The Superior Kingdom l Voddie Baucham
There is a great temptation to get deeply embedded in speculation about the specifics of Daniel’s vision of the four beasts. But as Dr. Baucham reminds us, Daniel chapter 7 is not about any of those four kingdoms; it is about the One Kingdom, “that shall be an everlasting kingdom,” the Kingdom of the Ancient of Days.
The Superior Kingdom l Voddie Baucham
Daniel 7
The Superior Kingdom
Voddie Baucham Sermon
Listen to the entire Daniel Sermon series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB-QxudrMvM&list=PLjSIFDZIs-qcZccUZgbHry3VUOKUOCfVS&index=1
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are there two Voddie Bauchams ? one younger and one older ?
Hi, just wondering if you have thought about uploading to spotify. I often listen to these at work, and it would be great not to have to leave my phone screen on. Anyway, that's just a thought. It's always a blessing to be able to listen to Reverend Baucham while I'm on the opposite end of the globe
Smh 39mins til the end had me in tears. America is Babylon today !
I love the coming Kingdom! But I was not conviced that we Christians should enter politics and serve in government based on Daniel. Jesus is our Example, and he clearly established a Kingdom where his followers did not seek to join the earthly realm of government!
God bless you Brother Voddie, thank you for being intelligent 🙏
Now this is great preaching and understanding of what the Bible says
Thank God for you Mr. Baucham as well as Paul Washer, Justin Peters, John Macarthur & RIP, Mr. Sproul (a few others I can't remember)…yet Qs..if all the false teachers I know of have been taken up offerings all these yrs how in the world can these ppl still be with out water, food, shelter or anything they desperately need.!?? Because, like any donations made for the down trodden, only 3-10% actually gets to them.! Joyce Meyer helped me stay in Christ but thank God, you, & the other true teachers, helped me see His truth.! Love each & everyone of you.! God bless you all. ❤️🙏✝️
This has blessed me so much. I needed to hear it. I always think of Joseph who served Egypt. Thank you! ❤️🙏🩸
Always keeps me steady
God knows my name and where I live
The line regarding the temporal and everlasting kingdoms and how our expectations for each should be different really gave me pause. Thank you!
"That which is good, virtuous, true, rightous- concentrate on that, and not evil, lies and wrongdoing. For God is a Good God, and sees all, and knows all".
Thank you, God.
Thank you, Rev Bauchum.
Thank you!
I am….is here….
the visions can make more sense to us low, natural beings if we think in the animals being extended dimensionally, upright or down to the left from the upright.
These beings are more than 3 Dimensionally. Heavenly things are more or less omnidirectionally upright and holy inside out and full of glory that exudes out omnidirectionally from God's holy, complete heart lacking nothing.
wicked things aren't just mean, from their heart they're sharp, jagged, dark. incomplete and not full, sin molds their formerly angelic, full forms. the stuff of clouds to become like a jagged from all direction from the heart outwards.
the numbers, divisions and symbols in the Bible are not flat 2d or 3d it's all encompassing with layers and means something in space.
in physics work is moving something through space and thus time. Christs work is complete he worked through all space and time with his blood of his heart. he connected the ends of time from the middle with no space uncovered. his work extended a branch to pull us from our hearts into his likeness.
the work that can make warped, wicked sinners full, complete and of the stuff of heaven through all space and through time is glorious and is so for Gods complete pleasure.
Ouch, to serving Old Quinty Eyes and his minions !
sin is a vacuum of space. it's a negative, fractalizing work out of something greater. God and thus his kingdom is full and whole, if you work a negative work you will be paid in full.
Christ worked a full work that is turning a broken sinner into a full, whole Christlike son so we can get in on the fruit of christs work.
what Christ did from the middle of time mending from the beginning to the end through all space takes infinite energy as he took sin through space and through time which is only an illusion like a vacuum has no substance and only takes.