The invasion of Europe and U.S. is getting WORSE by the day | Redacted with Clayton Morris
New numbers show a record number of illegal immigrants pouring across the borders of Europe and the U.S. Will anything be done to stop it or is it going according to plan? Last night Biden’s border guards cut razor wire to open a direct path into Eagle Pass Texas where the mayor has declared a state of emergency. Reports of 500,000 African immigrants are amassing in Northern Africa ready to cross the border.
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On Today’s Show:
0:00 Countdown
31:18 Welcome
40:00 Border Invasion
1:03:52 Pacific Island Expansion
1:14:05 Azerbaijan Fires on Civilians
1:25:59 WEF Plan to Ban Meat
1:54:55 Lego’s Climate Problem
Monday – Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST
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Clayton Morris is a former Fox News anchor. In Redacted, Clayton and his wife Natali take an in-depth look at the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
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Natalie, it is not a fair question on the military age men coming here with intentions of bringing their families here later. We are talking 100's of thousands of men. This is an invasion.
N o s h I t
I have yet to receive any notifications from your show
If they are military aged men bring back national conscription to which is
compulsory enlistment for state service, typically into the armed forces.
"conscription was extended to married men too” 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
The hidden agenda is the Cloward~Piven strategy the downfall of the economy!
Trump 2024 !!!🇺🇲
The hole in the ozone layer fixed itself because it ha nothing to do with human activities, but solar spots, or Sun-spots activity. We still make as much Styrofoam as before, and substances that are much worse for the environment than fluorcarbon emissions ever did. Just saying.
We (Norway) have been invaded by military aged men for 15 years or more. Most of the migrants are aged18-24. They steal, rape or women, pilage and burn our villages. Pretty much what the Vikings were accused of, but that really didn't happen the way it's being portrayed.BTW The purging doesn't happen here. Yet.
Why don’t they stay and fight to create a better home in their own countries?
The American Dream is now the American Nightmare.
I guess everyone’s just going to sit around and wait until it’s too late to actually do anything about our country collapsing. Where are all the patriots!?
That tiny rope will prevent a ship from what?
Huge increase in population in my city Santa Ana Calif. the population is 70% Hispanic .all of a sudden the population seems double. It’s crazy
Hello from Germany,they sell insect,100g of grasshopper, 9euros..wtf..the decision is make from EU Brussel.
I’ve seen these Buses in Heber City Utah
Being forced to step on LEGOs is a violation of the Geneva Convention.
Black plague.
1.158 comments posted 3 days ago. Sorry I can't see your short segment single topic videos like I normally watch or I would count those for you as well. Thanks for letting me help. Love you! Glad free speech is still legal in West Germany.
Britain is over run
Nobody is doing anything here in UK in regards to illegal immigration’. It seems that this situation is being managed and created by an international‘committee’
It’s a problem they self created. Ore te US with their wars and invasion. The US don’t get those Islamic immigrants they should go to the US. But as colonial cultures they multi ethnic anyhow
Thanks Clayton and your sister for the great show 👍
“Cricket Pate” has been on sale in Russia for a long time, but only in pet stores as food for insectivorous pets.
They realised no one cares they are eating $500 steaks, so they have to increase the disparison so they can feel better about converting all their employees lives into currency and using that converted life on a steak, while the employee is eating bugs.
Or they want to create a bigger gap between the lower class, you either are employed (a slave) or you have to eat bugs.
Dude Klaus Schwab is sick AF!
We want the truth
Why is this episode not on the podcast platforms for downloading?
American illegal wars in the Middle Wast have led to millions of displaced refugees. So far these people, who are victims of Imperialism have sought refuge in neighbouring countries, and then moved north from Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey into Germany, Sweden, etc… The Mexican cartels saw the opportunity and created a global funnel. You sow what you reap. About time the US host people victimised by its own genocidal foreign policy. This inexistent border has been designed to allow illegals coming in, people who will ultimately feed the prison complex as cheap slave labour. So it all makes perfect sense.
Cutting back on everything that's making life worth living? No way! Here's my simple solution: GET RID OF THE WEF.
Leaving no one behind, protecting livelihoods – by creating food insecurity, and destruction of food production. Riiiight, that's how it's "going" to "really" work.
Insect bread is no longer sold in Finland. Bread sales started in 2017. However, the bread left grocery stores in 2018 because people didn't buy it.
Carbon dioxide is an essential atmospheric gas.
Be careful you two. They'll be coming for you to deplatform next.I've also been unsubscribed. I've just started with rumble because I'm getting pissed off with yt.
Cone head eating icecream while rome burns, dunce
I love rumble but it's being stifled in Australia.
will Natasha and Boris be hosting the show more often?
Only birds can digest bugs. Bugs have a lot of parasites too
The outside of bugs is very poisonous for human consumption
This is 2nd day in row that I didn't get any notifications
They don't want to assimilate or watch!!!!!!!!!!
Where are they going to get enough bugs to make up for the tonnage of meat we eat regularly? Even if less bugs will provide the same amount of protein as meat (I deeply doubt it), we don't have even a single farm with the appropriate technology to breed and harvest these bugs. This is all nonsense!
Groups of immigrants are already taking place of parts of Lampedusa as if they are conquering territory!
"What historians will definitely wonder about in future centuries is how deeply flawed logic, obscured by shrewd and unrelenting propaganda, actually enabled a coalition, of powerful special interests to convince nearly everyone in the world that CO2 from human industry was a dangerous, planet-destroying toxin. It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world – that CO2 the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison." ~ Richard Lindzen, Ph.D. is an [Alfred P. Sloan] Emeritus Professor of Meteorology, Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Natali seems to have missed how CO2… well.. it's required for photosynthesis, it's a certain miracle molecule that only takes up 0.04% of the atmosphere, that miracle molecule is required for life on this earth = it's plant food, we as mankind have a reciprocal relationship with plants, we exhale CO2, plants absorb it and convert it to oxygen which they give us – we are carbon based life.. Please consider the above experiential knowledge from a decades well learned honourable forthright truthful quality scientist so that you may see it is overt science misinformation to feed an audience who that obviously failed basic science class that supposedly CO2 is supposedly the enemy.
Or the ozon hole also was a bluff! How do we know?
Illegal immigration into the US is all about the Cloward/Piven strategy. You could probably also add voting to that strategy too.
A lot of farmland grows food for farm animals. So that argument about vegans killing more animals than meat eaters doesn’t hold water. Other than that, great show!
Obviously is the same mind who has been planning and doing this. to transform Europe and USA in to new countries with no borders so voting will be in their favor in the future
The surge or flood of illegal migration is the necessary buttering of the hips concerning the ushering in of the new world, global digital currency, neutralization of Nations , erasure of dominant history, culture and commerce. This tool is a no Brainer destabilizing technique. And the confidence in replacing all opposition to such movements is quite high by this handful of Global Kingpins because they know its simply a matter of time and numbers.
I suppose that's why it is becoming understood that simply stopping the unchecked flow is not enough. The other necessary component to the considered solution is deportation on mass. Citizens are being manipulated emotionally.
Soylent green watch this training movie