The Left’s Policies Are A Big Threat To The Integrity Of Our Elections: Hans von Spakovsky
Hans von Spakovsky joined Newsmax TV to discuss the lies the left is telling about election reform initiatives and the importance of protecting the integrity of our elections.
Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform — as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. As manager of the think tank’s Election Law Reform Initiative, von Spakovsky also studies and writes about campaign finance restrictions, voter fraud and voter ID, enforcement of federal voting rights laws, administration of elections and voting equipment standards.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/hans-von-spakovsky
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THE DEEP RIG on Rumble!!!!!!!
If there really was mail in ballot fraud, then why hasn't it been easily discovered? For the states that had signature matching, they literally have to contact the voter if the signature does not match. This is where you would find your fraud – when they contact people, the people would then say, "No, I did not vote". Why are republicans not talking about these contact results?
Of the approx 1.9 million mail in ballots cast in Maricopa, approximately 20,000 were identified that required contacting the voter. If what republicans are saying is true, why aren't they using the stats of those contacted and came back saying they didn't submit a vote (aka fraud)? That right there is a pretty good indicator.
What is really happening here is that republicans are undermining the integrity of democracy. These kind of accusations should be taken very seriously, and if found not to be true (already done) should be punished heavily if a result of dishonest intentions.
Anyone who believes this trash should be wearing a helmet because life it too dangerous for them.
You retards are going to destroy the country because your too cocked to admit your god king lost.
You fascists fear democracy.
Shoutout to eugenics
The left suppresses democracy is the real truth.
Keep voter id
1. Note, ALL of my goings on are tightly monitored and recorded so if you want to erase my posts, it's at your own peril.
Mike Lindell evidence symposium on the internet 10rh, 11th and 12 the. Audits need routers, machines and paper audit. NOT just recounted ballots
5 million bucks to disprove his election fraud evidence.
217K subscribers. 256 views after 4 hours. Screw YouTube.
Spread the word everywhere, especially cali residents! Larry Elder for California Governor!
I think I should have bodyguards given to me by the government.
Dems and “Left”, 🖕🏼
It is so easy to see the truth!! It is always the opposite of what dems says. And also nonsense.
America is at a tipping point with the possibility of no return from the headlong rush to socialist oblivion. Politicians on the political Right need to take the gloves off and go bareknuckle against the political thugs of the Left. The Left does not hesitate to lie, cheat and steal elections. In the end conservatives will not go quietly into the night. They will fight and it will not end well for America.
It’s not the DOJ, it’s the DOI, Department of Injustice.
The world needs the gospel
Democrats are lying to completely take over our country
If this was the other way then the left would want it it just makes everybody more suspicious the more they try to hide it