The U.S. Constitution Marathon
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The Constitution of the United States has endured for almost two and a half centuries, enabling America to enjoy unparalleled freedom and prosperity. In this 10-part 5-Minute Video series, renowned constitutional scholars explore the origin, the philosophy, and the nuts and bolts of this extraordinary document.
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Or to the people.. the state government has taken away the people's powers. It's time to include the people more. ❤❤❤❤
Representation in a republic may or may not be freely elected by the general citizenry. In many historical republics, representation has been based on personal status and the role of elections has been limited. This remains true today; among the 159 states that use the word "republic" in their official names as of 2017, and other states formally constituted as republics, are states that narrowly constrain both the right of representation and the process of election.
The term developed its modern meaning in reference to the constitution of the ancient Roman Republic, lasting from the overthrow of the kings in 509 BC to the establishment of the Empire in 27 BC. This constitution was characterized by a Senate composed of wealthy aristocrats wielding significant influence; several popular assemblies of all free citizens, possessing the power to elect magistrates and pass laws; and a series of magistracies with varying types of civil and political authority.
They could not have imagined the Christian taking control pretending to be 2 political parties and then blocking the chance of 3rd or 4th parties…making it difficult for outsiders to change things…
Its TREASONOUS what the CHRISTIANS in AND WITH the DEMOCRATS and the REPUBLICANS gave been able to do.
It ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDS me that even a University and so-called educated people keep referring to “English colonies” and the “King of England”.
For goodness sake will Americans get it through their block heads that ‘England’ has not been a sovereign state for more than 300 years, almost a century before US independence.
The Declaration of Independence even states “the current King of Great Britain”.
There has been no sovereign state called England or anyone called King of England since 1707!!
This is not rocket science. It’s almost belligerent that Americans continue to peddle this rubbish.
It was my understanding that the Constructional Convention was totally secret led by George Washington.
A thoroughly sanitized view of the Constitution, totally divorced from the history. If you want a more accurate depiction of the period, Read "Founding Brothers" by Joseph Ellis.
Anyone who believes/states that slavery had no role in shaping the Constitution is ignoring the reality of the time.
Our Constitution has become a rag. A rag that’s not even fit to wash a window with. Why? Because “We the People” have lost sight. It totally disgusts me how Americans think nowadays with their constant excuses on our state of affairs. Americans literally think everything is our government’s fault when in reality it’s “We the People’s” fault. I feel like I wasted 18 years of my entire life in defense of my country. I only hope I’ll be around to say… “I told ya so.”
This shit is dangerous, don't let your kids near any of it
It should be made clear that the South, the slave owners, were the Democratic party. The KKK were Democrats. The Republican party was in the North fighting for freedom for the slaves. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican.
Oh my gosh. There was global warming as far back as 1776? (7:09) It's worse than I thought!
31:15 I need that on a shirt.
The founding fathers just casually making the most researched and well balanced government system ever. Surely they didn't expect this country to be the most powerful in all of history.
I wish the government actually functioned this way.
Is the idea of separation of church and state anywhere in the constitution?
They escaped the tyranny of King George an immediately instituted slavery in their constitution. 😈
PragerU is nothing but a very lame propaganda machine aimed at the gullible under-educated American public.
The only thing you will ever learn from these people is how far they will go to mislead and misinform you.
Trump and anyone who stands with him are enemies of the constitution. Trump tried to destroy our constitutional electoral process right before our eyes on January 6, 2021. He plotted to seize voting machines, tried to coerce state officials into overturning the certified result in their states to fraudulent declare him the winner, tried to pressure Mike Pence into throwing out valid electoral votes from battleground states so fraudulent ones could be substituted, and when all that failed he assembled a mob of his supporters at the moment Congress meeting in joint session to certify our constitutional electoral process and sent them to the Capitol building to stop it. Donald Trump is the enemy of our constitutional republic, and so is anyone who stands with him. They must be stopped.
Completely skipped over the slave trade clause in section 9
Bogus content from politicians IMPERSONATING an educational institution. Please call yourselves what you are, political hacks trying to push your opinionated beliefs on people as though they are historical facts.
As a foreigner, I love watching this video because it shows the great idea the US is based on and what we should all aspire to have also overseas. So sad to see the country being brought to hell, by both the citizens and those who should be serving it…
"Слобода је највећа глупост када не знаш како да је користиш"
((или ти лудаци пишу законе))
"Политику измислили људи да би избјегавали вјеру"
"Бог и створио човјека и дао му све слободе и дао му вјеру да глуп неби био или кориштен као робље а човјек си изабрао глупост"
нису политичати никада ништа измислили "да би човјек или жена" били имуни на паре а самим тиме све се може подкупити и тако продати читава америка као што је сада
не плачу родитељи по многим школама у америци од вјере него од невјере и манијака од корупције лудака који су парама успоставили своју глупост
– та онда нисте ви слободна држава ако тероризрате свој народ
– ви сте фашизам у повоју
We are controlled by laws of nature.
There is a general force of nature, and two opposite forces—bestowal and reception—extend from it.
We exist between these forces, and both of these qualities affect us.
Then, the question arises: How do we develop under the influence of these forces? Where do we act? Where are we free? How do we accumulate and correlate these two forces within ourselves? How can we build ourselves out of them?
These are the questions that the wisdom of Kabbalah engages in: how we receive these two forces in an optimal balance, and with their help, shape ourselves so as to resemble the very laws of nature, to arise and reach equivalence of form with the force of bestowal in nature. These very laws gave us the opportunity to control the pace of our progress in accepting them upon ourselves.
That is the point of our freewill.
How could we act if we do not have freewill? Who would we be? Would we just be like robots, always under control?
Until now, we have always been under control. What does it mean?
Nature as if injects a drop of egoism–the desire to enjoy at others’ expense–into us, and then it does so a little more, and a little more again, and we then get the impetus to move toward all kinds of egoistic goals. The more our egoism inflates, the more we become willing to move to increasingly gain at the expense of others. Nature constantly squeezes the syringe into us until it eventually infuses us with the full amount of egoism.
Our era is characterized by the syringe of egoism having become completely injected into us, with no more egoism left to inject. That is why we have nowhere left to run.
Where do we head from here? What do we do?
Moreover, egoism has become global and integral. In the beginning, we felt good because we reached egoistic global connections in the world and thought that everything would be fine. However, when such connections started depending on everyone, we turned out to be nature’s opposite.
At this juncture, we find ourselves with a major dilemma, and we need to work out what we do about it. Where our fully-inflated egoism coupled with our tightening global connections brings us to increasing problems around the world, today we require a new form of connection-enriching education that would have the ability to guide us on how to change our egoistic connections to altruistic ones. That is the key to a shift to a harmonious and peaceful world.
Love this long form lesson!
Gee, dont ya wish it still worked out the way our Founding Fathers framed it ? People dont know for the mist part how its suppised to work, dont care etc, get too much for free(nothin free) but they dont know that. Its eroded
In other word the cancer of the US xountry is the congress, and ppl is distracted blaming te clown.
Do you have a talk on the Supreme Court by another lecturer?
I agree with most comments here.
I was in school when we recited this Pledge of Allegiance, every single morning before class. Also, the worst thing that could happen was either a note home from your teacher, or a call to your parents. What happened???
Thank you, what great information & refresher
My state spent all it's money on a gigantic hovercraft that nobody can use. Ive had about enough with federalist philosophy. It sounds like a daydream.
From the standpoint of the American colonies during the time of the Declaration of Independence and the war with England, the movement towards independence would have been considered politically progressive. Every one of the political and social proposals were radically progressive and by today's standards conservatives would decry them as "woke".
Thanks for your good work. I love America and I wish everyone could see this, if only once.
Have you ever considered the possibility that Planned Obsolescence is more important than the Constitution.
Our politicians are technological morons who cannot figure out how to run a technological society. How much CO2 is the result of unnecessary manufacturing due to planned obsolescence?