The TRUTH is coming out in Ukraine and Putin warned us | Redacted with Clayton Morris
The future of Ukraine has already been decided by the United States of America according a bombshell new report.
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On Today’s Show:
0:00 Countdown
32:05 Welcome
38:30 Ukraine Plan Revealed
55:54 Immigration Hurting Dems
1:15:20 Coffee Causes Climate Change
1:41:00 EU Politicians Destroy Energy
Monday – Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST
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About Clayton and Natali Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former Fox News anchor. In Redacted, Clayton and his wife Natali take an in-depth look at the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
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So what was joe up to and why did he want the prosecuter fired
US military needs to deal with Swab the UN and the WHO
I blame soldiers of Ukraine and locals they delayed to stop this if they had taken a right decision because they have powers that a fake president who has a plan of selling off the country to America
How annoying is this music?
It’s just heartbreaking. 500.000 dead let alone all the ones that are injured. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢.
"Don't Tread On Bean."
Me and my coffee WILL NOT be parted.
49:37 Collaboration Government, That's what a Hearts of Iron 4 Collab government is.
You heard of German Raj, now Here's American Ukraine.
no brainer democrats not realize that it does not matter, both parties serve one function, to enrich themselves and their donors and their families…what is the cost…the country and people like this.
CO2 is NOT the issue. Carbon Monoxide is the issue. CO. You know if you do the “ol car in garage pass out magic trick” please do not do it you will die from carbon monoxide poisoning!! That’s the issue!!! Trees & plants (LIKE COFFEE TREES) reuse CO2 carbon dioxide and turn it into breathable oxygen for us and cows and pork and chicken and and EVERYTHING LIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Folks eatin bugs cuz they won’t eat bacon🎶🎶🎶 ~Oliver Anthony
Why are everyone in the comment section, the media and around the world afraid to criticize Netanyahu and Israel? The hell with Netanyahu and Biden, they need to be in prison
Stop paying taxes i keep saying it. Theyll be on their knees begging the citizens. Not no but h. No!
Yes, there are stickers in Oklahoman. It's very painful if you get one in your foot…..
Where did Natali get her glasses? They block light reflection perfectly!
Ukraine sold it's soul to the devil
These two are traitors of USA 🙂
Nafo trolls can be proud of themselves cheering to these war criminals.
What's with the 30 minute intros?
Imagine these mothers and wifes saying their men are still out there, getting no compensation for their death and perhaps repeating loudly that more men should go fight and bring them back vs knowing they're dead, getting compensation from the budget and saying this war makes no sense and that Zalensky should change his stance. That changes a lot.
One can expect once the U.S claim ownership of certain Ukraine land areas they have incentive to go head to head in war with Russia, now protecting "their land". But Russia could blow such a plan into pieces, remains to see.
In any case the proximity of U.S forces and weaponry to Russian borders will remain a big deal for Russia.
There are no democrats anymore. That party needs a new name: “The Globalist Party.”
"Total vacillation" = use lots of Vaseline…
Coffee causes climate change?. Laughable at best. I ventured into the wonderful world of coffee roasting back in 1994 and life. Has never been the same. I've made countless trips to the central American coffee growing regions. And coffee uses so much water that of these coffee estate farmers don't even have to irrigate their trees.
Being that coffee estates are in the tropics band on the world's climate belts. And since coffee grow best in the central highlands areas. These estate farms get a higher than average rain fall of between 90" to 130" of natural rains per year! That's over 200mm annually. Oh and it's all natural, no industrialization required.
None of this water used by these farmers has ever effected any water supply that humanity would ever need. As these highlands were once heavily forested areas long before man came along. And there's pleantly of water for everybody. In fact these coffee plantations, use less water than the old growth forest used too consume. Thus they provide a net water savings thru managed cultivation. What ever water us not used & there's a lot of that. Becomes either runoff, or ground water seepage that provides civilization with an abundance of spring fresh water. That's of higher quality than exist in most cities local water supply in North America or Europe.
Trust me when I say this, the World is Not Drowning from coffee, or is there a threat of becoming a desert from Coffee! So please leave my coffee alone. Lol
Blessed are the ignorant,,, lordy they do not know chit, so let there be fear over my coffee! Hahahahaa
I love you dedication and passion for this show. You are the most reliable news channel.
Co2 is plant food and well WEF is harmful to our environment and our futures.
The Russian Army may have killed these soliders in combat, but it is the US supported Ukrainian government that is abusing the Ukrainian people. How much longer can the Ukrainian Army be a part of this monstrosity against their kin and rebel?
Do not humans release carbon dioxide?
The organic coffee is in Africa
Schwabs farts are related to climate change too 😂