had to endure.
Amazing video. In Canada, the whole issue with Indians is a mess. First off they don't know what to be called and change it every few years, from Indian, to Native, to Aboriginal, to First Nations, to Indigenous (the left wing people now use Indigenous, but most of the ones I know use "native").
Secondly, splitting the Indian population from the majority was a huge mistake. They Indian population pays no taxes, wants to be treated as a "separate nation" and wants the government to stay out of their business… until there is a problem and money is needed. They are like children who want to be independent and for their parents to stay out of their room, but when they get in trouble or need money for something, they run straight to their parents with a hand out expecting $$$.
The Beaver 🦫 wars
As always, awesome content…
Natives are Asians- not Indians or Americans.
This man never ceases to amaze me. What an absolute treasure.
All in all, it resulted in the near extinction, decimation and absolute marginalisation of the first nations/indigenous peoples, both in the case of Spanish/Portuguese and the English/French/Dutch colonisations.
It's funny how he describes North American Indians as one. When there were hundreds of Indian tribes. Yet he described all the rest of America with just 2 tribes, Aztecs and Incas, out of thousands of tribes in the rest of southern America. And he describes the rest of America as Latin America. There was no Latin in 1492. The Europeans arrived after 1492 and it took hundreds of years to give the people, culture and land the Hispanic character it has today. As for the differences between Spanish and English ways of conquering he is very biased. The Spanish conquered and the English bought the land. That just semantics because we know the Anglos would take the land if it was not freely sold. He failed to mention that the English purposely infected the Indians with diseases. While the Spanish developed a vaccine which they provided to the entire American empire. The legacy of the Spanish is that there are 150 million Indians of pure blood with their own languages and culture in Iberian America. Another 250 million are Mestizos or Mixed European and American blood. While in Anglo America they make up 1% of the population. It was the Anglos who removed most Indians from West of the Mississippi after they took more land away from Spain and later Mexico. Indians who flourished for 300 years under the Spanish were decimated in the 1800's by the Anglos in a couple of decades. Today what the US calls Hispanic are Native American Indians who speak Spanish because of colonization. In a way the Indians are resetting the northern Anglo part of America. You need to stop using Latin because Latin and Hispanic are European terms describing Europeans. It's like calling Africans in Egypt or Sudan as British because they speak English. It doesn't make sense. The Native Indigenous Aboriginal people of America are Americans. Period. The Europeans who call themselves Americans are European Americans or Anglo Americans because being born in the American continent they are native but not indigenous or aboriginal to America.
Every time I listen or read Mr. Sowell's profound analysis and dissection of human events, I feel I have gained a new step away from ignorance, and for that I feel blessed.
which 1792 letter written by Thomas Jefferson is being reference?
YouTube won't allow me to give this video a thumbs up. Typical.
This is as I remember history classes being in the sixties and seventies. Simple truth without any editing!!
The bubonic plague failed us bud😂😢😁 sorry I just got triggered watching covid NEWS then this 💩
This should be what's taught in schools instead of the 1619 Marxist Manifesto. Beautifully written, meticulously researched, and unabashedly honest, this is the history we need to learn.
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