The WEF is HIDING bugs in these foods and you don't even know it | Redacted with Clayton Morris
Don’t look now but your meat is going to be much harder to come by in the coming months. The WEF plan to eliminate beef production, remove farmers is coming to fruition. Replacing wheat with bugs… because as the WEF says they’re more sustainable. Before you say this is just a conspiracy theory..just visit the WEF’s website and read all the reports on eliminating meat in favor of bugs.
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Clayton Morris is a former Fox News anchor. In Redacted, Clayton and his wife Natali take an in-depth look at the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
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We have animal rights so does this mean we will have bug rights? ……Slaughter is slaughter is it not!!
Is this halal?
I guess restaurant owners no longer have to get inspected by the Health Dept
Finally !! The hunger is over in Africa..
They have discovered the springcock burger there !!
I think they are already selling fake meat here in Ireland. I shop at dunces stores its a huge supermarket chain and they sell beef medallions in their 3 for ten meats. I can prove it but it tastes different and I believe its fake meat being already sole
Nobody voted for them, Or need them.
FYI. The global leaders are trying to move us away from big cities…. especially near large bodies of water.
Also. Bugs grow without much light and
Produce (like wheat, grass, exc…)
Maybe. They are trying to do right by us and we don't understand. After a polar excurssion…growing anything will be very very difficult.
Point is. They can't save us from a global cataclysm.
Problem with flying is our magnetic shield of earth is depleated ,,. No not because of humans….its a cycle our whole solar system goes through. And yes. Its affecting the other planets also.
Don't be so quick to accept things thrown at you. Study the issue. I did.
Fyi. I was given a heads up. They are already feeding us this crap without our knowledge or consent.
The meat that looks like regular meat and can even fool a butcher. Saw it on a documentary also..they tell us. But you have to pay attention.
This is allowed because the men behind all this stuff have puppets in place to take the blow-back.
The controling men are very very agressive. I have seen and heard them. Yes. They are in your community. Look around your leaders. Not at them.
Yum, yum, a belly full of bugs! Oh, goody, goody gumdrops!
REPTILES love to eat BUGS,,,,,!!!
I wish someone would acquire the menus from the Davos and WEF opulent meetings!
We eat all kinds of animals… what's the big deal about eating bugs?
not gonna happen
I just said this about crickets. Kinda jokingly. Yikes
The end goal is depopulation theres to many of us to control so they want us dead
Instead of Philly Steak & cheese it will be Phily Bugs & cheese 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡 If you fill up a 5 gallon bucket with weeds, free weeds, fill up the bucket of weeds with water, put the lid on, wait 6-8 weeks. Instant, stinky, liquid gold fertilizer with no chemicals, but don't use poison ivy or oak, lol
So instead of having flour in your bread you will now have crickets? What do the vegans think about this?
So how do they humanely kill the bugs?
They just want to stick it to us in the worst way so that we revolt.
I prefer glass bottles over plastic. I think there are many benefits, environmental and otherwise, to using glass and not plastic.
Everyone take a look at the movie Soylent Green, this is where we are headed. It’s about the haves and the have nots, we need to rise up and make a stand now. Let’s get rid of WEF and WHO. You know what, let’s kick out the United Nations as well. We need to be proactive on getting this country back to what it once was.
Humans need meat, it makes us strong
This is not "Where we're going". It is where they DREAM we will go. Dreams die hard but reality wins in the end.
This is Agenda 2030! They are not calling this program by name.
I do not think that people are taking the WEF seriously as it is coming out with ridiculous proposals such a eliminating gardening and forcing people to get rid of their pets and not just cats and dogs, but lizards, birds, etc. There was a state legislator who took the lead to charge residents a $20 year charge per pet per household to serve as an incentive to ditch their pets who are contributing to climate change. I would assume that the fees collected from the state residents would be used to fund carbon dioxide mitigation programs. The spontaneous public outcry was c so great was that the proposal was withdrawn immediately.
Why is Bill gates owning 270000 acres of land.